So Devs... Can you rework moris?



  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    I'm completely new to the game but I have to say, this is a really good idea.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Yellow and green moris are ok. Eboni can still allow you to kill all 4 survivors, but only after 2nd hook. That way the killer has to do some work just like survivors do with keys. Think about it. In order to use a key you have to be last remaining survivor or have one more gen done than you do survivors. 5 for all 4, 4 for 3, 3 for 2. An eboni only requires 1 hook per survivor in order to kill, which can make a match very short and irritating for the survivors. No time to enjoy the game, very few points, and usually a depip. For killers it's 4 hooks instead of 12 and alot less time chasing. It's the easy way out for killers that don't like the true challenge of the game.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    If you going to nerf moris, please adjust the trophy requirements for Blood on your Face.

    It's one of only 4 trophies I still need in the base list (all 4 are killer trophies).

    I have only attempted it twice but both times had survivor DCs that prevent me getting it. I don't play killer much so I don't have many offerings to attempt this with.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    The point is that it CAN be a nerf to keys if the killer sees one in a lobby and wants to do something about it. There is no such thing for moris (other than DC'ing). So, more has been done to nerf/counter keys than moris. Yes, you may view it as a small counter/nerf or nothing at all, but the point is that something has been done while moris have been untouched.

  • Bellysmacker
    Bellysmacker Member Posts: 58

    Not sure how long you have been playing this game but when the game was released, you didn't even have to hook to mori. Just down then and mori. Your statement that nothing has been changed isn't completely accurate. I dislike moris as well. The topic we were discussing however was keys. I don't know why people always have to do a comparison. Moris and keys are both broken.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Keys don't need to be changed though... People barely use keys.... Because they are dead before they get to use it, or they can easily escape through the Exit Gates.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I look at it this way, Moris are strong in any match as a killer be it against Solo Que or against a SWF team. Keys however are only OP when in a SWF team that abuse them. I mean have you ever really tried to use a key from the start of the match and manage to get more then yourself out alive? If you can say yes then congrats to you and please explain to us how you managed to get that stranger to listen to you because when I wave FOLLOW ME FOLLOW ME they look and run the other way.

    As a killer you can always choose to run FD and then no matter if the survivor brought a key or FOUND that all might scary key then you can smack that hoe senseless and make them drop it. Oh also I did not know until a few youtubers mentioned it but if the killer gets to the hatch, key or not, and stands on the now closed hatched you cannot push the killer off that hatch to use the key. This was knowledge I sadly did not know.

    Mori's have no counter what so ever and survivors do not even get the chance to use a perk equivalent to FD to counter Mori because DS does not stop it because you do not have to pick the survivor up. It seems yes I will agree both are strong but one is clearly more OP in every match where the other is only OP in given situations.

    Also to the people that get mad when a survivor gets that slight lucky chance and finds a key in a chest and escapes. It is not the end of the world if one person escapes. I mean the same can be said about moris as well but I do not mind either and just clearly see Mori's used MUCH more in my games because there is no way to stop them. I hardly see survivors bring in keys because they know the killer is just gonna tunnel them dead. To sum up my dumb post Moris OP in every match and SWF make Keys OP when they plan and make their 4 man escapes.

    I am just another dumb person with a dumb opinion. lol Please ignore me. =)

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Agreed moris and keys are pretty busted. Both basically end the game early. Both are obvious to the killer and survivor. Both have little to no counter play. Remember two side gents and ladies. If you think your side has something obnoxious or unfair then you need to also observe what the other side has to contend with. Imo both need changes. Mori's can function like pyramid heads ability to kill on death hook as for keys the hatch only spawns when all gens are done or during the endgame collapse.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I've been playing for over 3 years. Well, then I'll amend my statement to they haven't been changed in a long time.

    People always bring them up together, even though moris allowing skipping of 2 hooks per survivor and hatch only allows skipping of gate (and must have spawned first). I don't see them as the same since moris are far more skipping of time than keys.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I like your token system for moris idea. I don’t know if the problem is severe enough to warrant a fix but first hook moris are cheap and not a fun way to play.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited August 2020

    I like that you are trying to come up with solutions but there is only one problem with the hatch idea. If you get all gens done why take the hatch? You get more points opening the gates you now already have powered up. I am not saying you are wrong but just pointing out that part. It would be like playing killer and slugging a survivor but not hooking them for those final points kinda? lol

    I currently do not mind Keys even when I play killer because the hatch within itself for most solo ques can be hard to make spawn and find. I do feel like keys are OP only when we see SWF who already break the game use them and plan every step so they can all escape. I kind of even like going against moris but I can see why both sides dislikes them but, and this might make some people made and I do not mean to but, I feel like people who think the keys are that OP are killers that are mad over not getting that 4k all because 1 or 2 people got away. The game was never built to always get the 4k. I guess maybe I just do not take the game that serious and enjoy and play it for what it is. =)

    Once again I like that you are trying to come up with ideas in solutions instead of problems. Keep it up and good luck in your games with this new matchmaking system and have a great day. =)

    Post edited by Wylesong on
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Moris are supposed to a unique animation not to bypass 2/3 hooks you are supposed to get also if 4 gens are done the game is pretty much over.

  • Bellysmacker
    Bellysmacker Member Posts: 58

    Well then it seems you don't play killer at red rank much but maybe you do idk. I agree that moris need a change but keys are just as strong. It is not hard for a team to spawn hatch.

    There are so many games where i play what survivors see as fair you know, don't tunnel camp ect. Play fair and get super frustrated by mechanics in the game but maintain good pressure where it looks like i am going to win with a good 3 gen situation. 1 survivor finally dead. Last three do nothing but creep for hatch and escape. Brutal killer. Whole game lost because of one key.

    I also hate waiting 5 to 10 mins for a match as survivor on ps4 just to be tunnelled off hook to get moried. It sucks. There are a lot of crappy killers out there that play like crap.

    I would like to see people have a discussion and stay on topic without saying what about this. People need to acknowledge that yes moris are broken and yes keys are broken to.

    Good thing i heard both will be getting some changes soon!

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    To be honest, this is the type of answer I prefer. Acknowledging necessary changes for both sides.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Both are part of the problem, the fact that dbd has these "extremes" of balance, like keys, medkit endurance, DS and unbreakable, iridescent Huntress, tombstone Myers ( not op but annoying), head pop pig, gen rush ( gen time), spirit stridor, midwich object of obsession, Haddonfield fences and random infinites, Badham and Haddonfield fun house, etc etc