What is fun about vsing swf?



  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Im a survivor main who play with my friends a lot and i really feel sorry for killer mains, i only play killer to do my challenges and it's always a hell, now im anxious before every match when i try to play killer. But just keep in mind that not every swf is a bully squad, me and my friends are pretty chill, due to the bad mmr we had a match against a baby huntress last week, we only realised that she was new in the endgame, we went after her and started to point to the hooks but she refused and carried us to the gates, she was a rank 18 and we had a pretty good talk with her afterwards.

  • AgitatedPenguin
    AgitatedPenguin Member Posts: 93

    If anything, I find vsing SWF better than solos as they actually give you a challenge. Additionally, the amount of super altruistic groups you get who are determined to get everyone out, you can abuse them just as much as they can abuse you.

    Although, I feel when you get SWF they should go up against a much stronger killer player skill-wise. I think the biggest mistake people make especially in red ranks is just assuming every good team are SWF. They can just be really good players.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    And it seems the easiest misunderstanding all week. The question was about "vsing" and not playing.

    But I think you knew that and just listed those points you like about swf not why it is fun to play against.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Just to comment, VoIP were never part of the game and are the essential point why swf feels/is an unfair advantage.

    But hey I may have only 150 hours (since release) in this game and may not know what I am talking about, but using logic.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Depends on the SWF, not all are death squads. Generally more frustrating as killer to play against though.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Then why not just play Identity V? I play solo survivor because i like the lack of information this game resolve around. And while swf is a problem, the solution is not buffing solos, but seperate them from swf.

    Yeah, i know its not gonna happen, but some people like the uncertainty.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Except killers literally have accused me of being in a SWF while I was streaming in solo queue so it actually happens all the time. Just because you get dominated, doesn't mean it was a SWF

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    SWF is good for people that simply enjoy playing games with there mates and the interaction that is part of it.

    Yes I play with Comms but don't bully the killer, and spend most of the time talking to my mate about random stuff.

    Yes SWF for bullies and tryhards, no but SWF gaming is important for the social and fun aspect too

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Pretty much this right here. Half of my friends are trash at the game. If I encountered them as randoms, I would flame them in post game chat for being useless XD

    That said, as friends.... we are pretty chill and sometimes we make stupid plays and laugh about them. Or I'll just run and give someone For the People just so I can get tunneled because altruism is our main things. It's pretty much the reason we hate camping so much. We don't care about escaping, we care about getting as many teammates out as possible. If 3 of us die, but I make a play that allows the 4th person to escape, that's a gg for me.

  • Valiant_Majesty
    Valiant_Majesty Member Posts: 39

    When I decide to play Survivor, a majority of my time is spent in Solo. But when I do play with friends, none of us even run the meta, besides Borrowed Time if the Killer decides to camp. I like using Aftercare, one of my buddies likes Alert, and my other friend likes using Windows of Opportunity because she's not the best in chase. But like, who cares? We just wanna have fun when we play.

    We're no exception to the 'MURDER ALL SWF' rule (Killers running Moris, using Ultra Rare add ons, slugging, tunneling, etc). But we don't complain too much. It's a shame the game has come to such a level, but it's understandable in the same sense. The sweat squads have gotten the less sweaty, genuine for-fun groups stereotyped into the 'ALL SWF'S ARE SWEATY' mentality.

    I guess it's the old saying. A few bad apples spoil the whole bunch.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Yea I'm just that much of a troll I'd just deliberately misread the title and list reasons why I like swf lol definitely not because I was having a few drinks with a mate that night 😉

    I actually do find it fun to face swf teams. Here's some reasons why:

    • Not a guaranteed 4k
    • Beating a sweaty team feels amazing
    • Beating a cocky team is brilliant
    • Beating a swf team with a meme build is hilarious
    • Easier to predict what they're doing (I.e flashlight saves)
    • More likely to get salt (personally the funniest thing in this game)

    There is more I could probably think of but these are the only ones I could think of in 5 mins.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    Nothing. When you start feeling like a Home Alone villain it's time to alt-tab and go back to watching YT videos until it's over. Let them waste their time.