Original The Slumber Concept

Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

Backstory: Dr Joseph Wake was not a bad person. He was a unlucky one. Obsessed with H.P Lovecraft and his creatures, he would draw sketches of them, see them in his dream, and saw them as our dark saviour. One day on his drive home from the university, he was caught in a car accident inflicting him with bipolar. Left with nothing but his dark gods, he turned to them, and his dark gods told him to kill, to inflict their pain on those that imprisoned him. He became a serial killer, leaving his mark on everybody he killed. With each kill, with each sacrifice, a bit of his humanity was snipped away, until he was nothing but a vessel of pain and judgement. He died in a police shootout, praying to the Great Old Ones for guidance, and the Entity answered. As blood left his body, the fog reached for him, and the hard concrete of the ground and the squeals and roars of sirens and gunshots was replaced with dust and screeching crows. Rising from the ground, his flesh erupted, becoming dark green and scaly, tentacles ripping from his flesh and his eyes glowing a deep red. He was covered with a cloak, and then silence fell.

Whip claw: The Waker's main weapon is his mesh of tentacles in his right arm.

Eyes of Cthulhu: The Waker has a series of portals placed around the map for him to transport through. These work very similar to Demogorgon portals, yet with the twist they can be dismantled easily with special totems. These portals can only be used once, before they teleport to another part of the map after 30 seconds. Survivors that walk over these portals suffer from Madness and oblivious until they snap out of it. The Waker also absorbs energy by damaging survivors inflicted with madness. The more energy he absorbs, the more difficult it is escape him and dismantle his portals, and allows him to recover faster from missed attacks or Sebek's Wrath.

Sebek's Wrath: The Waker can temporarily be possessed by the crocodile god Sebek to fly into a feral rage, lunging forward as his arms unravel into dozens of tendrils, each tipped with a single spine, all spinning like a wheel. With his arms spinning nests of sharp tendrils, he will dash forward, in a combination of Oni's demon dash and the Demogorgon's shred. Hitting survivors also inflicts them with madness. After successfully hitting a survivor, the Waker goes into a short recovery state similar to PH punishment of the damned.

Shagtanagotha: The Waker can pick up the shards of destroyed pallets and have them float around him. When these float around him, Sebek's Wrath is replaced with the ability to launch these shard in a powerful fan of blades.

Appearance: The Waker had extremely dark and rough blue/green skin, and wears a black robe around his body. His left arm has long, sharp talons on it, while his right is bundle of navy blue tendrils, loosely formed to make an arm. A hood obscures most of his face, but dozens of tendrils make up his lower face, while his upper face is completely hidden in shadow.

Unique Perks

Yibb-Tsll: Survivors that take a protection hit become exhausted and suffer from deep wound.

Mordiggian: The Waker greatly increases the density of the Dark Mist around it and hooked survivors.

Broken Ocean: When carrying a survivor, you destroy pallets simply by touching them.

Mori Animation: The Waker wraps it's victim in its arm tentacles, then he tears out a chunk of the survivor's insides and uses his mouth tendrils to rip out their neck.