New Deathslinger sound effect added?

I faced a Deathslinger today and noticed that while he was aiming his gun at me, a stinger effect started playing as a warning.
Honestly it isn't much and I'm not sure what the quirks around it are yet; if it plays only in chase, at a certain range etc.
I'm suprised this wasn't mentioned in the patchnotes, which leads me to suspect Slinger was ALWAYS supposed to have this and it was bugged out until the devs fixed it.
Any thoughts? I don't think it changes much how chases go against him, but its a nice start. If it plays instantly then it helps against Deathslingers who quickscope like me to try to avoid getting Dead Harded.
He's apparently always had this alarm ringing noise (I'm not sure how to describe it). Another user pointed it out and linked a youtube video with his sound effects. But you only notice it playing when he hard scopes, which most don't.
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For it to play he has to be aiming at you for a fair bit most Deathslinger don't do that.
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Oh. I also found out recently that he laughs twice if you get a Sharpshooter hit. He'll laugh at the hit, and laugh again when you reel in a survivor all the way.
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That makes sense, like I said I think it's possible he had it before and it got removed by accident. Since it was barely noticeable and he was still new nobody even noticed when it stopped playing.
It was very striking in my match today because I was hearing the sound before even seeing the Slinger aiming at me.
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I also had a VOD of me using a stealth Deathslinger build against a streamer. I know for certain I was aiming straight at them while approaching the streamer on a gen but while watching it from his perspective he had no sound when I caught him off guard multiple times. So this effect must have been re-implemented recently.