ONE killer buff you want and why?



  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400
    edited July 2020

    Pig: A rework.

    Instead of Pig having to place traps on the survivors heads. Just have all survivors spawn in with RBT on their heads. But instead of activating all 4 when a gen gets done its a random one that gets activated, and its only ones a trap is activated that it can be removed. And then the survivor has to search a certain number of boxes to find the key to unlocking the trap. But that part is not entirely RNG. So if one trap takes a survivor 2 boxes to unlock, then no other RBT can take 2 boxes. The others can take 1, 3 or 4 turns.

    Or similar power, but its random how many RBTs activate when a gen gets done. It could be 0, 1, 2, 3 or it could be all. The only thing thats guaranteed is all traps activate at least when the final gen gets done.

    This would also fit the theme of Saw, as in all the victims they all wake up with traps/trials ahead of them. It wouldnt have to be exactly like I described thats just my take. But in general I would just like for the traps to start on the survivors heads, and to reduce the really annoying rng, which is how many boxes you have to search. For killer its annoying when all 4 traps get pulled off after 1 or 2 boxes. Where as survivor its a real pain when you have to search all 4. But its worse if multiple people have to search 3-4 boxes. So its to give them some consistency.

    As for addons that this would affect, I imagine the addon that gives you one extra RBT could be changed to give the pig a trap in her hands to place on survivors that have already removed their RBT. And for the one additional Box. Maybe the addon that adds one extra box in the game, could just make it so survivors would have to search 2-5 boxes instead of 1-4, it would be annoying, but still consistent.

    Post edited by Reaver_Raziel on
  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    Irl seal gives you corrupt without going to a fountain. The description says turns vial into corrupt when a gen is completed

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,766

    Demo, make Rat Liver basekit

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Plague: Make her Purge killer-sided. Right now it's server-side and you get robbed left and right if the survivors have more than 30 ping. There's nothing fun about watching multiple projectiles phase through a survivor with zero registration. Except, of course, when it actually does register, they scream, and.... Keep going on like normal without actually getting hit or infected

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    Iri seal lowers the corrupt purge from 60 seconds to 20 or 30 seconds

  • coolyoster
    coolyoster Member Posts: 17

    Trapper definitely needs sack as base kit.

    ACTIV3_GNASHER Member Posts: 75

    An addon for legion which removes their ability to jump over pallets and windows, but gives them the ability to down with a second hit of frenzy. Downing a survivor also depletes your frenzy.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Here are a few practical (plus absurd) buff I would give killers. : D

    GF: Fix his reveal mechanic to be consistent but still decent for both sides. No breaking out from behind a rock he can't stalk from. If he can't see you, you can't see him.

    PH: Make Trails of Torment slow survivors by 1-2%, depending on how long they are on it. And cause medium vaults instead of fast vaults.

    Oni: Make Scalped Topknot basekit.

    Wraith: Remove the Predator shimmer when outside what would be the TR.

    Billy: Revert the nerfs to the Engraving addons. (back to 20% and 15% extra movement speed instead of 10% and 5%)

    Trapper: Trapper Bag is basekit. Or he can recover traps from lockers. Something, please!


    I have a few... either:

    1. 3 second frenzy stun
    2. Frenzy can down survivors again
    3. Make BT its own thing so it can be balanced as its own mechanic, not tied to a survivor perk.

    Hag: Flashlights have no effect from outside trap range.

    Freddy: Give him 10 snares. I don't see why he can have 8 snares but 10 pallets.

    Doc: Make madness mean something. Afflictions actually are afflictions.

    Huntress: Fix the gosh darn hitboxes!

    Pig: For every gen that gets done, removes 30 seconds from an active trap. Now survivors can kill each other!

    Deathslinger: Make him 115 mms. Or give the iri coin the iri hatchet effect: expose from any range.

    Spirit: Fix all sounds.

    Cannibal: Get rid of tantrum buildup. It is unnecessary and just makes him frustrating when you try to rev down.

    Nurse: Change the Matchbox addon to this: Instead of blinking to survivors, she pulls them to her. Must be precise. If her power lands on a survivor, it will pull them to her position, allowing her to hit them. Compensates by having only one blink. Works with Plaid Flannel.

    Myers: Make Tombstone (minus the extra stalk) basekit.

    Clown: Make Redhead pinky finger basekit.

    Demo: When charging Of the Abyss, he can see auras of survivors in his TR.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    I can tell you what killers want... make eboni memento mori basekit

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,003

    Being able to pick up demo’s portals

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,003

    I had this idea the other day, why not have Doctor’s illusions run at you?

  • Roland_Banks
    Roland_Banks Member Posts: 3

    What if madness caused each movement key input to do the reverse direction? ;)

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    I know what it does. Scroll up a bit and you'll find my response to somebody else in more detail. I want Iri Seal 1) without the gen requirement and 2) simply look at a Corrupt fountain and be able to activate cleanse from a distance.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    Addons for ranged killers that shows you where they're going to hit (Deathslinger, plague, clown, etc)

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    PH : Give us his fat ass back please .

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 949

    I really love that idea, never thought of it like that! Also give him a small brutal strength while at tier 3, or something aside the vaulting speed to make him a bit more scary when in tier 3.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I liked the idea of letting him choose to switch tiers manually instead of it auto leveling up when enough stalk was obtained. Going from Evil Within 1 to Evil Within 2, right when you sneak up to a survivor would be nice. And it's kind of like a quality of life change. It deals with dedicated servers when trying to 99 it. And also fixes the issue of trying to 99 it to begin with. That was bhvr's reason for changing it so items didn't break anymore when they were depleted to stop the trying to 99 them to keep for another match. Saying it was awkward.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Trapper should have 2 traps by default. Having to use a bag to get him to what feels like "decent" is in my opinion the worst part about him. Meanwhile the Hag's over here slappin' traps out her ass like it ain't nobody's business, and she gets to teleport to hers!

  • CleansePlz
    CleansePlz Member Posts: 5

    I'm sure they meant that The Plague would be able to activate corrupted fountains from a range, rather than gaining corrupt purge every time a generator is completed. This would solve having to travel all the way to a fountain, which could spawn in some undesirable locations, or survivors could cleanse at the furthest ones. It's effect would still be reliant on survivors cleansing, but there is still always 1 corrupted fountain, as well as apple addons, that could help with survivors who refuse to cleanse.

  • CleansePlz
    CleansePlz Member Posts: 5

    The Plague: I think that infected survivors should suffer from any other sort of effect besides being broken. At high ranks, survivors don't seem to care as much about being broken, and don't cleanse. I think an additional hindrance to infected survivors may encourage them to cleanse more often. Of course, I'm not asking for anything huge (there are already perks that work pretty well for Plague, considering she can have all survivors in the broken state).

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    He has a extra lunge and a insta down. Thats already enough chase pressure. Plus, Michael isn't very fast in the movies at all, so why should it be like that in game?

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Fix my pig. Do something about the traps, maybe she can go to the bin at which they were removed and grab them similar to trapper, but make it take slightly longer to detonate. Etc.

  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 145

    Buff clown into a real clown. Give him banana peels to drop and have a poorly made slip animation for survivors.

    When stepping over bananas get a skill check (the size of overcharge). Failing the check will make you fall and break your neck ending in an instant mori.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 943

    demo: make rat liver base kit