General Discussions

General Discussions

I am already sick of the Genrush Squads @ red/purple ranks. Do finally something devs

Member Posts: 1,415
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Topic says all,

don´t come with: the only thing survivors can do, or git gud, or noob, no map pressure, killer or survivor sided maps or stuff like this.

also don´t compare apples with bananas. Devs rly force us to play with Perks like Noed ?... sorry no

I also have often matches and playing combos like: Corrupt + PGTW + Thrilling Tremors and Ruin or Surge. All to slowdown the Generator regression....but i tell you something. You go in a Chase, that chase goes maybe 30- 40 seconds, or if you has a bad place maybe 60 seconds and than after the hook ,the first 2 or maybe 3 gens popped, cause you can´t stay simultanly on 3 diffrent places at the same time... Also 80% of all survivors on theese ranks don´t care about totems, because they are to lazy to do them or they don´t care about perks like noed and so on.

Example of one of my matches vs theese genrushers: After a genrush and all gens done, you has luck and hook maybe 2-3 people without camp, tunnel and stuff like that right ?... playing fair and all that stuff.... buuut that´s not enough, because of that stupid Pipsystem and this system punish you with a depip... that hurts and by the way thats not fun. Endresult: Maybe 1 kill and 4-5 hooks that´s all. So how is that fair ?

I know there are diffrent opinions about that and i understand survivors too, but for the love of god, do something devs rly. Im tired of 5 minute games ....thats annoying.

Sry for my bad english

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