Thank you dbd for another great and justified ban

High quality gameplay
pd: for some reaseon this was originally posted in creations
you got dced been happen alot don't know if they work it.
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op didnt dc from the match and got a penalty somehow.
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This has happened to me twice. I finish the match, get my BP and boom. DC ban.
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Bruh, are you really that desperate you had to come complain here for FIVE MINUTES of penalty?
It's stopping dozens of DCs but you can't wait FIVE minutes because of an in game error?
Post edited by Rizzo on11 -
It can stack up quickly. Interesting how did it happened.
Post edited by Rizzo on37 -
You really dont get it do you? Those DC bans add up. And its completely unjustified. He did not DC and is still getting punished.
The DC system doesnt work anyways. Survivors can still rage quit via hook suicide.
Its very poorly implemented, and you look like a clown defending it.
Post edited by Rizzo on50 -
It's not a big deal, you aren't wrong. The problem is that it shouldn't happen in the first place, that's all.
Post edited by Rizzo on24 -
If you're getting randomly disconnected so often it's stacking check your files, your rig and submit a ticket. If they commit suicide killer still gets their BBQ stack and hook points.
Even if I get locked out for 15 minutes, an hour, whatever, my life doesn't depend on a game. I'm not gonna come here and cry because I can't play my game for FIFTEEN minutes. If it locks you out for more than that, like I said, complain. It's not normal. What I see is some dude whining over 5 minutes of downtime.
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Its also a very critically important bug for the developers to fix. So it was important for him to share it. Not for you to attack him.
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How's sarcasm highlighting the "importance" and seriousness of the issue?
If you want to reach out and be seen cause you genuinely care about an issue being solved, you'd describe the problem and what lead to it. When a game or software crashes and you reply to the feedback form with "VERY GOOD JOB HAHA LOVED IT" it's as if you hadn't submitted nothing at all. How the HELL are the devs going to do something about this when OP did not specify A THING except that they didn't DC. For all we know, OP got into a new match, DC'd then took the screenshot.
I don't doubt OP's story is real, I'm just saying this post helps NO ONE.
Edit: typo
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I already get banned for 1 hour, do you think this is the first time this happened to me? Or someone else?
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Yeah that's bs. I don't even understand how that could happen?
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people been getting wrongly dced in the game why i hate the dc penalty,dc penalty only hurts killer survivor can easily kill them self on hook not get a dc penalty
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OP didnt even get disconnected, they completed the trial and STILL got a ban
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I am sorry something messed up, please make sure to submit a ticket with the information they will need to find out what happened. this is where I will agree having it affect all is bad, BUT with the abuse of the functionality the need for an automated system that can not tell the difference between something that is not right (like this or an isp drop) or an intentional removal of cable from the client (player) network cable or equivalent. I have to understand and accept it if it happens to me.
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I didn´t expect someone like you when i wrote this.
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Yeah, but this still isnt cool.
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My friend got banned half an hour like this.
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Whats the point of coming onto the discussion board to tell people that the issue / idea they have is just "Hahah :clown: ahahah" There is no point to come here to comment stuff like this as it doesnt further the conversation.
Yea so, I have gotten banned for 6 hours becuase I used to run DbD on a ######### pc, and then moved onto a good pc, but with bad internet. I would complete matches, or loose connection during loading since some maps have so many polygons to load my computer just fried itself, and would have consistant 6 hour bans nearly every day. This problem has persisted since DC penalty release, and it is the only thing that really annoys me about it.
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I love the people that think this isn’t a “big deal”... when you have waited long enough to get a queue only to get dc’d and on top of that get a penalty, that isn’t how the system is suppose to work.
I don’t care if it’s 3 or 60 mins. You should never have to deal with a penalty if it is not an act of rage quitting. Period.
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In reality, you should be allowed to DC once per day, then penality... i would love to be able to get rid of that OoO practice game I get nearly every day. Plus, that'd saftey net any injust DC's which would give you time to report them before they go haywire
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OP: comes to forums to talk about an annoying bug
Some random: stop crying
Seriously though, what's not normal is getting as offended as you are about a post like this.
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We were playing last night when I got kicked. My wife was playing also, and got a 30 minute timeout. Odd thing is, it showed as the killer DC'ing on my end.
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The issue is the guy who dc'ed is a hacker there's a new hack where you dc from a match and you can pass the ban on to the killer so the guy is dcing from matchets without a punishment will passing it on to him he's luck it's only 5 min as people like truetalent got banned for hours till notQueen had to fix it manually from there systems. The worst thing is if they want to they can keep adding to the timer unless a dev removes the file that's under the attack
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This happened to my SWF last night.
It also showed the killer DC'ed and we all got a 5 minute ban for literally no reason.
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Sware i hate
Sware i hate when this happens especially when the killer has bad Internet to the point you can't stand the lag in game. When they finally d/c got penalized for it first time i got penalized the killer glitched out so bad it d/c him and me i got hooked on a tree apparently it counted as d/c i had to contact support proof and all they still told me we are sorry but nothing the could have done about it
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You should have instead reported this in the bug section.
A big issue with Dead By Daylight and it's community is they'd rather complain everywhere else about a bug than the correct sections.
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If you want this to be fixed you need to open this thread on bug report section with some files to help devs... Instead you are here to cry over 5 mins ban.
I know it's annoying I know you are innocent but pls help devs to fix this instead of crying here.
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Y'all are memes >.<
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welcome to the club bro
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Buzz off dude. It's not stopping a thing. Hook suicides.
You yourself admitted it's an in-game error. This game has terrible anti cheat and terrible bugs.
Sure your life doesn't revolve around a game. What you don't get is some people have a job. They don't get long to play videogames and it is bad for the health of the game when they get demotivated from playing it.
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Players can complain here too, so other players can see if this same prob happened to others. Devs need to just add bot killers already, that will b waaay better.
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Even if a player left a game or not, there shouldn't be bans anymore bc there r a lot of killers who cheat. Killer bots are required for this game to survive.
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Didn't know that hackers can do this, i guess it's worse than i thought
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That's why you dnt play this pc, its of cheaters. Also, nohacker is smarter than the devs, its a inside job. Lol.
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It's literally an error he has every right to complain
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or complain in the correct forum section, so people with the same issue can upvote that issue and then it'll get flagged quicker by BHVR.
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It is not uncommon for me to have this too, server takes a ######### and we all get punished for it, very annoying and a slap in the face for people who never DC.
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and every time it happens to him again he gets more and more time to complain here.
so whats your point here?
all i see is a justified complaint on a topic that should be taken very serious by the Devs, as it could potentially end up banning someone for lengthy periodes of time without them deserving any such bans.
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Yup, there’s a clown looking in the window. Well, in your case it’s a mirror lol. Don’t have time to be annoyed with snowballing dc bans you never earned, but you got plenty of time to throw shade at people with valid concerns despite getting shut down repeatedly. Cringe.
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you know, had you worded it that way to begin with i wouldnt have had any problem with your response.
yet you decided to be quite rude, talking the issue down like it was nothing.
wording is an important thing.
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Y'all are still memes
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Bruh, u didnt get banned... U got a DC penalty. No big whoop, just take a break. I mean if u didnt DC but still got penalty yeah yhat sucks, but by the time you go get a snack/drink/smoke/use the the bathroom/etc., its over. It was over by the time you posted this.
Just be glad its not like Rainbow 6: Siege... My teammates voted to kick me (for no good reason, i outlived them all and won the match... Even tho Im a total noob at that game lol) so at the start of the next round i shot them all (they deserved it lol) and I got time banned for an HOUR. An entire frickin HOUR.
So u know what I did? I deleted that wack AF game... And I went and played me some good old Dead by Daylight! DC system may not be perfect, but it is very much necesary. I cant tell u how many matches I lost/died bc one... Sometimes two... Players DC'd shortly after match start, leaving the other 2 of us with 5 gens to complete. And when they DC, its usually bc they were being toxic and it backfired... So they leave. Great for the Killer... Not so good for the rest of us. So suck it up, take your "timeout" (lol), and then get back to it!!!
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i play dbd for fun, but i can't have fun if i'm being banned for no reason, that was only 5 minutes, but what about 1 hour? 6 hours? in first place this shouldn't happen
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I swear this community is so tragic, something bad happens to them that they didn't deserve then people come here to just throw all of the negativity.
and on top? people actually liked those comments. y'all are sick.
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Pretty good job so far.
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Yall having a full on argument but I definitely don't think that it's not that big of a deal
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That's why the 3 first penalties are slight. It will restart in a day.
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😅 the logic of your statement: it's not worth complaining about but it's a good deterrent to DCing 😂