I am already sick of the Genrush Squads @ red/purple ranks. Do finally something devs

Topic says all,
don´t come with: the only thing survivors can do, or git gud, or noob, no map pressure, killer or survivor sided maps or stuff like this.
also don´t compare apples with bananas. Devs rly force us to play with Perks like Noed ?... sorry no
I also have often matches and playing combos like: Corrupt + PGTW + Thrilling Tremors and Ruin or Surge. All to slowdown the Generator regression....but i tell you something. You go in a Chase, that chase goes maybe 30- 40 seconds, or if you has a bad place maybe 60 seconds and than after the hook ,the first 2 or maybe 3 gens popped, cause you can´t stay simultanly on 3 diffrent places at the same time... Also 80% of all survivors on theese ranks don´t care about totems, because they are to lazy to do them or they don´t care about perks like noed and so on.
Example of one of my matches vs theese genrushers: After a genrush and all gens done, you has luck and hook maybe 2-3 people without camp, tunnel and stuff like that right ?... playing fair and all that stuff.... buuut that´s not enough, because of that stupid Pipsystem and this system punish you with a depip... that hurts and by the way thats not fun. Endresult: Maybe 1 kill and 4-5 hooks that´s all. So how is that fair ?
I know there are diffrent opinions about that and i understand survivors too, but for the love of god, do something devs rly. Im tired of 5 minute games ....thats annoying.
Sry for my bad english
You didnt get gen rushed. You just refuse to stop chasing the survivor who’s able to run you for a long time that you lose gen pressure entirely
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Adjust your play.
It's the year 2020. We all know gens are going to go fast. If you have a transporting killer (Freddy/demo) bring pop. If you have a set up killer (Trapper/Hag) bring corrupt. If you play anyone else the only perks that matter are:
Detection perks to find survivors as fast as possible to put early game pressure (whispers, disco dance, spies).
Perks that help win chases earlier (brutal, enduring, spirit fury, bamboozle, etc)
Perks that help snowball (STBFL, infectious, agitation)
All hex perks are pretty weak except for in a gimmick build. Maybe devour being the exception. Stop using them.
Find them as soon as you can. Gens will pop but so what. 4ks shouldn't be that easy.
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were talking about 30-60 seconds ? and that´s not rly much ! Do you rly think im so stupid to chase a survivor for 20 seconds and than i swap to go another ?...jeeez that´s time waste and than gens are popping faster, cause survivors can ez split with 3 ppl on 3 diffrent places. Theese Genrush Squads are not stupid and sitting with 2 or 3 ppl on 1 gen anymore. They clever and split
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It is the killer's responsibility to slow the game down. If you can't chase and down survivors efficiently enough, then you don't belong up at those ranks.
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i told you: Don´t compare apples with bananas. Im not stupid and tell me how to do pressure on 3 diffent places ? It´s not possible
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Yes devs pls make the m1 gameplay last even LONGER
theres a reason people still collectively groan when they see it’s a Freddy at the start
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Nobody say make m1 longer. The Devs must find another way.
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It's hilarious how people don't consider how boring and miserable survivor (especially solo) already is before crying NERF GEN SPEEDS.
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All what you say is total correct but the fact that you can´t do pressure on diffrent places is true. And all theese things can do nothing vs splitting survivors. No way... and read my post i oftern play with all this perks.
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Dodge SWF.
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30-60 seconds is enough time for 2 survivors to get a gen done. if your occupied in a chase for that long drop the chase. You can always get them later.
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Just take NOED like everyone else does.
I see so many killers genrushed to oblivion, 1, maybe 2 hooks in all that time then NOED lets them get a few kills.
There we go game ended with 2-3 kills, a pretty successful balance job.
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i know that dude i know that but it doesn´t do something vs splitting survivors on diffrent gens you understand that ? They don´t care if they injured or if the kiler´s comming, cause they are not afraid anymore. They sit stubborn on the gens..
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Especially when the devs have already stated they are planning to add an early game system. IMO it's really all the game needs as well since really all killers need to is a bit of breathing room at the start of the game.
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more often than not they will spawn on 1 gen. if they split up you can lose some gens to get them to 3 gen themselves. or you could sacrifice 1-2 gens to get more time to setup on killers like trapper etc.
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Oh dude i hope so much they bring an early gamesystem
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Nothing wrong with bringing NOED. Especially on low-mobility killers.
(Just don't facecamp with 5 gens left and use NOED for extra kills. I hate that.)
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This 100%. A lot of killers chase survivors way too long and then cry about genrush. Killers need to learn how to apply pressure and protect their gens.
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Agreed. The beginning of the trial shouldn't immediately be ultra stressful for the killer, I would prefer the beginning of the trial having the feel of being a relaxed hunter gently wading through the fog hoping to chance upon a victim.
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i think you don´t understand and i told you again. You can´t do pressure at the same time on 3 diffrent places with a killer and vs splitting survivors and about chase were talking about 30-60 seconds. That´s not rly much
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