Could this community go without attacking the devs...

Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285


Jesus yall. When will you realize that everything wrong with this game is us?


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    chuckles ahhh I love seeing it actually, just knowing that people tend to not think when attacking the devs even though without the devs, this game wouldn’t exist.

    Already know someone is gonna say “StOp DeFeNdInG dEvS” and you know what, I will defend them.

    (Wholesome time)

    Seeing the amount of issues this game has via balancing makes me want to become a game dev (not for this game most likely but who knows) some day, just to see exactly how hard it is to balance a game and throw that this way, as balancing is hard people, along with bug fixes and everything.

    These devs are doing their job well actually and all they get is backlash after backlash after backlash and it makes me feel bad for them

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Really? Do you think nerfing Hillbilly was worth death threats?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,765

    I agree that the devs are trying pretty damn hard and the game has improved significantly than what it once was.

    Take the Endgame Collapse for instance, an absolutely amazing change that came with almost no bugs and was overall very good for game health.

    This is the standard we should be holding the devs to, however, in terms of quality. Because they've proven they can do it. They've proven they can be incredibly competent developers- I mean look at Freddy- however like we should celebrate their successes we should hold them accountable for their failures- example, Nurse.

    The community does need to take a chill pill and at least try and focus on the positives (like buffed bubba :D) but I'm not going to blame the player for asylum's bullshit pallet spawns, or the deadzone of a map that is Shelter Woods.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    I love this game, but with the new auras, they crossed the line...

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Ive seen people on the subreddit and YT comments threatening to shoot up BHVR employee homes.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I can absolutely agree that most of the time, the developers have absolutely the best intentions for the game, and generally speaking they do have a rough idea of how to best push the game forward and appease as many players within the overall community as much as possible. Unironically, I think they've done a "pretty good job so far"


    That being said, I don't think that completely absolves the devs of all wrongdoing. There are indeed times when they ######### up, and it's good that usually they learn from their mistakes however at the same time as being some of the smartest people when it comes to the game it can often feel they are the most detached and unsympathetic.

    I always like to keep to the devs side and have faith, but when they warrant my criticism it is entirely justified (because in all honesty, it's rare that I criticize the devs at all). A perfect example is the recent change to auras, this was something absolutely nobody asked for, it wasn't a system or mechanic that necessarily needed an update, and yet the devs still felt the need to change it anyway. And somehow they managed to make it worse in all facets, from general quality to visibility, it was an all around disaster. Worst of all it completely alienated the Colorblind community who suffered from this change the most, where even people with perfect vision have trouble seeing auras, they were completely invisible to those who suffered from certain kinds of colorblindness like red-green colorblind. This undoubtedly is something that the community has every right and reason to be outraged by.

    And it's not like this is the only example either, add-ons and more specifically Ultra Rares are consistently on a downward trend in quality and usefulness, and it's almost as if the devs have no idea what does and doesn't make a good add-on. The Lopro chains were a perfect example of this and it was frustrating how painstakingly obvious what a viable version of the add-on looked like. One where it only dealt a single state of damage after you cut through a pallet.

    These are the decisions coming from the devs (which the community had NO impact on or say in) that really rustle my jimmies, and to be honest for the first time in a long time my faith in the devs was truly rattled this mid-chapter patch.

    After seeing that they're working on buffing those very add-ons and fixing the issue regarding auras, my faith has been (if ever so briefly) restored. It's good to see that they're getting quicker at correcting the mistakes they do make and take action sooner rather than later. That improvement in the face of failure is something I can get behind wholeheartedly.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Community attacking the devs has gotten them mostly everything wanted so far - case in point the devs backing down on balancing Billy.

    When the developers reward the players like that obviously the players will keep doing it.

    They should stick to their guns and give billy the balance update that he deserves

  • xgicherryx
    xgicherryx Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2020

    thank you for that.

    when my brother introduced me this game, he said: "its cool to support a independent group". I think they actually DID have a pretty good job so far, and comunnity should be able to complain with a little more respect.

    but.. idk.. I've come from League of Legends 😂 so im used to horrible communities

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Depends on the killer, and it's not the fact that you only have one kind of attack. I personally can't find ANY enjoyment holding a chainsaw, camping or targeting one specific person just because they lucked out and spawned next to me but other people do.

    I enjoy playing Pig to toy with survivors and really mess with their heads. Combination of turning my stealth on and off, occasional tactical slugging and fast Ambush attacks. Basically becoming a predator hunting prey. Y'know that killers are meant to be.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    There are a few problems that the devs should be held accountable for, such as the initial PTB version of Ghostface.

    Most of it though it the community not taking a collective chill-pill, and calm the Entity down. I've never seen such a bunch of whining brats as I have on these forums and I've been a Warhammer player for 10 years!

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I had no idea the "silent while slugged" bug was my fault.

  • Lucent
    Lucent Member Posts: 209

    I only wish the best for the devs. I wish they would get better at survivor so they can stop nerfing killers.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    As i recall it was only a few survivor mains crying for billy nerf. The complaint was getting one shotted in dead zones. I never saw the issue, they deserved it. Billy's chase music is awful the saw overpowers the Terror music until until he is right on top of you. I used to love a match versus billy now I hate it. I used to love playing as billy, now i hate it. Awesome change, needed and deserved. the aura rework is awful, absolutely awful. My gut feeling is that there was a problem on mobile and they "fixed" it across all platforms.

    Behavior, as a studio, is incompetent and got lucky with one game being a massive hit because the concept was good. Even then the original game needed emergency fixes. They clearly dont test their game and aren't passionate about the game. They are like midas except instead of gold its feces. For the devs to stop getting trashed they need to bring the quality of their work up to about an 8. They are currently running at a 0.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    See, thats a very defensive post because at no point did I ever mention survivors or killers, I just said “players”. Billy was just the most recent example.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    There are things that need fixing.

    The "BHVR" of the community is probably the biggest thing. I honestly don't know how some of the big names that keep getting mentioned, quoted, posted, and used as legitimate authority here got their fame, as they are some of the biggest proponents of negativity in this game. Their reach and attitude creates a lot of mimics who spout their rhetoric as if it were the truth, when it's honestly a mix of both, but we(the community at large) have mostly decided that if BHVR doesn't fix their problems first we shouldn't be held responsible for being garbage human beings to one another.

    And I'm not saying they shouldn't be negative, but the way they espouse their critique doesn't actually do anything constructive, it just creates a mob of fans who view every highlighted match their streamer plays as the cold hard truth of the entire game.

    The truth is there are problems with the game, but those problems don't excuse our rotten behavior. And unfortunately until that behavior changes, nothing BHVR does will matter, because there will always, always be something the negative Nancys and Steves think is broken and needs changing.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Do you know what happens when a competitve dbd squad faces a killer which isn't the nurse? No? well, that killer gets completely annihilated. No chance to get over the gen rush, even the spirit, because there simply isn't, against spirit just running in a straight line gives you enough time to gen rush all the gens, and if she camps you just win and she just gets 1 kill and the other 3 escape, back to the drawing board.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320
  • Ireath
    Ireath Member Posts: 91

    I think it is okay for people to be mad at the devs when they don't acknowledge issues, don't do what they said they would do or give next to no information on what is happening i.e. console optimisation, make bugs worse with each patch.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The devs are liers. They said server side hit detection would be out with the patch it wasnt theres a lie. Remember console optimization that's another lie they told it got worse with the update. The devs make terrible balance decisions and just straight up lie.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    I am a big fan of the devs and will generally not resort to attacking them since it’s pretty clear they’re trying. Within . Sone things, like whatever tf is going on with auras, are inexcusable, and I fully support people being as aggressive as they need to be to get the problem sorted immediately. Please and thanks

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I wouldn't say that community just attacking the devs with complains and never appreciate their work. Amount of playerbase speaks for itself. Also there tons of content on youtube and twitch with people having fun in dbd. There is also tons of fan art and other fan made stuff. Community shows their love to devs too.

    And we all can comlain sometimes when we feel helpless. We can't see new auras, we can get our favorite perks ok characters nerfed, we can just lose 10 games in a row because of something overpowered being abused by opponents. This is not just attacking, this is a feedback from community to devs.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I'm sorry that holding the devs up to the standard of the EGC is too harsh.

    Seriously though, I can only speak for myself, but I do not want anyone to harass the devs. They put in a lot of work (even if some of it is questionable), and deserve to be recognized for that effort alone. That doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize their design decisions based on their merits, though.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Basekit billy didn't need the nerf though, only their addons... and you'll find most players in agreement with that opinion.