The reason I'm not going to play DBD anymore (and its not cause of SWF or DS or NoED)

Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I know a lot of people post on here ranting about the aforementioned, and say that they're done with this game cause they got salty about something. And it seems to annoy people a bit, so i'm sorry if this does, but I feel like I have an actual constructive reason for posting this. Devs, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please enable mouse and keyboard on console. I actually posted about this a little bit ago but in that post I neglected to mention that not having it when I play is driving me half insane. I cant deal without it anymore.

Even after the sensitivity buff, survivors are still able to dodge hits way too easilly. Im constantly getting 360'd out of hits when I shouldn't. Survivors on console always try to run behind your back, knowing that you will have a hard time hitting them. They will literally run behind your back and stay there so that you can't even turn to look at them. By the time you can see them again they're too far away to hit. So you pretty much have to blindly lunge behind you and oftentimes the survivor is able to dodge the hit by moving SLIGHTLY in the opposite direction, and you miss by a fraction of an inch, giving them ample time to get to another loop. This happens to me every single game.

It's actually caused me to lose the game on several occasions, and I'm just done with it. And thats not even mentioning the fact that huntress and nurse are borderline unplayable without keyboard and mouse, and those are my fav killers, which rubs it in even more. I've played Nurse for at least a few hundred hours and I still struggle with her when I feel like I shouldn't. I actually had one of my worst games ever with her earlier, so you can probably imagine how pathetic I feel, having invested so much of my life into this killer, just to suck at playing her. I LOVE this game and i dont wanna stop playing, but I'm not going to play a game in which your opponents can use technical limitations against you to work in their favor. (limitations that they themselves do not suffer from, since from what i've heard survivors are not hindered from playing on controller.) It's not fair, plain and simple.

I will gladly go against SWF death squads, I'll eat DS like it's candy, and I will gladly die to NoED every other game because I refused to do the smart thing and GTFO cuz I had to try and save my teammates. But I feel like this is a fair place to draw the line. So on principle I'm putting DBD down for now. And if the devs are reading this, please do the right thing. There's no reason that console players shouldn't have the same playability as someone on PC. I probably sound like a killer main, but I'm not, I play both sides. It's just that this issue doesnt hurt survivors at all really. And sorry if this seems like i'm salty and complaining, but this is something that needs to be said. The fact of the matter is that survivors have an inherent advantage on console that wasnt intended, and they should not have. Enabling keyboard and mouse requires pretty much no effort, and if the devs won't do that then I'm afraid I have no business playing this awesome game anymore. Losing games because I have to play on a controller completely ruins my fun so there's really no reason to play anymore.

Post edited by Shredder9000 on


  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    Personally I don't have a problem with it, the only things that affect my ability to hit is the low FPS and auto lock on, on the rare occasion I get 60 FPS it's really easy and if you get 360d and play on 100% sensitivity it's just you being lazy with your aim. That being said there is no reason there shouldn't be mouse and keyboard support, that would make killers like huntress and death slinger truly viable.

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2020

    Well, the 360ing works a lot less frequently than the other stuff I mentioned tbh. I misphrased that. But It can't just be that my aim is lazy every single game. Trust me, there is no laziness that goes into my swings most of the time. I always turn as much as I possibly can for as long as the hitbox is there, but they still dodge easily. I see other killers struggling with it too, so I'm not the only one

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2020

    Sometimes. The consoles natively support it but most games don't. It's up to the developers to enable it. Modern warfare supports it. Fortnite as well. It's a bit of an iffy subject in shooters because it's a big advantage over controller.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    For competitive games it's Smite, Warframe and Paladins.

    For other games, I know of Cities Skylines and Surviving Mars (or what is it called).

    (Applies to Xbox, dont know about PlayStation)

  • ColaGhost
    ColaGhost Member Posts: 36

    I find I get caught out by this when I lunge & a lot less when I simply swing. The Auto aim or whatever the ######### it is on console can completely bone you on lunges.

    When it happens just tapping attack usually set things straight.

    Also. Would you kill people to learn what paragraphs are? These wall of texts are putting me to sleep.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    In most shooting games its a disadvantage to have a mouse because they give controller users auto aim....

    IE the Modern Warfare aim assist that was so strong you could snipe people you couldn't even see by just pulling the trigger when you slowed down.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22

    Out of everything that's wrong with this game...this is the reason you chose to not to play. Even if your request was made you'd still have. About a hundred bugs you're playing with. Lol. But hey if thats your tick. 🤷🏾

  • Kruegersleatherface
    Kruegersleatherface Member Posts: 14

    Why do people think others care that they're leaving the game, to me this just screams attention seeking and you more than likely have no friends, so you look for comfort and support on this

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301


  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    Can't argue with your logic tbh. But I can't say I've lost games because of bugs though...other than the basement bug that made you fall through the void. I can deal with glitches, but I really can't have any fun if I'm losing games because of this. I'm at my wits end with it. Maybe it is slightly absurd that this is what ruins it for me. But its still not right for survivors to have this advantage. Dodging hits should be difficult. Not a matter of moving very slightly in the other direction.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I dunno if it just takes practice, but I do just fine with jukes/360s when the game itself doesn't deny it.

    Sensitivity is 85% and is perfect for me.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2020

    On PC 360 are easier to counter.

    You either can follow them with lunge and wait until they reach their first 90% angle and hit them then, or you just turn to your left, or right and wait again until they reach their first 90% and hit them then with a short basic attack.

    Works both, always, if you have train it a little. Guess it is because many survivors have problems to roll their head, on their keyboad :P, on the same speed to the left and right, as if they would roll up and left (or right).

    Btw. make some line breaks in your wall of text please :|

    It's better to read then.

  • JustNxck
    JustNxck Member Posts: 22

    Just play on PC...then

    as a killer I've not much trouble hitting people who 360 of course your going to miss from time to time...Happens having mouse and keyboard isn't gonna magically make you better you're still going to miss...Less frequently but still.

    Don't immediately go for the hit..take a second pause read the survivor if he's someone that abuses 360s just stop when you get close to him focus on him and hit him... works perfectly fine.

    Never understood why people play on console and beg of mouse and keyboard...Last thing i need is another game with mouse and keyboard ruining the parity of console play.

    Complaints like these are the same as people complaining about DS, NOED and etc.. You're just not playing smart enough.

  • ratsmacker
    ratsmacker Member Posts: 44

    The reason I'm not playing dbd anymore: i like identity v more lol

  • SuperCalavera
    SuperCalavera Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020

    Play on PC then, mouse and keyboard should NOT be a thing on console as it gives and unfair advantage. If you don't like controllers go to PC, it's that simple. And go back to school and learn how to write

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    So basically you're saying to give up. "Should have got it for PC" is an unacceptable answer. If the devs are going to make a console port, they need to at least make it playable. It's clear as day that 360s are easier to do on console because of auto-aim or fps drops or some other reason. Whereas PC players never try to 360 because they know it'll get punished. This difference in playstyle between console and PC should not exist. The players are not the problem, and we shouldn't have to 'adapt' to an exploit that's as simple as spinning the joystick. The devs need to stop making a laughing stock of themselves and give us some better fps and remove the auto-aim. You're doing their dirty work for them by making excuses for their failures.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Not everyone has a gaming PC. So screw the console players? That's what I'm hearing. We'll undoubtedly see a mass exodus from console to PC when cross-progession comes out, which is sad because people shouldn't have to resort to that. How about BHVR make a good console port instead of one that's half-baked in almost every aspect?

  • This is exactly the reason why I left Dead By Daylight console for PC a year ago. Mouse and keyboard is way more natural and easier to hit 360s with. I said exactly those same words, it felt like I lost so many games on console because I missed a 360. A few angry people posting here when all OP made was a simple request without even being very rude or entitled.

    Some people say they want to keep their console walled in and only against other controller players. Well, guess you guys need to find another game once crossplatform comes out, huh? Like others have said, plenty of console games support mouse and keyboard, so why can't Dead By Daylight?

    All the people here that say they have no problem hitting 360s on console... again, wait for crossplatform. 360s aren't "rare" on PC as some people think, it's a very common trick most many survivors do when they're outpositioned and have no other choices. But just wait until you go against the cocky 360ers. These guys use keyboard and mouse to do 360s like you haven't seen before. They'll avoid dropping pallets just to spin you and put you in a YouTube montage. Tapping R2/RT instead of holding it for a lunge... won't help you there. Mouse and keyboard can counter these movements way, way easier than analog sticks from my experience.

    And I didn't even mention other situations mouse and keyboard are great. Like swinging around corners. Or when you're mindgaming a survivor or you can only hit the survivor with the very tip of your weapon. Very precise movements like these are why M&K is better than controller for killer in my opinion. I think controllers are better than M&K for survivors since you can move your character and camera completely independently of each other, but I've gotten too used to playing M&K on survivor to switch to controller.

    Mouse and keyboard support is a great feature to add since crossplay is coming. I know many of you guys like playing controller, but you should still support implementing mouse and keyboard. If you try out once, who knows, you might not be able to go back to controller for Dead By Daylight.

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    Sorry! I'll keep that in mind next time. Typing on my Xbox takes awhile and It slipped my mind. At least I can use M&K for that, so I think I will next time.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    I'm quiting for a few reasons. Firstly it doesn't seem like the devs can really get anything right. And secondly swf parties are way too toxic. I wouldn't mind getting my ass outplayed by swf if they weren't complete ######### along the way. It's like a foreign concept to a survivor that they can outplay a killer without being a complete dick about it

    If killer keeps getting neglected as much as it is, there won't be enough killers for the game to be playable by survivors. It's almost like alienating half of your playerbase by making one mode awful to play because of how survivor sided the game is isn't a good idea. I wonder why.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    "Now I'm not talking about all those DUMB, STOOPID reasons other players might have for feeling like the game could improve. I have the ONLY VALID COMPLAINT HERE!!!!! SO I'M OOUUUUT!!!!!!!!"

    Talk about entitled daaayum.

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    I didnt say that at all? Nor implied it. I wasn't saying I have the ONLY valid complaint, I was saying that I know people get annoyed by posts like that, since people make them all the time and it's been said so many times before. I was saying that I'm posting this instead of keeping it to myself because its not something that's been talked about all that often, and if there's a technical issue that screws over certain players, it should be talked about. I would have kept it to myself otherwise. Nobody gives a crap whether or not i'm playing anymore, but I just wanted to put it out there.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    Right? For the love of Entity why do people post these? If you want to quit, just quit. Do you think threatening the devs will make them do anything? Why implement a change for someone who's not a player anymore?

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2020

    I love how I'm walking on egg shells trying not to offend anyone and being as nice as possible and people are still throwing shade at me and insulting me personally lol it's amusing and acts as a case study of this game's toxicity.

  • SneakyNeytrix
    SneakyNeytrix Member Posts: 6

    I do agree with you! I have always tried to play Anna and Sally, but it’s hard. I would recommend for the moment, instead of just leaving, maybe try another killer! I can definitely tell you that The Doctor is a good choice.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    If you want mouse and keyboard support, you must first prove your mastery by finding the enter key and slicing that wall of text into half or even quarters.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    There is a portion where you mention you heard the survivors don't have the same issues with a controller... implying you don't play survivor or haven't much but then you followed it with a long noed statement which implies itself you play survivor sometimes and therefore should have a feel for how the controller pans out as a survivor on the console ports. Might just be a bit of a biden moment there, but my cynical mind is suspecting foul play. I wonder if we are being trolled. Or if you are testing if someone would actually read the wall of china.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    Now i completely disagree with you as i play on console and they almost never happens. Id say try getting better

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    I didn't imply that I play survivor sometimes.

    I outright said I did.

    More than sometimes.

    Survivors DON'T have much issue on a controller.

    Killers do.

    That's just how it is.

    I have no experience on M&K so I can't really speak on whether it's better for survivors. From watching streamers and from what I've heard here there really isn't much benefit. You can definitely tell that it's better for killers though just by watching.

    Definitely not trolling. I apologize for that, I should have been more clear.

    And god forbid I forget to put paragraphs in this ONE post on a forum.

    I'm a complete and total moron who's going nowhere in life because I forgot to put paragraphs in something that took me a while to type on my controller, which I ended up having to type twice. So it slipped my mind.

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    I'm laughing way too hard at this XD yes, I feel like a dunce for forgetting I should add paragraphs. I shall redeem myself in your eyes, good sir. I will prove my keyboard skill to you one way or another!

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    If You get 360ed that easily you do something seriously wrong.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    I honestly play with my ds4 pad most of the time on pc, except with ranged killers which I rarely use so far until I'm willing to put the time into getting the feel for them and I usually don't have issues except with the ranged ones and sometimes nurse. Nurse not as often, it depends on how wirey the survivors are whether I can chill with apad with her or have to scrunch up and tryhard with her to hit anybody. she's sort of in between for me in pad difficulty. deathslinger, plague even clown and especially huntress (cannot hit the broad side of the barn with a controller with her) I have to use a mouse and when I am not int he mood for that I basically don't touch those killers. so I've obviouslly only played each of those killers a few times, I didn't finish one single huntress rift challenge the last rift LOL.

    Melee killers or ones with instant downs are fine for me with apad though, except oni is a little rough on some map layouts with the rush is all. I don't plan on playing killer much any more after the mmr changes anyways though, I have to save my potatos for future rift challenges rather than make them impossible to ever complete once I run out of potatos. potatos are a finite natural resource that should be used wisely.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    If survivors can dodge you you're just bad. If you want to play m and k, you're free to play on pc.

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    I'm just going to get a XIM adapter, I think. I have absolutely no clue why people think it's just so easy to "just play on PC" as if they don't cost several hundred dollars at the very least. Money that not everyone has. And no, I'm not just a bad player. So many people telling me I just need to get gud without actually refuting what I'm saying.

  • Shredder9000
    Shredder9000 Member Posts: 18

    Cuz it's DBD. So naturally, there's a lot of people on their high horses looking for any opportunity to tell you that you're a bad player.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    never understnd the thing with KB and M i play dbd on steam and ps4 both i use a controller,i try kb and m on dbd survivor and killer not use to it only really worked with killer a little.

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    Speaking of exploits, there seems to be a tech where you just spin your stick and sometimes the killer will refuse to lunge and just swipe and miss with auto lock on. Now it doesn't bother me because I know I just have to get closer now but auto lock on with the big brain algorithm that decides if you want to lunge or not and does it automatically for you needs to go. You're not wrong though, way too many people attempt to spin you in the corn because they know your FPS is trash, tracking can get real hard.