Another Facecamping/tunneling solution

When a survivor gets hooked they get dragged into the sky by the entity. The survivors have to touch 3 hooks to weaken the entity (triple the amount of bp and altruism). The killer is notified 3 seconds after a hook is touched. Once the 3rd hook is touched the survivor falls out of the sky and gets sent to the last hook touched. Everything else with the hooking mechanics are the same. This might be a bit unbalanced but little tweaks here and there could make it work.
seems convoluted and it doesn't fix the tunneling problem
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The good news is that I think it'll be relatively cheap to set up cuz you could reuse a lot of animations and textures. I don't see how it's less convoluted then the hatch mechanic, which I find a lot of players are still confused about.
It fixes most of the tunneling problem. I dont really mind a dumb killer over focusing on one survivor for too long. There's no way to fix that. The tunneling off hook problem is pretty much solved with this. If you manage to mess this up at this stage I don't think it's the killer's fault.
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Camping and tunneling are legit strategies. It's a PVP game. Handicapping a player and forcing them to do something for the benefit of another player/players without the intention of balancing but to make their play style easier is not and should not ever be the standard. It's their job to kill by any means. Just like someone telling you to stop doing gens because the killer just hooked someone and they left. People would lose their minds. Stop trying to force your wants on another players' choice.
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Yes they're legit strategies. Your ideas of how games should be designed is really one dimensional. Balance is important but so is QOL, feel of the game, direction the game is headed in and general health of the game. Just because something is a legitimate strategy does not mean it's, balanced, healthy, or fits in that PvP game.
Okay so now explain to me how this doesn't help balance the game. If I said face camping and tunneling is too strong against bad survivors but too weak against good survivors and impossible to balance then perhaps it would be easier to remove it. That way we can shift power around else where. If done correctly we may even solve gen rushing with my solution since it could force the survivors off gens and helps the killer locate approximately where the survivors have been.
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So, another second chance for survivors.
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It's a PVP game. A killer shouldn't have to do this and this and that to make another side happy before they can kill them. If you want to fix gen rush and problems with people trying to remove someone quickly (tunneling) then make it so after each hook and the killer leaves, all gens are blocked from survivors for 25 seconds. It gives a killer a chance to find and down another survivor and allows the hooked survivor a safe unhook without the pressure of being removed from the game so early.
Relieves a lot of pressure on the killer so he/she doesn't feel rushed and it evens out the flow of the game. Trying to remove something that is efficient in a pvp game is not something someone will agree to normally. If COD made it so you couldn't camp a corner for that last 2-3 kill nuke, it just wouldn't be COD. They use an MMR system also. Removing a play style or forcing someone to play how another wants isn't a pvp anymore because one side is being forced to play a certain way.
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That would be fine but the games where I get tunneled the other three survivors are doing this.
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That's the main issue I have. I get teammates who are UE around the map and doing no gens but when I'm killer, I get teams who do nothing but gens. It's the nature of the beast.
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Since when did I say that the killer has to do this or that to keep the other side happy? I'm not talking about doing any of that. I'm talking about game design not forcing killer into doing stuff. I like your suggestion. u do realize that it would make tunneling and Facecamping way too strong and need a nerf right? It would change face camping from being highly inefficient to one of the most efficient things to do. While tunneling would be stronger in more situations. Bring on your change. It'll bring on other charges to balance things out.
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@Terro I don't know why your reply was deleted but I think a better way to remove or diminish camping and tunneling would be to actually supply a way to reduce the pressure and stress on the killer. A reward for leaving the hook. Not a direct benefit to killer or a negative to survivor but a middle ground that is fair for both.
I think we'd see a lot more positivity and keep the nature of the pvp game play without changing everything. Feel free to contribute.
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@DaKnight This is the original OP and my comments. If you have something to relay, do it on this. I thought this thread was taken down but I was wrong. This was why I made the thread, "A Continuation".
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I dunno why it was deleted either. I must've hit something wrong when I was trying to edit words cuz I realized I made a bunch of minor mistakes cuz it's late and I'm on my phone.
I was hoping that this idea with the right tweaks would hit a fair spot by accomplishing:
1. No face camping and less tunneling (hopefully leading to less complaints and toxicity)
2. Giving the secondary objective of saving other survivors more weight, which leads to less gen rushing and less dumb farming for BP. People have been clamoring for giving survivors more objectives and survivors have been complaining about how they're not getting enough BP so why not hit both?
3. Giving the killer a lot more information on where the survivors are so killers can plan ahead more and have less downtime. It's basically a weaker BBQ but it'll give enough information so that a good killer whose paying attention could capitalize on it.
4. It's something new and interesting but doesn't totally change everything. It'll be nice to shake things up. Both killers and survivors will have to adapt.
Of course the idea is definitely not perfect and it could easily be way too survivor or killer sided depending on how it's implemented. And it probably wouldn't make those that go out of their way to Facecamp or tunnel off hook too happy but I always thought that the majority of people did it out of necessity not cuz they want to.
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Maybe make it so that whenever you hook a survivor and exit a 35 meter radius a random generator begins regressing automatically? Just so that its one less gen to kick, and allows the killer more time to search, and if they try to go back to hook, it takes about the same amount of time as it would for the killer to run and kick a gen so it evens out unless the killer actually stays away and searches?
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I do believe they're adding a secondary objective in the next chapter called, "Glyphs" but don't hold me to that. Some do face camp out of anger or a show of dominance rather than a need. I do it if I feel like I lost no matter what. Altruistic survivors most of the time clamor together resulting in multiple hits and hooks for me, turning a terrible gen rush into a decent and fulfilled match with 2-3 hook kills for me. Tunneling is one of the best methods to reduce stress on yourself as killer and makes it easier to target someone who is already hurt over a healthy survivor.
The new mechanic might add a much needed breath of air for killer side and much more rewarding on the survivor side (BPs). Let's hope so. I would like to actually chase instead of starting a match and feeling like I've already lost after 3 gens pop and no one is dead. It's just logical to get overwhelmed.
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There are a ton of perks that do that and it would negatively affect Pop and Overcharge. That and wouldn't do much in the long run.
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But thats why it would be a random one just generally normally regressing. Luck on your side? Pop still totally effective, almost better now. Same for surge and overcharge. It would be like you said, not necessarily rewarding or hindering to either side provided that you play well
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Yet it hinders a killer's perk set. That's the issue.
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Guy, this is a videogame, not a platform for people that need to feel strong in a videogame because they can't in their real lifes. Everyone deserve to have fun, not to 4k
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Actually, there would be a really simple solution to fix camping/tunneling. Starting a chase with a just unhooked survivor? -5000BP + camping the hook for 30 seconds, also -5000BP.
Problem solved
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Its a PVP game. You're facing people, not bots. Handicapping one side is unfun and unfair to the other.
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If that seems fair to you, you should die on first hook. Fair for killer for outplaying you. Seems stupid, doesn't it?
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I think hooking right now is fine as it is, but i give you credit for this nice and very unique idea. Well done.
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Do survivors get the same penalty for tunneling and camping a nearly finished gen instead of searching for a new one?