Memento Mori

Looking at the Killer's Moris, I thought most of them were rather boring. Some of them were really great cus it fits with their iconicness and their lore (I.e. Mike Myers and The Clown). However-not naming names (Wraith) aren't that exciting. So basically, do you think the Mori's should be redesigned?
Memento Mori 19 votes
trapper and wraith's moris need an update
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Yeah, I wish they got some redesigns
I mean, yeah, OG three killers - Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly - might use a new Mori-animation. Old ones are very basic and uninteresting, compared to others.
And if they somehow manage to make major parts of survivor's bodies disappear/change in real-time, I'd really prefer heads going off in Demo's Mori and an iconic Mori for Pyramid Head from the first movie, where he takes girl's skin off like it's nothing.
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Yeah, I wish they got some redesigns
Trapper: Add a second mori that he can only do whle holding traps, in that mori he smacks the survivors head with the trap.
Wraith: Idk just keep that feet grabbing thing.
Pig: Explode the survivor head with some crazy mori-only trap.
Freddy: Bruh, complete rework it.