Another Rework for NOED

Changed it to be better.

If all generators are done and you have at least gotten 6/5/4 hooks a dull totem becomes a hex totem.

All survivors 8/16/24 meters close to exit gates are exposed. If this totem is cleansed the survivor who cleansed it becomes exposed for 40 seconds.

There must be a dull totem on the map.

If there is no dull totems on the map exit gates take 6/7/8 seconds longer to open.


  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    NOED is fine as it is, though?

  • Terr0rwrist
    Terr0rwrist Member Posts: 67

    Just do bones.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Im sorry to say this but a perk like that is useless broken is not that favorable for the killer in the late game if it was we would see the new PH perk a bit more

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    Might aswell change the name to No One Escapes Injuries then.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347


  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I agree it needs a change. Maybe fix the totem spawns though rather than the perk itself because some maps some totems feel practically unfindable. And if we were to fix the perk itself, suggest a fix that actually requires the killer to do something skilled in order to have NoEd proc.

    Most killer mains who have clearly never played survivor say "What about your 2nd chance perks?" We use those perks because of how scummy killers play, what are survivors expected to do when they get farmed without BT and you try to tunnel us out of the game? Killers don't have to worry about a team screwing them over or someone not letting them play the game basically (aka making us eat dirt or cuddle the hook all game). Or they might say "Just do bones" but as I said before, some maps have spawns that feel practically unfindable... I don't wanna waste 2-3+ minutes trying to find a totem I can't find, that's not fair to my time and my team I'm not going to be utterly useless because I'm told to "just do bones" that I cannot find for the life of me.

    Yet NoEd... you don't have to hook a single person all match and you can still get kills due to NoEd. If you dunno how to play killer, don't play killer.

    So either the perks or totems need a fix but idk about this.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Noed is already as good as it can be. Why would you rework such a perk? There are lot's of garbage perks out there to propose reworks for just concentrate on them.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    so would it do nothing against adrenaline or hard counter it?

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    The problem with NOED is that EVERYONE is ussing and you dont have more the surprise what perks the killer are using, my frinds now just let the gen 99% and the others are in exit gate, because all the killers has NOED, and you cant crucify the survival to do the only objective and the only thing that will give him bloodpoints pip and make he win the game, its like the old ruin, what it was fun to look for the toten and find and be like wow i find the toten, and its just become boring to always find the toten, and know NOED its transformin in the old ruin everyone has and is being overused

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Well many killers need Noed to get kills, just like many survivors need DS, Adrenaline etc to survive. Me when playing survivor I want the killer to have Noed it actually makes EGC more exciting having to avoid killer and look for the totem rather than just run out and on to the next game.

    If Noed is going to be nerfed then survivor perks needs nerfing aswell or it would be even more easy for survivors then it already is. But if they nerf perks the game will not be as fun.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    A pretty ######### idea to be honest.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427
    edited August 2020

    The sad thing is that NOED its not being more fun to go against, the fun of the game is to discover what addons and perks the killer/survivals is ussing for try to beat the adversary, i really think that some is equal and if one get nerfed the other need to like for example keys/moris or adrenaline/ NOED

    I think that NOED make de EGC more fun Yes and the same time No,

    I like when the killer has NOED but the main problem is that i think that for all survivals if he gets hit in the EGC he get surprised by not be dead, and i dont think that this is alright it need to be balanced to be a surprise, every survival when are talcking about NOED isnt like a god nurse that you have rancor because always that you enconter one you wanna to destroie the nurse for all the times that him kill you in five second, its a war felling that its just came a lot of flashbacks of you being abandonet from the hook or die tryng to save someone, because nothing hurts more then doing well looping the killer doing gens dont go from the hook and think i do well, and so you get hit by NOED or you have to abandonet an friend that is dying on the hook, or you can be this guy that is dying

    maybe i has excagerates a little bit in the final but its what i feel

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    Ok, if NOED is in need of a nerf, I propose that Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, DS, Unbreakable, Iron Will and other survivor crutch perks get a nerf too, yeah?

    NOED is an easy counter and plus makes the game more intense/interesting when endgame comes around. Instead of gen rushing, take the time to do totems. That's an easy 1000 points or 1500 points if it's lit. My friends and I have screwed over so many killers because we take the time to cleanse totems.

    I seriously can't believe that people are still dancing around NOED. It's a balanced perk and easy to counter. Survivors need to stop whining.