will these things come back in the halloween event 2020?

Well, with 2 months to go until October, I think it's time to ask the dbd community (and maybe devs) if they think these things will return to dbd:
1.-Visceral cankers:
these meat flowers made their first appearance in the event called "hallowed blight" which survivors had the secondary mission of extracting putrid serum from them.
(the visceral cankers did not appear in the hallowed catalyst due to time issue)
2.-the original cankerous hooks:
These hooks have never come to light, but were found in internal files in 2018. It was unknown why they never came out on the live version of the game.
HALLOWEEN 2017 theme:
I would love for you to bring that song instead of the other hallowed blight soundtrack.
Its just amazing!
and tell me what do you think about this? say it in the comments.