survivors have strong perks yes but killer still has the strongest perk in the game. NOED, the perk everyone who can't keep gen pressure uses. People who only play killer never see how annoying NOED actually is. I play equal survivor and killer so I have them both at red ranks. From these experiences I know that NOED is superior to other perks in the game. This perk gives you a boost in speed along with a 1 hit down. This perk alone can take a 0 kill game to a 3 kill or even 4 kill. To compare this any way to DS isn't fair. This is like comparing a pistol to an assult rifle. Yes they're both guns but one is undoubtedly superior. DS can't save a game like NOED can. Just dont tunnel against DS and youre fine. The same thing doesn't exist with NOED. A survivor can loop a killer for all 5 gens then get punished with NOED. He never had time to "do bones" he had to rely on other players to help him. Now he's downed and his teammates who come to save him also gets downed. This ruins all sort of fun for the survivors making it find the NOED before 2 minutes so out friend doesn't die.


  • AnotherJacob
    AnotherJacob Member Posts: 66

    NOED should have cooldown between hits, at least 1 minute.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Noed is easy to counter. Detective's Hunch is your friend. And despite the constant crying from killers DS is easy to counter too.

  • CEO_Of_Jane
    CEO_Of_Jane Member Posts: 72

    thats literally genius id actually like to see this implemented

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    As someone who plays both sides a ton, neither are amazing or in need of a nerf.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    You probably did not know but this game is a 4v1 so while you are getting chase its the job of your teamate to do gen and bones.

  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52

    I think Noed is just annoying. I personally dont like either perks bc people rely on them way too much. Noed and Ds are fine for right now and your team gets wiped by Noed you severely messed up big time. Do Bones or just leave.

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    I never understood why NOED is the only endgame perk that is targeted when it is by far the easiest to counter. I agree with you in saying that its unfair to compare the two as you had said because they are done for entirely different purposes. DS discourages a tunnel gameplay, while NOED encourages a high risk endgame build (Protecting bones, getting rid of pallets, breaking walls, and other killer specific preparations, etc.). The fact that it is high risk means the reward should be commensurate. The endgame is just another part of the trial where killers try to kill survivors and survivors try and elude the killer.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    It's 1 VERSUS FOUR so of course NOED should be little stronger.

    Still, DS is momentum stopper and can definitely be stronger than NOED.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited August 2020

    NOED is far from the strongest perk in the game. If you are consistently losing to NOED, rethink your own gameplay. When that first notification comes in, just bloody well leave. There's no point hanging around. Is it unfair? Hell yes. Is it strong? Only as strong as you, the team of survivors, make it. Just stop being altruistic and NOED stops being strong. It's the same principle as facecamping: when you see someone doing it, just let them and deny them of any more kills.

    Edit: also, please isn't use "don't tunnel" as some DS counterplay excuse. Touching a survivor within 1 minute isn't tunelling, and thats assuming said survivor didn't jump into a locker, sit in a gen, go for an unhook, bodyblock with BT, or heal beside the hook.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Noed is fine, punishes survivors for gen rushing and not taking care of bones.

    About DS, its supposed to be there to prevent tunneling but what it does is just 1 minute of invulnerability.