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New Chapter: Falling Blossoms

PurpleEstrello Member Posts: 6
edited August 2020 in Creations

New Killer: The Copycat

Real name: Aoi Liameka

Gender: Female

Nationality: Japanese

Height: 5.9

Terror Radius: 24m, Music: Think of a serene calm music, its that but all distoted, if you are within 5 meters of her, you can hear her giggling non-stop

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Black

Story: When Aoi Liameka was born she was born into a weathly family. Her father had a great business that could get the money for anything. Aoi was the best child, did everything she was told. She also had a cat named Yanagi. When she was a teen she would always take her money and donate it. Her father kept unapproving it, saying that she didn't need to and that the poor people would find there own way.She was one of the smartest, kindest, and most giving people in the world but she could never express that. Right when she was going to go to high school, her father said something to her that she did not think about for her whole life. "I cannot wait until I retire and you own the business." She did not want to own the business, she wanted to travel all around the world, and help people in need. Truth be told, she would never get that dream. Disaster struck, new people came up, they flattened the Liameka business. They lost everything. Aoi's family was thrown into poverty and stuck on the streets. She watched as her father was taken to jail for something he never did. She watched as her mother died from disease. She was taken to live with a different family, it didn't change anything. For almost her entire life she wasn't able to do what she wanted, always doing what others expected of her. The only thing she had was Yanagi. He kept her sane through all this. She was on her third home when they took Yanagi away from her. "Dirty Stray" they said, "Feral animal" they said. She watched as the last famliy she had was taken from her, again. Then, she snapped. She couldn't bear anything being taken from her again. She went insane. Grabbed a knife from the kitchen and killed everyone there in only 20 seconds, by the time authorities got to the secne there was nothing there but corpses. They couldn't find her at all. Rumors spread about the girl who when Feral and killed her whole family, but the truth is, she fianally was able to do something she wanted to.

Power: Copy: She has a stalk mode that will lower her terror radius to 8 meters, in this state she can stalk survivors to gain levels in their mimicry bar. She can also peek around objects. At level one she can be a mimic for 30 seconds, at level two she can be a mimic for 60 seconds, and a level three she can be a mimic for 90 seconds. when she gains a level in one of the survivors mimicry bar she has the option to become a mimic. When she transforms she holds her fan above her head and does a slow spin, while she is in the spin cherry blossoms will surround her then she will be the survivor. While you are a mimic you look just like the Survivor you're mimicing, same cosmetics, items, etc. At the top of your screen you have the timer of how long it is until you are forcbly turned back, you also have the option anytime to turn back by pressing M2 (Default activate power button) While mimicing a survivor you cannot work on generators or cleanse totems, everything else you can do ex: Vaulting pallets, Running vaults, Sprinting as survivor, etc. When you are mimicing a survivor you also can see the aura of the survivor you are mimicing and you get a third person view just like a survivor! It takes about 1.5 seconds to become a mimic and vice versa. -She becomes one of us and we will not know who to trust - Survivors

Weapon: Tattered Fan: An old fan with sharpened edges that can easily cut through flesh. She holds her fan with her right hand and when she swings to hit a survivor she swings with her whole upper body. When she hits a survivor she opens her fan and fans herself then closes it and resumes chase.

New perks: Leap of faith: When a survivor is in a chase with you and does a running vault they get a 10% slow for 5/10/15 seconds has a cooldown of 60 seconds.- Cats always land on their feet!- The Copycat. Catlike Reflexes: After hooking 3/2/1 Survivor(s) catlike reflexes will activate. The next time you get stunned by a pallet you will thrust yourself backwards and the stun will be ineffective.- I have nine lives!- The Copycat. Yanagi's Rage: After hitting 5/4/3 survivors Yanagi's rage activates. The next time you hit a survivor on a generator or grab a survivor off a generator, the generator will explode and instantly lose 20% of progress then will normally regress.- Thats some bad luck!- The Copycat.

New Survivor: Kota Oshido

Gender: Male

Nationallity: Japanese

Height: Same as Bill

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Personallity: Timid

Voice: Higher that most male characters in DBD.

Story: When Kota Oshido was a child he was small and was scared of almost everything. He was born into poverty and lived on the streets with his family. He didn't really mind besides the things he was afraid of. When he was 14 he was taken away from his family by child services and was sent to live with a "Better family." He didn't really like it but its not like he had much of a choice. He did mostly what they told him to, Go to school, Brush your teeth, Go to bed. That kind of stuff. When he would go to bed he would always get scared of the "Things in the shadows." He also couldn't handle the way his foster parents screamed every night about if they were doing the right thing. This when on for a couple of years until he was a young adult. He had found a way to escape it all. Every night, when his parents started screaming he would climb out his window and lie down under the Cherry blossom tree. It was the only way to make him feel calm. One day when he came out he was terrified by what his parents were saying. Even when he was under the tree he was shaking. And then the petals turned blood red. At first he was so scared he didnt notice, but then they were all swirling around him like a whirlwind. Then when he opened his eyes he saw a strange world.

New perks: Small World: When a generator is completed you can see all of the other survivors auras for 3/4/5 seconds. When the last generator is completed you can see all of the other survivors auras for the rest of the match. -Hey! Found you!- Kota Oshido. Life Essence: When you are in the injured state all other survivors can see your aura until you are healed. Has a cooldown for 30/20/10 seconds.-Uhhh. A little help?- Kota Oshido. Fear Factor: When a fellow survivor is hooked for the first time Fear Factor activates. When the killer is in within 8/16/24 you can see their aura-There! There they are!- Kota Oshido

New Maps: Sakura High (Aoi and Kota's Highschool), Liameka Mansion (Aoi's abandoned house), and Cherry Street (Kota's foster parents's neighborhood)

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