Piggy McCutepig

Hey people,
I just bought the SAW dlc and I love how The Pig plays. Even if the RBT are not as deadly as I thought they were I'm fond of the crouch.
And you, any thought about The Pig? Hate her? Love her? Advices are welcome
Pig is one of my favorite killers. She's considered mid-tier at the moment, but probably towards the bottom once Wraith is buffed. The RBT aren't really used to kill people, although, if a survivor is dumb enough it's a huge bonus if it does.
The RBTs can add huge pressure if you put them on at the right time. Personally, I just use them to stall generator progress for a few seconds, so I use them all up as soon as the survivor is in the dying state. In my experience, her games are very RNG based. You can have a survivor sneaking around the map a good portion of the game trying to remove the RBT or less than 30 seconds if you are unlucky.
That's just my experience with the Pig. If you're looking for rank 1 advice, there's a bunch of good guides on YouTube.
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She's only mid-tier if you aren't using the "Jigsaw" voice to narrate the game to yourself when you play as her. :chuffed:
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RBTs will be getting quite a bit deadlier with the next patch as they finally fixed the 7 month long bug of the Gear add-ons not properly applying their debuff. But yes as people said, odds are you're probably not going to get kills with them unless it's on a big map and/or you're running Tampered Timer in addition to.0
Thanks a lot for all your inputs, I'll take a look to the videos shortly
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Hellrossa said:
Thanks a lot for all your inputs, I'll take a look to the videos shortly
1. Use the dash mid-chase to force down pallets, especially the nasty ones. To do it simply start dashing before they get to it to force them to drop or get hit.
2. Gen grabbing.
The Pig has no TR after standing up for a few seconds, whenever the map allows you to try to stand up while going around the closest corner and attempt to grab them. Make sure to hide your red stain while standing up by facing walls or looking the other way.
Another good thing about that technique is that it often beats sprint burst as the lack of growl gives them way less time to react.0 -
ChesterTheMolester said:Hellrossa said:
Thanks a lot for all your inputs, I'll take a look to the videos shortly
1. Use the dash mid-chase to force down pallets, especially the nasty ones. To do it simply start dashing before they get to it to force them to drop or get hit.
2. Gen grabbing.
The Pig has no TR after standing up for a few seconds, whenever the map allows you to try to stand up while going around the closest corner and attempt to grab them. Make sure to hide your red stain while standing up by facing walls or looking the other way.
Another good thing about that technique is that it often beats sprint burst as the lack of growl gives them way less time to react.0