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Why no DC punishment?

Master Member Posts: 10,200
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

I try to do my daily survivor. As usual I have to try several times because of some idiots DCing, this time I had a killers DCing to derank too. It literally took me ages to get into a normal game such that I can complete my daily.
When playing killer, it doesnt hurt you directly when survivors ragequit, but it is annoying to get BBQ stacks denied and whole games are ruined by that, not to mention the "mori DC"....

One question @not_Queen :

Why do you (devs) dont punish DCing? I know about the automatic system that will trigger when DC rate suceeds an absurdely high rate, but obviously it isnt working properly.
Why is there no queue time punishment after a DC, preferably an increasing punishment. This way you are fine when the game crashes occasionally or you are being hold hostage, but if you Dc regularly, you will face severe queue banns and eventually after a certain number the case will he handed over to a human.

The system detecting DCs is already in place, so it should be easy to implement such a system

Checked the steam forums for fun, the amount of survivors begging their mates not to DC is hilarious

Post edited by Master on


  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    I agree with losing the BBQ stacks, it's stupid. Why not just give us the stack when someone DCs? Why make us pay for someone else getting butt hurt.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    I agree with losing the BBQ stacks, it's stupid. Why not just give us the stack when someone DCs? Why make us pay for someone else getting butt hurt.

    If all survivors DC, the killer gets 2,5k BP and loses ALL his stuff. That aint fair either^^

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Punishment for survivors: Next 5 rounds will be played against a red bracket nurse.
    Punishment for killers: Next 5 rounds, all survivors will be equipped with DS and purple flash lights

    Just kidding. I do like the system Blizzard implemented for their game HOTS though. If you disconnect early, you are temporarily placed in a "DCers" bracket. In this bracket, you can only play with other DCers who were also placed in this bracket to get back into the normal ques. What makes this bracket suck is ques take forever to find a game.

    This is actually a genius system IMO because it's well balanced. It's harsh enough to deter a huge majority of DCers but mild enough to just be a small inconvenience to people who may have been DC'd due to losing connection or power going out.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @iceman2kx said:
    Punishment for survivors: Next 5 rounds will be played against a red bracket nurse.
    Punishment for killers: Next 5 rounds, all survivors will be equipped with DS and purple flash lights

    Just kidding. I do like the system Blizzard implemented for their game HOTS though. If you disconnect early, you are temporarily placed in a "DCers" bracket. In this bracket, you can only play with other DCers who were also placed in this bracket to get back into the normal ques. What makes this bracket suck is ques take forever to find a game.

    This is actually a genius system IMO because it's well balanced. It's harsh enough to deter a huge majority of DCers but mild enough to just be a small inconvenience to people who may have been DC'd due to losing connection or power going out.

    Not sure if such a system can work in DBD, but could be a solid idea too.

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @Master said:

    Why do you (devs) dont punish DCing? I know about the automatic system that will trigger when DC rate suceeds an absurdely high rate, but obviously it isnt working properly.
    Why is there no queue time punishment after a DC, preferably an increasing punishment.

    The system detecting DCs is already in place, so it should be easy to implement such a system

    I am not Not_Queen, but the answer is extremely easy. This game does not use dedicated servers. You may think what does that have to do with anything? It actually has everything to do with it.

    Right now one of the key things the developers have said is that when SWF teams/lobbies are created once they connect to the Killer, who is the host, any disconnection would force the lobby to be rebuilt.

    With that said, once a player is connected to the killer's lobby (server) then DbD summons home a few times to provide details. I believe this happens every 5 minutes or so. (I cannot prove this, but it seems logical). It calls once to establish the connection and once to provide a few match updates. Then a final report at the end.

    Since connections can be lost a few ways, killer lag switches, poor network connection issues, really high ping time, or even game crashes, a True disconnection is hard for the service to pick up over a connection that is not hosted on their own servers.

    They could go back and investigate a users game history to see if they are a chronic disconnector, which is where their Bans come in, but that takes either a logarithm or human to investigate. Then there must be a decision made.

    So they err on the side of a connection issue versus purposeful disconnection since it takes a large amount of time and effort for even a partial ban. Not to mention being understaffed/overworked.

    So while there maybe a system in place, they are not running the correct services/hardware to provide the solution you are looking for.

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    I've been playing this game for roughly a year (PS4 btw) and maybe a half dozen times in that year my internet or power went glitchy, PS4 acted weird etc .   99% of DC's are on purpose .       I agree with OP . There should be stiffer penalties for dc'ing . Not just the BBQ stack...  What about your teammates that need that extra 30 seconds of struggle or wiggle or whatever. When ever I see someone with DS miss the DS I pray they don't DC, because toxic survivors that try to bully the killer and miss their D Strike will often DC .Ochido wanna be's 
  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    Maybe after a DC you have to wait 15 minutes for a match, accident or not . Go sit in the corner baby. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @Master said:

    Why do you (devs) dont punish DCing? I know about the automatic system that will trigger when DC rate suceeds an absurdely high rate, but obviously it isnt working properly.
    Why is there no queue time punishment after a DC, preferably an increasing punishment.

    The system detecting DCs is already in place, so it should be easy to implement such a system

    I am not Not_Queen, but the answer is extremely easy. This game does not use dedicated servers. You may think what does that have to do with anything? It actually has everything to do with it.

    Right now one of the key things the developers have said is that when SWF teams/lobbies are created once they connect to the Killer, who is the host, any disconnection would force the lobby to be rebuilt.

    With that said, once a player is connected to the killer's lobby (server) then DbD summons home a few times to provide details. I believe this happens every 5 minutes or so. (I cannot prove this, but it seems logical). It calls once to establish the connection and once to provide a few match updates. Then a final report at the end.

    Since connections can be lost a few ways, killer lag switches, poor network connection issues, really high ping time, or even game crashes, a True disconnection is hard for the service to pick up over a connection that is not hosted on their own servers.

    They could go back and investigate a users game history to see if they are a chronic disconnector, which is where their Bans come in, but that takes either a logarithm or human to investigate. Then there must be a decision made.

    So they err on the side of a connection issue versus purposeful disconnection since it takes a large amount of time and effort for even a partial ban. Not to mention being understaffed/overworked.

    So while there maybe a system in place, they are not running the correct services/hardware to provide the solution you are looking for.

    Disconnect is disconnect, no matter whether it was a ragequit, high ping or a game crash. It should all be punished, they dont need to distinguish and thus they dont need dedicated servers.

    The devs said that there is already an automatic system in place that would become active if a single person DCs too much. How is that any different?

    Of course the devs could be lying, who knows

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    Its annoying on both sides, there should be a punishment for dcing. We all know the game messes up sometimes & Kicks you out during loading screen so that shouldn't be punished though. Or when my potato internet goes out... Idk lol. This is a big issue though, & It could be fixed with dedicated servers.

  • 245_Trioxin
    245_Trioxin Member Posts: 171

    @GolgiNea said:
    Its annoying on both sides, there should be a punishment for dcing. We all know the game messes up sometimes & Kicks you out during loading screen so that shouldn't be punished though. Or when my potato internet goes out... Idk lol. This is a big issue though, & It could be fixed with dedicated servers.

    If it happens intermittently, then it should fall under the threshold that would mandate a timeout. But, if you're having a prolonged issue with your network, then you probably shouldn't be playing an online multiplayer game at that moment, right?

    I know if my network connection is acting up, I step away and find a single-player game to play until it gets better, simply because I don't want to ruin anybody else's good time. Once it seems stable again, I switch back. So, getting a 15 minute timeout as an initial warning isn't a big deal. If you keep trying to play on a poor connection, then the timeout increases.

    It's nobody else's fault, and nobody else should have to suffer because of it. I don't see the difference between someone actively playing on a poor connection and someone purposely disconnecting to keep an item (or whatever reason). Either way, it is a completely selfish act, and should be punished.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @GolgiNea said:
    Its annoying on both sides, there should be a punishment for dcing. We all know the game messes up sometimes & Kicks you out during loading screen so that shouldn't be punished though. Or when my potato internet goes out... Idk lol. This is a big issue though, & It could be fixed with dedicated servers.

    Since the game cant detect how the DC happens, both needs to be punished equally intentional and unintentional DCs.
    The game crashes really rarely, so you should be fine waiting a fwe minutes after such an event if we can get rid of the DCs every 2nd game at least.

    When your potato internet goes out regularly, you shouldnt be playing a "competitive" multiplayer game anyway

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Mycroft said:
    DCs will never be a priority. Cause it would hit their favored class of players too hard. I mean, you see some streamers who shall remain nameless play for hours, gain rank then the next stream they're right back to rank 13 again picking on intermediates.

    The sad fact is that survivors hurt other survivors with that, so that isnt really a reason

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @Master said:
    Since the game cant detect how the DC happens, both needs to be punished equally intentional and unintentional DCs.

    This is the completely wrong way of looking at things. Remember it is a community-wide thing that would be implemented. This means that areas that have really crappy internet service, even though they are in the same region of the world, would be punished if they DC because of their internet. While I think it is not an excuse it happens.

    You should not punish all for the problems of a few. I think the system in place is a threshold/ratio of games that they DC from. While it is extremely annoying to have someone DC they are well within their right to do so. If they hit that limit they will be punished. They play 6 games and DC from 4 or so they are still fine.

    Now I can recommend they reduce that ratio to 3 games out of the last 10, but not much more than that. The other thing I would try to implement is that the game just does not start if less than 4 survivors are attempting to join.

    This is a very similar debate to the balance issue. If you want to balance this game to Rank 1 players, then you need to balance the DC to the rank 1 players. If they disconnect 12 times to depip/hate playing against Killer Name/or because they want to, then everyone should get that same respect.

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @Mrbombastic said:
    Dcers need to be in timeout for 10 mins and lose a rank for every dc

    How would this help? The reason so many players DC is because they WANT to lose rank. They want easier or less lobby wait times. They should not lose a Rank as many times this is a help to the 5-1 rank players who want to lose rankings.

    10 minutes is very extreme. I can suggest a tiered timeout period in a 24 hour period 1 dc 1 minute. 2 dcs 2 minutes 3 dcs 10 minutes 4 dcs 1 hour 5 dcs 12 hours. If the come back then it becomes a 24 hour -7 day ban.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @Master said:
    Since the game cant detect how the DC happens, both needs to be punished equally intentional and unintentional DCs.

    This is the completely wrong way of looking at things. Remember it is a community-wide thing that would be implemented. This means that areas that have really crappy internet service, even though they are in the same region of the world, would be punished if they DC because of their internet. While I think it is not an excuse it happens.

    You should not punish all for the problems of a few. I think the system in place is a threshold/ratio of games that they DC from. While it is extremely annoying to have someone DC they are well within their right to do so. If they hit that limit they will be punished. They play 6 games and DC from 4 or so they are still fine.

    Now I can recommend they reduce that ratio to 3 games out of the last 10, but not much more than that. The other thing I would try to implement is that the game just does not start if less than 4 survivors are attempting to join.

    This is a very similar debate to the balance issue. If you want to balance this game to Rank 1 players, then you need to balance the DC to the rank 1 players. If they disconnect 12 times to depip/hate playing against Killer Name/or because they want to, then everyone should get that same respect.

    If you have crappy internet, then dont play a competitive multiplayer game.
    Any other competitive multiplayer games punish DCs, no matter what caused them, the same.
    So if you DC "only" in 3 games out of 10, then you are ok? In ANY other competitive game, a continous 30% DC rate would lead to severe punishment, most likely perma bann.

    What does balancing/rank has to do with DCing?
    Of course everybody will be punished the same way, no matter what rank they are

  • COSSO03
    COSSO03 Member Posts: 2
    DC to counter camping and tunneling
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    DCers don't get their bp. Technically, this is punishment.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Well, this isnt about DCing penalties, but I would certainly not mind if a Survivor DCs, they should leave behind, using the spirit's terminology here, a husk for a minute or so. This husk can be interacted with by the killer; hooked and hit. This gets rid of people DCing because they missed their DS or similar. The timer gives enough time for the killer to hook them and get their stacks or whatever else they are after. But its also short enough time so that it only affects those who DC literally in front of the killer.

    Not sure how to deal with it for Killers DCing for three reasons. First, it wouldnt be possible from a technical point of view because the host would be DCing. Second, Survivors have longer times to complete their objectives. Third, a match without a threat (the killer) leads to a BP/item farm.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    How many times are you gonna make the same thread?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Orion said:
    How many times are you gonna make the same thread?

    Until the devs do sth

  • Zefanya
    Zefanya Member Posts: 4

    Personally, I think if you disconnect 3 times in 1 day you should be ban for the rest of the day and if you try to play the game you will be greeted by a Michael Myers dancing to thriller by Michael Jackson