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Fixing the most imbalanced stuff in Dead by Daylight

This is just a little list of every balance change I'd make to generally everything in the game that is horribly imbalanced, either for being too good or uselessly bad.

To preface, I am a killer main with 1600 hours who plays a good amount of survivor as well. Of course, hours don't necessarily mean I'm good, but at least trust I've put more time into this game than I should've. This won't be every balance change I'd make, just specifically the glaring balance problems.


Spirit is generally very much complained about because she's very easy in return for being a contender for best killer in the game, and understandably so. Fighting against her at loops is effectively a coin flip and unsurprisingly that's quite annoying. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what you'd do about her, but if I were to suggest one nerf...

  • Survivor audio volume reduced by 50% while phasing.

This isn't a perfect fix, naturally, but it hinders the power of Stridor by making the perk simply make the sounds regular volume. At loops, it may be less desirable to go into phase, which if anything will make Spirit more predictable as one option is now more difficult to utilise.


Legion is on the other end, Legion is a contender for worst killer in the game. If they're lucky, they can spread a lot of injury at the start of the game, but having the only power in the game that is specifically designed to be totally useless for downing a survivor and very little map mobility to make up for it, along with the incredibly common Dead Hard and many maps where even an injured survivor can waste a lot of time for a killer with no chase strength, yeah I forgot the grammatical format of this sentence but Legion goddamn blows.

Frankly there is no single or even a set of buffs that keeps Legion's current design philosophy and makes them strong without being the broken and frustrating mess they were on release. Legion is in need of a complete rework.


  • Gas from thrown bottles now starts automatically regressing generators.
  • Thick Cork Stopper addon's effect is now base kit (reload time buffed from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.)
  • +1 bottles in his kit at base. (raised from 4 to 5.)

A nice set of buffs that make him have to spend less time slowed down and reloading and allow him to initiate chase by chucking a bottle at a generator being worked on and let it regress while chasing the survivor, allowing for passive generator slowdown.

Terrible maps

I'm not a game developer, so I can't exactly say exactly what changes need to be made to the algorithm or whatever to make the following maps playable, but while there are quite a lot of naff maps in this game, four stand out in particular - Haddonfield, Ormond, Midwich and Fractured Cowshed.

These maps, at the very least, need the loops redesigned to have less safety absolutely everywhere that is so close that by the time you've wasted time on one loop and just broke the pallet, they're already at another. On top of that, a size reduction, and for Haddonfield specifically the generators need new placements that aren't obnoxiously difficult to reach. Then there's Midwich, which if anything, needs several more paths available to traverse between floors.


Alright, this will be a fun one. Keys are some obnoxious and frustrating baloney that punish the killer for killing a survivor with all three others jumping out the hatch in front of them. I think the following series of changes will improve the situation.

  • Opening the hatch with a key now takes a 10 second channeling action. Similar to cleansing a totem, this action will reset if the survivor stops at any point.
  • Purple and Red keys can no longer be found in chests. However, Green keys found in chests will automatically have a random addon attached that gives it use.

In return, let's change Up the Ante, since in its current state the perk has very little use or versitility. Now, Up the Ante grants you a chance of finding a red or a purple key in a chest, however it will break if you are hit by the killer. Badabing, badaboom, getting a key to escape out of the hatch from a chest now requires a perk and a bit of skill to survive with it, and if the killer catches you going for hatch they can actually do something about it.


The other side, but just as complained about, Moris and Keys are often seen as equals and it isn't hard to see why. An Ebony mori, or even an Ivory, can instantly sway the game in the killer's favour. However, Cypress moris aren't complained about at all. So this is a good signal for what Moris should do.

  • Cypress Mori: Remains the same.
  • Ivory Mori: Grants the ability to kill one survivor by your own hand when hooking them would instantly sacrifice them.
  • Ebony Mori: Grants the ability to kill all survivors by your own hand when hooking them would instantly sacrifice them.

They're now glory kills. Ivories especially feel personal, yet not in a way that instantly wins the game for the killer. The maximum utility they really have is countering Decisive Strike.

Decisive Strike

Decisive Strike on paper is designed to be an anti-tunnel perk, but that is not how it's used. Decisive Strike is used to be obnoxiously reckless and go for insane altruism knowing full well you cannot be fully punished for it, and when a killer is TOO efficient at hooking survivors, sometimes the "anti-tunnelling" perk will stab them in the shoulder after hooking a completely different survivor. Also, lockers exist. Screw DS and lockers.

  • Decisive Strike will now deactivate if the survivor interacts with a generator or enters a locker.
  • The perk also deactivates if another survivor is hooked while the timer is still active.

Simply put, an anti-tunnelling perk should BE an anti-tunnelling perk. If you get unhooked and go off and start working on a generator, committing fully to it in front of the killer's face, you are not being tunnelled. Also diving into a locker forcing the killer to eat the stun should not work. Something can also be done about the DS + Unbreakable combo, but frankly I have no idea.

Hex: No One Escapes Death

I don't think NOED is overpowered or uncounterable by any means, but it is complained about due to being really terribly designed. A killer that has done sod all the whole game can cheese a down and get a sacrifice off it when they really don't deserve to. The perk needs a system that makes the insta-downs need to be worked for.

  • For every 2 successful hooks performed before the gates are powered, gain a token.
  • Each one of these tokens will be used to perform an insta-down basic attack when the gates are powered. They will not be used up if hitting a survivor that's injured.

That should do it. The power of the insta downs remain, but only if the killer has worked for them. Even a few hooks can still be a game changer survivors will have to watch out for, so the totem cleansing is still encouraged. This system should have no effect on killer players that have gained hooks early on in the game.

Iridescent Head

Let's flip flop around and talk about an addon, I don't even have to tell you why Iridescent Heads are busted. Simple solution. Just add this one extra change.

  • The hatchet count cannot be increased with other addons.

Iridescent Heads are now a risk-reward deal still worthy of being called a red addon but are a one in the chamber deal and very punishing if you miss. Easy.

This definitely isn't everything in this game that's terribly balanced, but this is a good list of what I'd do with a lot of stuff that is widely agreed to not be balanced very well. There's some stuff I know I missed like Object of Obsession and all that, but simply put I probably either forgot or I don't know what I'd do with them.

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  • Member Posts: 1,419

    I honestly don't think Spirit needs further changes. I'd much rather fight her than one of the anti-healing killers. People act like it's impossible, but when you're on the other side of the pallet you still have 180 degrees of safe movement, while she can only phase for a few seconds. Pick a direction and walk for a couple seconds, then start running again. Most of the time she's either still on the other side of the pallet, or is gonna miss.

  • Member Posts: 230

    To be honest, these are really good changes. Kudos, OP !

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    If they nerf Spirit again after backtracking on the Billy changes I’m done with this game lol

    And if killers truly want DS to be an anti-tunnel perk only, then does that mean that if it has to deactivate when another survivor is hooked or they touch a gen etc, does the 60 second timer get increased to compensate? Afterall if the killer comes seeking me out and then we have a chase and they try to pick me up 80 seconds after unhook it’s still tunneling right? Something to think about

  • Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2020

    I would argue with some other changes, but my concerns with them are very subjective.

    But let's talk about moris - what do you think of these changes:

    • Cypress Mori: Becomes base-kit, there is no need to use an offering to kill the last survivor because he WILL die if he enters the "dying state".
    • Ivory Mori: You can kill a survivor, that has already been hooked, by your own hand AFTER you've hooked 2 different survivors.
    • Ebony Mori: You can kill all survivors by your own hand AFTER you've hooked all 4 survivors. (Basically when you have all 4 tokens of bbq&chilli). This forces the killer to go after everyone in exchange for a quicker death, which prevents tunnel and the offering is like a quest for power... i feel like it's interesting this way.

    I feel like these changes would improve the health of the game and still maintain the power of the moris. Now the killer has to work for them.

    EDIT: Spirit could be fixed by having an animation when she starts phasing, instead of what you propose.

  • Member Posts: 317

    These are really well thought out and explained ideas. Kudos, bro!

  • Member Posts: 25

    honestly, ive always been on the fence about mori's being glory kills so i thought of a idea that would keep them good but not op

    ivory memento mori: you may only mori one survivor once all 4 survivors have been hooked

    ebony memento mori: you may only start mori'ng survivors once you have hooked 3 survivors once and one survivor twice.

    as for everything else. im on board with it all except for the noed nerf. i want it left untouched until survivors have less than 283728187 second chance perks. i also dont agree with iri head, i dont want it to be completely useless but instead for skilled players. decreases hatchets by 2. survivors hit from 40 metres away with a hatchet get instantly downed. other than that everything is perfect.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    The only thing I disagree with here is the mori, as I think it was taken a bit too far. Personally I'd prefer if it was once every survivor has been hooked once so it doesn't promote tunneling.

    Other than that everything here I can agree with.

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