what do you class as toxic killer/survivor

ok so i see alot of what I would call toxic game play. But I want to know what you all see as toxic suvivors and toxic killers?


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I don’t think there is such thing as ‘toxic’ gameplay. I think that word gets overused when in actuality you’re just playing the game by adhering to the rules, in a way that the other side doesn’t like.

    At this point existing in the game is toxic to some people.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Trying to purposefully annoy the other side

    Survivor - tbagging at pallets or exit gates

    Killer - Intentionally leaving slugged until bleedout or EGC. Also hitting on hook.

    For killer I would say tunneling too. Now you may say its a strategy, ok but sometimes they do it out of spite. Nurse players are notorious for this because they’re the most entitled. Run them for too long and they’ll start hitting on hook and tunneling hard. Like they’re mad at you because they decided to chase you for 3 minutes straight 🙄

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651


    • Constant flash-clicking towards killer when pallet stunned or flash saved etc.
    • T-baging when pallet stunned or flash saved etc.


    • Slugging and refusing to pick up, letting people bleed to death.
    • Keeping people in the game for as long as possible despite having already won the match. Same as above pretty much but there are ways to prolong the game even further. like closing hatch, downing survivor at the gate, not letting them open the gate, not letting them bleed out, not letting them run away, etc.

    The killer's side needs to be addressed, because there are those who force people to dc, which is no fun, and again, the report system is trash that does not encourage people to report in order to punish these players efficiently and frequently.

  • Suwusie
    Suwusie Member Posts: 26

    Annoying - Clickers and mori spammers

    Dick - Intentionally ruining someone’s experience

    Toxic - Going out of your way to trash talk someone over a game, even going on their profile to write something.

    Toxic is a word that’s used by people for the slightest things so I don’t consider anything in game as toxic. Going as far as to write rude things to someone after the game is toxic because there isn’t a point to it other then to make them feel good about themselves.

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    I dont find moris and keys toxic. I find them broken but not toxic, because it is in the game.

    just ruin the play for other people is toxic

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    The report system is fine honestly. Whats not fine, is the response time, not that I think they can do much about it. I send evidence of a killer and survivor working together to kill the survivors. In other words they were teaming up to ######### over the remaining 3 survivors. And they started doing this immediately. I had by coincidence my game recording program running so I took all the evidence and send all the required information (steam profile etc).

    Got a message within reasonable time, that hey your report has been received and is being looked at. So I thought nothing more of it and forgot about it. Yesterday 33 days later, I got a message that "We are reviewing your evidence thanks for the report".

    So I would say reporting works......but it does take a long time since they probably have to manually review a lot of the cases before they deal out harsher punishments. At least would be my guess.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230
    • Exploiting bugs, perks, offerings and items (Such as blocking the killer because you have BT even tho its an anti-camping perk)
    • Intentionally ruining other peoples fun (Putting map offerings, using keys/moris, gen rushing, tunneling etc.)
    • Trying to piss off other players (Sandbagging, teabagging, flashlight-clicking etc.)
  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    Had someone last night message me about how good they are because they managed to escape with 4 meta perks on Fractured Cowshed against a grey add-on Clown.

    They spammed me with messages for about half an hour before I finally gave up and just blocked them. The messages mostly consisted of the typical "lmao ur so mad gg ez baby killer" and "you really thought you could camp me lol" (I only camped in EGC. I'm not an idiot.)

    THAT'S toxic. Clicky clicky-s and the rest are just annoying.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Reporting works on a very bad level that it was designed as. There is no modern game as of today that implements the same old technique of forcing a player 1. Gather own video footage as evidence 2. Report ingame 3. After reporting in game, step outside of the game to report again on a website - all this before your report is valid for review. How many do you think really do all those 3 steps to report 1 cheater out of many they will come across every now and then. Even I, who is a hardcore dbd fan can't bother anymore to do this process.

    So no, it's not fine, not even by the slightest.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited August 2020

    This absolute C-bomb I played with tonight who decided it would be funny to point out where everyone was hiding, and bodyblock the exit gate switch to kill everyone else because she thought the killer might have been her friend.

    Sadly I can be bothered. It took roughly 45 mins because I don't record my gameplay. Luckily the idiot was a streamer so I recorded her current vod and uploaded it to youtube so she couldn't delete it in the meantime. But that process is SO ######### and takes SO LONG just to fill in all the details. At the very least reporting someone in the post game should come with a button that opens a window with all the "your 64 id" "their 64 id" "your player cloud id" and rubbish filled in.

  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120


    hard camping

    hard tunneling


    throwing (if there not friends)

    flash clicks

    holding the game when it's unneeded





    (i'm not putting noed on here because even being one of the best perks. it could still be destroyed by doing a simple side objective)

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Negative messages after a game. T-bagging or clicking at exit gate. Killer can't do much I would consider toxic, but leaving survivor on the ground to just bleed out instead of just hooking you in the end is pretty toxic.

    Yesterday I played survivor and a Feng were simply all game trying to block my and other survivors way. A two man gen could only be worked by one because Feng stood there just pointing and nodding. We managed to do all gens because killer was low rank and of course Feng blocked one exit gate so we could not open. Thankfully killer downed and hooked her at that point and we escaped. Reported that person after the game of course and that is an example of a very toxic player.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    There isn't much I consider toxic behaviour. For Survivors, I consider infinite looping, bodyblocking for protection hit and gen rushing toxic behaviour. For killers, tunnelling after unhook, hook camping, and minimum distance hook patrolling.

    To clarify, when I say infinite looping I'm not exaggerating. To clarify on gen rushing, I don't mean doing each gen as quickly as possible. I mean getting three gens to pop within a couple seconds of each other.

    Personally, I enjoy Killer games where there's only one person who can loop well and the other survivors aren't gen rushing. As Survivor, I enjoy games far more when the killer plays with a degree of fairness than when the killer just plays toxic. It's not fun being camped, and it's not fun being hooked, then tunnelled immediately after unhook because the killer is desperate for the win.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Nothing. Because mori fixes all my issues. For the record. Just because i bring a mori doesnt mean imma mori you. Unless you wanna teabag and flashlight click. Cause if you wanted my attention. You got it bucko

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    toxic survivor: tries to get you angry

    toxic killer: has a playstyle, addons or offerings that basically prevent you from actually playing the game

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    For me it comes down to intention, and unfortunately 90% of player actions it's impossible to know.

    Flashlights, keys, certain builds, tunneling- it's a game so I see it as actions built around intention to win by certain tactics. Even t-bagging and flashlight clicking at the exit doesn't bother me too much because I'm not a mind reader- maybe they're new to the game, maybe they just want to celebrate being alive. Who knows?

    All that said, there's 2 actions that I absolutely find toxic and loathe- hitting the survivors repeatedly while hooked, and after-game [BAD WORD] talking and insults in the chat.

    Both of those scream:


  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    Being a pointlessly hostile and angry gremlin in post-game chat.

    And for in-game, when someone goes in with "make others mad" as their primary goal as opposed to escape/kill/pip or whatever other "normal" goal.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    I don't mind flashlight clicking. It's a reasonable way to get the killer's attention if the survivor wants to be chased, which can be a good strategy for some survivors.

    The guys who bug me are the ones who go to the other end of the map and start jumping around causing the killer to get spammed with alert noises. The game needs some way to track this kind of behavior and give these players an increasing random chance to trip on their face and down themselves.