What to do against survivors that stick to generators?

Curious as to what the strategy is as a long time killer player. Consider this situation, which applies greatly to low mobility killers on large maps.
- You've hooked a survivor early game. Corrupt intervention is still up.
- 3 survivors spread out work on 3 generators while the survivor is still in their first phase.
- You go to one of the generators to apply pop and put pressure on a survivor while the other survivors are still working on generators. Chases take a bit of time (especially with well coordinated teams) before you get the survivor downed.
- Hook timer for 1st phase is almost up, then a survivor rescues the hooked survivor.
- Survivors ignore injured status after leaving hook, both survivors begin working on generators.
My go-to strategy is to pre plan a 3 generator setup if I can, although some good survivors will notice where the close generators are and work vehemently on fixing them early game while nobody's on death hook.
Is it just a lost cause at that point?
You can do literally nothing. If survivors want to do gens, they do gens. You can mitigate it, but you cannot prevent it. It is, after all, the one strat that survivors are forced to use against strong chase killers.
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The best you can do is try to create pressure by slugging. But that's also hoping the survivors in this situation are not carrying unbreakable as well.
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you actually just lose the match. If survivors play right and do gens, there's nothing the killer can do. The game hinges on the survivors and the survivors alone, as you have to take advantage of survivor mistakes as killer.
You are trying to look at this game through the lens of balance, this game is not balanced. If you get a bad map or a good team of survivors, you can expect a loss, regardless of how perfect you play.
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Survivors sticking to gens and not wasting time doing anything else is the equivalent of a killer tunneling someone out of the game.
Survivors who gen rush get next to no bps. Go in do the gens and leave. 12k at end game maybe?
Killers who tunnel usually end up losing the game and walk away with very little to show for it.
If survivors want to rush gens, killer is pretty much screwed against decent survivors.
If killer wants someone out of a game, that person is pretty much screwed. Be thankful that the majority of killers dont actually tunnel people out eveey game.
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Your best chance is picking your 3 gen from the start and near forgetting the rest the map. This lets you create a dead zone and forces them into it. The majority of maps are just too large and safe to be able to possibly pressure it well enough against good survivors unless you're on a few of the top tier killers with high mobility.