Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Most Desired Changes From The DBD Community

DepravedKiller Member Posts: 182
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

Hello All,

I lurk these forums pretty consistently. Although i do not always reply or post i have however noticed the same suggestions,concerns, idea or feedback get mentioned.

So to the #Devs, here in no particular order the main topics are:
1. Hatch Standoff
2. Nurse Balance
3. Decisive Strike Balance
4. Freddy Balance
5. SWF Balance
6. Pig Balance

If i missed any please let me know and i'll edit this post to add it.

Post edited by DepravedKiller on


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global said:

    @Usui said:

    @Global said:
    Nurse has gotten nothing but nerfs just let the girl live just because she is the only killer who can counter the jungle gyms of looping doesnt make her OP it makes her balanced. (if by nurse balance you meant nerf)

    Man you're quite the troll aren't you? In what world do you think nurse is balanced?

    In one were looping a killer for 5 gens is possible. So the world we currently live in.

    Have you met the 4-5 blink Nurse lately, or the improved Hag wrecking face. Lets not forget the rank 1 Freddy's that do well and the rank 1 Wraiths and Trappers that know what they're doing. If you're a killer and getting looped for 5 gens then you're a bad killer.

    Because if you let yourself get looped that long you deserve to lose plain and simple because you chose to keep getting looped instead of going after someone else.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Hello All,

    I lurk these forums pretty consistently. Although i do not always reply or post i have however noticed the same suggestions,concerns, idea or feedback get mentioned.

    So to the #Devs, here in no particular order the main topics are:
    1. Hatch Standoff
    2. Nurse Balance
    3. Decisive Strike Balance
    4. Freddy Balance
    5. SWF Balance

    If i missed any please let me know and i'll edit this post to add it.

    Hello All,

    I lurk these forums pretty consistently. Although i do not always reply or post i have however noticed the same suggestions,concerns, idea or feedback get mentioned.

    So to the #Devs, here in no particular order the main topics are:
    1. Hatch Standoff
    2. Nurse Balance
    3. Decisive Strike Balance
    4. Freddy Balance
    5. SWF Balance

    If i missed any please let me know and i'll edit this post to add it.

    You missed the lack of competitiveness. 
    Oh and btw, nurse is the only killer that reaches a two kill average in a competitive setting.
    The devs consider a two kill average balanced 
  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186

    Its interesting to note that many of those topics of conversation, have in reality the same origin, exept for the hatch standoff which just looks like a poor design choice. So let's see how it goes:

    1. Nurse balance: this killer has the unique ability to not be looped over pallets and windows, so the only way to survive around her, is to hide. I might be wrong but I guess that SWF players would consider the nurse more balanced if they cared to hide properly instead of using their usual tactics which is: the best looper taunt the killer, while the other repair generators and prepare for body block/voice communicated pallet drop/rescue. So I suppose, Nurse's "problem" is more a SWF survivor problem, because they're not willing to adapt their beloved strategy.

    2. Decisive strike: when it lands (I mean when you don't down the survivor again after 5 seconds), decisive strike reset the loop engine. Honestly, in my killer ranks I've havn't seen many OP Decisive Strike play ; some where, but not the majority of them. I guess the perk itself would'nt be much a problem if killers in general didn't sucked as much at chasing survivors ; and/or if the survivors where less organized in the body blocking and the gen rushing area. DS just amplifies the flaws in the game's balance. Fixing real existing problem might fix DS as well.

    3. Freddy's balance: let's see, here we have the only killer who can't camp. Also, he is the only killer which add an altruistic action to the game (waking up) ; so in a word: no camp and survivor more dependant on each other = this killer rewards altruistic gameplay. It sounds logic that he's doing so bad in the current envirronment, because SWF players will always have the best result in the altruistic area. They'll regroup, and wake themselves up in the blink of an eye, thanks to their voice communication. I know Self Care is also a huge part of Freddy's problem, but as long as this character gameplay will rely solely on sneaking on groups of survivor, pull them in the nightmare, and then chase one of them, while the others have a substancial debuff, SWF will always have the upperhand tactics and organization. Ultimately, in the current setting, if Freddy was buffed, he might crush solo players much more than SWF players, and this shouldn't be called "balance".

    4. I know it looks like I'm pinning everything down on the SWF players, but there is nothing wrong to play with friends. However, voice communicating during a DBD game is SO WRONG in so many ways. But balance is not the only issue with voice comms ; because of it, the game itself will never reach its full potential. In the request section of this forum, we can often read comments about how cool it would be to have a killer disguised in a survivor. Guess what, this will NEVER EVER HAPPEN as long as players are communicating during the game, because the whole power would be pointless. Regardless of balance issues, I guess this in itself is sad.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753


    You're right, but SWF isn't the only problems, and by far.

    It just tend to exacerbate even more all the original flaws, pallet looping, ######### unbalanced map design, crutch/second chance perks,...

    The list goes on.

    The Depip Squad actually stopped their test without voice com with meta perks because they got a 50 wins streak.

    Toxic survivors will say that all of these killers sucked LUL.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    I have seen more threads asking for Pig buffs than Nurse nerfs as far as i remember.
  • Plippy
    Plippy Member Posts: 187

    Guys...guys...we've gotten shirtless David King, I think it's time for trouserless Dwight.

  • deadbydaylightfan
    deadbydaylightfan Member Posts: 262

    Hello All,

    I lurk these forums pretty consistently. Although i do not always reply or post i have however noticed the same suggestions,concerns, idea or feedback get mentioned.

    So to the #Devs, here in no particular order the main topics are:
    1. Hatch Standoff
    2. Nurse Balance
    3. Decisive Strike Balance
    4. Freddy Balance
    5. SWF Balance

    If i missed any please let me know and i'll edit this post to add it.

    These are all killer suggestions I do play killer but when I play survivor I want to 1.not be hit through pallets 2. Not be hit through vaults 3. Useless perks to be actually good this is for both sides and just bug fixes but I like your suggestions too hatch standoff and ds are getting boring
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    The only thing that needs to be balanced on the blinky girl is her addons. At base nurse is right where she needs to be. 2 blinks is all any good nurse needs. Her 3 blink addon should be made an ultra rare and the 4 and 5 blink ones reworked.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Utna said:
    Its interesting to note that many of those topics of conversation, have in reality the same origin, exept for the hatch standoff which just looks like a poor design choice. So let's see how it goes:

    1. Nurse balance: this killer has the unique ability to not be looped over pallets and windows, so the only way to survive around her, is to hide. I might be wrong but I guess that SWF players would consider the nurse more balanced if they cared to hide properly instead of using their usual tactics which is: the best looper taunt the killer, while the other repair generators and prepare for body block/voice communicated pallet drop/rescue. So I suppose, Nurse's "problem" is more a SWF survivor problem, because they're not willing to adapt their beloved strategy.

    I disagree. I think McLean once mentioned that Nurse was designed during a time the Devs thought the game was 50% stealth, 50% chase. So making a good Chase, but bad tracking killer seemed fine. But the thing is too much stealth is "boring", so the map/game design focused more and more around chase than hiding spots. So those spots are so limited, that hiding from a killer MidChase or after beeing tracked is almost useless.
    Besides, if a killer gives up finding you, they arent busy and will relocate and try to find a survivor on an easier spot/gen. Hiding is occasionally fine, but can't be the only solution to counter a killer.
    The best way playing agains Nurse is occasionally hiding, efficient gen progression, and keeping her busy while beeing chased, which is doable depending which AddOns she has attached. You can even pallet stun her sometimes. Well rarely. Actually SWF is better doing so. Solo Survivors on the other hand ... well we know how much of a gamble that is in general.
    The main issue with Nurse is that sometimes her blinks and hits look kinda wonky on the Survivor perspective. It's hard to explain, but really there are moments when you wonder how she blinked like that or how she made a hit etc. Stuff that makes it harder to learn playing against her. Besides that there those people who only know how to run in circles, can't get out of their comfort zone while facing her. But really. The issues people have with Nurse have nothing to do with SWF. It's more how players feel about her mechanics.

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    They just need to add an opt-out option for swf. 
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Or nurf survive with friends to survive with friend so one helper at a time just means you know someone's got you back but not much else
  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Swf isn't going to get balanced, they are buffing solo players to be on par with swf. 
  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678
    edited September 2018

    SWF is an easy fix, just don't let dead people see what everyone in the match has until the match is over.

    "Be like a good dead person and SHUT UP!"

  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186

    @azazer said:
    Swf isn't going to get balanced, they are buffing solo players to be on par with swf. 

    Yup, I guess the new survivor perk with the auto-hook save (Liberate ?) is here to testify that ... I can't picture SWF survivor playing it ; but here's the problem: as a solo survivor, I can't picture me playing it either because it is so damn situationnal !

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    SWF is an easy fix, just don't let dead people see what everyone in the match has until the match is over.

    "Be like a good dead person and SHUT UP!"

    As if it was the only thing making voice comm users more efficient than solo ones. Dude, you're kidding right ?

    @Freudentrauma said:
    I disagree. I think McLean once mentioned that Nurse was designed during a time the Devs thought the game was 50% stealth, 50% chase. So making a good Chase, but bad tracking killer seemed fine. But the thing is too much stealth is "boring", so the map/game design focused more and more around chase than hiding spots. So those spots are so limited, that hiding from a killer MidChase or after beeing tracked is almost useless.

    Unless the killer stuns herself after using her attaks. We're talking nurse here: she runs slower than survivors and give them some time so flee when she's missing a blink attack. Based on these informations, I believe she was designed to be the killer from who you must hide (even mid chase). And to support that idea, I would say that Nurse's calling is a perk designed with the idea of losing an injured survivor during a chase, and catch him up again later. Also many people compare her to the upcoming Spirit, probably because when she's using her power, you better hide instead of running in circles like most players do.

    @Freudentrauma said:
    Besides, if a killer gives up finding you, they arent busy and will relocate and try to find a survivor on an easier spot/gen.

    And they will loose a very precious time doing so. Right now, killers that aren't busy are loosing their time and the game with it.

    @Freudentrauma said:
    Hiding is occasionally fine, but can't be the only solution to counter a killer.

    The only solution to counter a killer is to repair generators. Obviously, one can't hide while repairing them, so there is no point to believe it is the only victory condition. We agree, the stealth part of the gameplay must be occasionnal, but I guess it is more rewarding to be sneaky, when facing a nurse, than with any other killer.

    @Freudentrauma said:
    But really. The issues people have with Nurse have nothing to do with SWF. It's more how players feel about her mechanics.

    Nurse is a very potent killer against loops, but at the same time, she stuns herself to move fast. So, I believe, her mechanics is to make the stealth part more important than the chase part ... how many times did I read in these forums: "your best allied against nurse is the corn field." I gueess, What players are wandering about her mechanics is : "Why can't I easy loop her like any other killer ? Please, nerf her !!"
    And the answer to that question might be: "because you're not supposed to."

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123
    1. Hatch Standoffs: Allow the Exit Gates to be openable when everyone else is dead.
    2. Nurse Balance: Remover her triple blink add on, everything else is fine with nurse tbh.
    3. DS balance: Make it 2 skill checks instead of one, this would increase the fail rate and make it more skill based.
    4. Freddy Balance: They are working on Freddy, my main issue with him is how reliant he is on his power to interact with the survivors, he can't hit them or pull them off gens without his power and he's countered by self care.
    5. SWF needs to be limited to just duos, no 3 or 4 man squads or swf has to be a 3v1 lobby automatically.
  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2018

    @Giche said:
    The Depip Squad actually stopped their test without voice com with meta perks because they got a 50 wins streak.

    Toxic survivors will say that all of these killers sucked LUL.

    Sounds interesting. Where can I learn more about that Depip squad's 50 wins streak ?

    @akbays35 said:
    5. SWF needs to be limited to just duos, no 3 or 4 man squads or swf has to be a 3v1 lobby automatically.

    I guess I could live with that. One other solution might be to remove one perk slot to each SWF for each of their teamates.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753


    My bad, they actually finished it since then, that was were i stopped watching.

    Everything is there , if you have some time to spend :p

    Also look at the doc posted in video's description of each test, some interresting stat'.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Utna said:

    @azazer said:
    Swf isn't going to get balanced, they are buffing solo players to be on par with swf. 

    Yup, I guess the new survivor perk with the auto-hook save (Liberate ?) is here to testify that ... I can't picture SWF survivor playing it ; but here's the problem: as a solo survivor, I can't picture me playing it either because it is so damn situationnal!

    No, they were talking about making kindred part of the base survivor experience to better simulate the communication advantage SWF has. They are slowly rebalancing the game around SWF but have to bring the rest of the community up to that level by default.
  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Utna said:
    Unless the killer stuns herself after using her attaks. We're talking nurse here: she runs slower than survivors and give them some time so flee when she's missing a blink attack. Based on these informations, I believe she was designed to be the killer from who you must hide (even mid chase). And to support that idea, I would say that Nurse's calling is a perk designed with the idea of losing an injured survivor during a chase, and catch him up again later. Also many people compare her to the upcoming Spirit, probably because when she's using her power, you better hide instead of running in circles like most players do.

    But the thing with the Nurse stun is, is that it's quite short for proper hiding. She knows where you were before and on most maps your hiding options are like I said limited for good reasons. Besides if you go hiding you can move maximal walking speed. So you risk still beeing close to the Nurse Lunge range. And get an easy hit. It's too risk or too hard. Personally I feel like trying to bait out a missed Nurse strike or outplay her blink feels more rewarding after all and is less risk taking.

    @Utna said:
    And they will loose a very precious time doing so. Right now, killers that aren't busy are loosing their time and the game with it.

    Yes but, I might have to heal myself while the Nurse can easily surprise/catch another survivor by blinking towards a gen. Or what would be the worst, find a weaker chain than me, which can screw over the entire team.

    @Utna said:
    Nurse is a very potent killer against loops, but at the same time, she stuns herself to move fast. So, I believe, her mechanics is to make the stealth part more important than the chase part ... how many times did I read in these forums: "your best allied against nurse is the corn field." I gueess, What players are wandering about her mechanics is : "Why can't I easy loop her like any other killer ? Please, nerf her !!"
    And the answer to that question might be: "because you're not supposed to."

    One big advantage the corn field also has is that you won't have any walls or objects limiting your movement, which is necessary if you want to avoid her blinks. It happens quite often, that I got hit by a Nurse, because I couldn't move out off her blink target zone on time, which is fine. It's really fine as it is. But just another reason, why the field is strong against her. Not just the hiding potential.
    The only thing that bothers me about Nurse is like I said. Sometimes her blinks behave kinda wonky sometimes especially with certain AddOns. And I have to agree with SadonicShadow, that her AddOns need a complete rework from a balance and a design perspective.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @DepravedKiller said:
    Hello All,

    I lurk these forums pretty consistently. Although i do not always reply or post i have however noticed the same suggestions,concerns, idea or feedback get mentioned.

    So to the #Devs, here in no particular order the main topics are:
    1. Hatch Standoff
    2. Nurse Balance
    3. Decisive Strike Balance
    4. Freddy Balance
    5. SWF Balance

    If i missed any please let me know and i'll edit this post to add it.

    You lurk enough to almost steal my font color. You did bring up some good stuff. 1. if it is what they suggested i'm ok with it to a point 60's chase seems too much but whatever, 2. Nurse needs to be left alone(bring killers closer to her level, don't nerf her so she is on the same level) 3. Rancor is a nice counter too bad it took to long to come out.(DS would be fine if the killer was given the option when using mori's to kill the obsession when downed and never have to pick them up, Iron grasp should also just allow a stun for 3s and nothing more) 4. Freddy needs improvement (the ideas suggested about Freddy being able to see all awake survivors once one in the dream world seems really overpowered, These aura reading ideas are getting out of hand for a game that is completely losing stealth) 5. The current patch and chapter update is being used to bring the solo experience closer to swf level and than a proposed adjustment to perks and killers after once you have a baseline. P.s "Balance" is the most misused word on this forum.

  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2018

    @fcc2014 said:
    4. Freddy needs improvement (the ideas suggested about Freddy being able to see all awake survivors once one in the dream world seems really overpowered, These aura reading ideas are getting out of hand for a game that is completely losing stealth).

    Agreed. When I bought this game, I wanted it to feel like an horror movie video game. In those movies, of course many characters do try to face the killer, but stealth is a bigger part of the genre, because no one expect survivors to laugh at the creatures and smack them around (except Chucky maybe) ... that won't be scarry. So in a word: I don't want an innate kindred, because that sounds too relaxing.

    @fcc2014 said:
    P.s "Balance" is the most misused word on this forum.

    I guess everyone expect balance to be scaled from their point of view ... probably not the problem of this specific forum. But hey, you're right anyway, people (even you or me) should try to think more before talking about balance.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    @Usui said:

    @Global said:
    Nurse has gotten nothing but nerfs just let the girl live just because she is the only killer who can counter the jungle gyms of looping doesnt make her OP it makes her balanced. (if by nurse balance you meant nerf)

    Man you're quite the troll aren't you? In what world do you think nurse is balanced?

    In one were looping a killer for 5 gens is possible. So the world we currently live in.

    Have you met the 4-5 blink Nurse lately, or the improved Hag wrecking face. Lets not forget the rank 1 Freddy's that do well and the rank 1 Wraiths and Trappers that know what they're doing. If you're a killer and getting looped for 5 gens then you're a bad killer.

    Because if you let yourself get looped that long you deserve to lose plain and simple because you chose to keep getting looped instead of going after someone else.

    4-5 blink nurse is more painful than just using 2 blinks as it drastically makes you get exhausted longer. And are you saying that wraith is powerful? Dude if you are getting out played deal with it git gud. Lets talk about insta heals if you want something that is over powered. but seriously leanr to play better and maybe wraiths and trappers will stop destroying especially since wraith is low tier.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global said:

    4-5 blink nurse is more painful than just using 2 blinks as it drastically makes you get exhausted longer. And are you saying that wraith is powerful? Dude if you are getting out played deal with it git gud. Lets talk about insta heals if you want something that is over powered. but seriously leanr to play better and maybe wraiths and trappers will stop destroying especially since wraith is low tier.

    Logical Fallacy meet Global.

    $-5 blink Nurse may make you get more exhausted but by then you've usually downed someone already or gotten a hit in, running stridor and or Nurses easy peazy.

    If you can't understand how a Wraith in a skilled players hand can be powerful then you're obviously a troll or don't know how to play. Wasn't it you killers who say git gud is a failed insult and has no merit? They're already nerfing insta heals in the future so that's one less thing you can whine about and use as an excuse.

    You've whined about ds, it's getting nerfed, then you whined about x, it got nerfed, then you moved onto y, it got nerfed. Also I don't always get destroyed and when I do I simply got outplayed, plain and simple. When I do get destroyed I don't come to the forums and whine about it non stop every day.

    I learn from what happened and use that in my next game and I main Trapper and generally have no issue beating him. But hey lets not let facts derail your insult based posts since you have no argument anymore. If you can't handle the survivors and what they bring then you should git gud as you say.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    @Usui said:

    @Global said:
    Nurse has gotten nothing but nerfs just let the girl live just because she is the only killer who can counter the jungle gyms of looping doesnt make her OP it makes her balanced. (if by nurse balance you meant nerf)

    Man you're quite the troll aren't you? In what world do you think nurse is balanced?

    In one were looping a killer for 5 gens is possible. So the world we currently live in.

    Have you met the 4-5 blink Nurse lately, or the improved Hag wrecking face. Lets not forget the rank 1 Freddy's that do well and the rank 1 Wraiths and Trappers that know what they're doing. If you're a killer and getting looped for 5 gens then you're a bad killer.

    Because if you let yourself get looped that long you deserve to lose plain and simple because you chose to keep getting looped instead of going after someone else.

    4-5 blinks are garbage 
  • DepravedKiller
    DepravedKiller Member Posts: 182

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I have seen more threads asking for Pig buffs than Nurse nerfs as far as i remember.

    Added it to the list :)

    @fcc2014 said:

    You lurk enough to almost steal my font color. You did bring up some good stuff. 1. if it is what they suggested i'm ok with it to a point 60's chase seems too much but whatever, 2. Nurse needs to be left alone(bring killers closer to her level, don't nerf her so she is on the same level) 3. Rancor is a nice counter too bad it took to long to come out.(DS would be fine if the killer was given the option when using mori's to kill the obsession when downed and never have to pick them up, Iron grasp should also just allow a stun for 3s and nothing more) 4. Freddy needs improvement (the ideas suggested about Freddy being able to see all awake survivors once one in the dream world seems really overpowered, These aura reading ideas are getting out of hand for a game that is completely losing stealth) 5. The current patch and chapter update is being used to bring the solo experience closer to swf level and than a proposed adjustment to perks and killers after once you have a baseline. P.s "Balance" is the most misused word on this forum.

    I use "Balance" in the general sense to use it for both sides of the argument. I play both Killer and Survivor so i understand both sides. My personal feedback on these suggestion are in the seperate threads posted by the community. This is just a summary thread of hot topics
    p.s I don't mind sharing font colours not sure why others do :crazy:

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    4-5 blink nurse is more painful than just using 2 blinks as it drastically makes you get exhausted longer. And are you saying that wraith is powerful? Dude if you are getting out played deal with it git gud. Lets talk about insta heals if you want something that is over powered. but seriously leanr to play better and maybe wraiths and trappers will stop destroying especially since wraith is low tier.

    Logical Fallacy meet Global.

    $-5 blink Nurse may make you get more exhausted but by then you've usually downed someone already or gotten a hit in, running stridor and or Nurses easy peazy.

    If you can't understand how a Wraith in a skilled players hand can be powerful then you're obviously a troll or don't know how to play. Wasn't it you killers who say git gud is a failed insult and has no merit? They're already nerfing insta heals in the future so that's one less thing you can whine about and use as an excuse.

    You've whined about ds, it's getting nerfed, then you whined about x, it got nerfed, then you moved onto y, it got nerfed. Also I don't always get destroyed and when I do I simply got outplayed, plain and simple. When I do get destroyed I don't come to the forums and whine about it non stop every day.

    I learn from what happened and use that in my next game and I main Trapper and generally have no issue beating him. But hey lets not let facts derail your insult based posts since you have no argument anymore. If you can't handle the survivors and what they bring then you should git gud as you say.

    Im guessing you have never played nurse with 5 blinks to realise how garbage it actually is. " If you can't understand how a Wraith in a skilled players hand can be powerful then you're obviously a troll or don't know how to play." You do realise that if you are a semi compitent survivor you can easily waste a wraiths time even a skilled wraith can fall short because of how crap his ability is. > @powerbats said:

    @Global said:

    4-5 blink nurse is more painful than just using 2 blinks as it drastically makes you get exhausted longer. And are you saying that wraith is powerful? Dude if you are getting out played deal with it git gud. Lets talk about insta heals if you want something that is over powered. but seriously leanr to play better and maybe wraiths and trappers will stop destroying especially since wraith is low tier.

    Logical Fallacy meet Global.

    $-5 blink Nurse may make you get more exhausted but by then you've usually downed someone already or gotten a hit in, running stridor and or Nurses easy peazy.

    If you can't understand how a Wraith in a skilled players hand can be powerful then you're obviously a troll or don't know how to play. Wasn't it you killers who say git gud is a failed insult and has no merit? They're already nerfing insta heals in the future so that's one less thing you can whine about and use as an excuse.

    You've whined about ds, it's getting nerfed, then you whined about x, it got nerfed, then you moved onto y, it got nerfed. Also I don't always get destroyed and when I do I simply got outplayed, plain and simple. When I do get destroyed I don't come to the forums and whine about it non stop every day.

    I learn from what happened and use that in my next game and I main Trapper and generally have no issue beating him. But hey lets not let facts derail your insult based posts since you have no argument anymore. If you can't handle the survivors and what they bring then you should git gud as you say.

    Im guessing you have never played a 5 blink nurse to realise how garbage it is. A semi compitent killer would have no trouble wasting a wraiths time while looping etc especially if they have all the second chance perks they could ever want. Yes people whine about things that are broken thats how they get fixed just like how survivors review bomb the game. Dont understand how i insulted you if you do what a killer was ment to counter than you are gonna get destroyed simple as that.

    p.s dont rebute my "survivors review bomb the game" by saying "yea but i dont do it" alot of survivor mains say that even though they group all killers as people who only post about getting survivors nerfed :)

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @DepravedKiller said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I have seen more threads asking for Pig buffs than Nurse nerfs as far as i remember.

    Added it to the list :)

    @fcc2014 said:

    You lurk enough to almost steal my font color. You did bring up some good stuff. 1. if it is what they suggested i'm ok with it to a point 60's chase seems too much but whatever, 2. Nurse needs to be left alone(bring killers closer to her level, don't nerf her so she is on the same level) 3. Rancor is a nice counter too bad it took to long to come out.(DS would be fine if the killer was given the option when using mori's to kill the obsession when downed and never have to pick them up, Iron grasp should also just allow a stun for 3s and nothing more) 4. Freddy needs improvement (the ideas suggested about Freddy being able to see all awake survivors once one in the dream world seems really overpowered, These aura reading ideas are getting out of hand for a game that is completely losing stealth) 5. The current patch and chapter update is being used to bring the solo experience closer to swf level and than a proposed adjustment to perks and killers after once you have a baseline. P.s "Balance" is the most misused word on this forum.

    I use "Balance" in the general sense to use it for both sides of the argument. I play both Killer and Survivor so i understand both sides. My personal feedback on these suggestion are in the seperate threads posted by the community. This is just a summary thread of hot topics
    p.s I don't mind sharing font colours not sure why others do :crazy:

    I don't care about the font color, just wanted to make a joke as i've seen others lose their ######### over it. I play both sides also and the term "balance" is thrown around with very little understanding.