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Dead By Daylight: Killer POV Edition

Was playing on The Game with a friend and we encountered a spirit, my friend(Claudette) later got picked up by the spirit and bugged out as if he was on the hook but also on the killers shoulders at the same time to the point where he could not bleed out, die, or do anything and was stuck in the killer POV, could see their movements and everything. The killer can do absolutely nothing as the game will not end, the killer had told me he had to dc 4 times already and he'll probably have another 30 min ban. Whether all survivors besides the bugged one dies, the hatch does not open, he can open the exit gates but the game will still continue even after the timer has ran out. Another survivor(Jane) got on the hook and mid struggle he was on the ground immediately and showed the animation of her getting downed two times and then dying right after.
As you can see, he is downed on the bottom left but is seen on the hook, he even has a couple of crows around him.
We also ran into a few more glitches/bugs:
Killer was The Doctor, the map was Ironworks Of Misery
-Grabbed out of thin air, not rly any context behind it bc I don't really know what happened lol
-Grabbed while getting someone off the hook, except they were already off the hook before he had gotten near me but it still did the grab animation anyway
-Once getting off the hook, my character would be stuck for 5 seconds, my friend had said he got stuck as well and couldn't get downed or hit while he was stuck (idk how much truth that is speaking that he forgets things easily)