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Killers cheaters on PS4?

Hello guys, i would like to tell you my experience with the killers on Ps4 and i'd like to know if someone has the same problems.

Too often i found killers that seems to know exactly where you are. I will tell you some episodes from various matches that i played.

  • Yesterday i was dead and i was spectating one of the other survivors. He was hidden in a dark place, near a wall and behind some tall chests and he was dressed in black. Even i couldn't see him when the camera pointed him. The assassin was far from him, in fact the heartbeat couldn't be heard. 2 seconds later, the assassin came directly towards him and hit him, like he knew exactly where he was. But really he can't see him because there was the chests between the killer and the survivor. The same killer, when i was still alive he always manage to find me and whenever i managed to run away and hide behind something he always came exactly where i was. After the match, i saw if he has some perk that help him to find the survivors, but he had NOTHING.
  • In another match, me and another survivor were the only remaining. The killer found the other survivor and go to the hook. I was literally on the other side of the map and i hide in a house. From the window i saw the killer come directly towards this house. I'm still asking how he knew that i was there.
  • Yesterday, in another match, we were all alive and the killer took one of the survivors and went to the hook. While he was going there, i started a generator and after he hung the survivor he came directly where i was.

If someone can explain me how is this possible i'd be happy. Sorry if my english is not very good.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Sounds like BBQ for the second and third. As for the first I'd need more context.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    This is just BBQ. If I were you I'd look up all the killer perks in the game and see if they fit in any of your scenarios.

    Also killers after playing this game for a while can almost build up a sixth sense as to where survivors should roughly be.

    Lastly if your injured the killer can hear you quite easily. Decent headphones will help the killer hear you breath (even when no injured) and your footsteps.

  • Jekyllina
    Jekyllina Member Posts: 2

    I don't remember if hte killers had BBQ for the 2 because that happened some time ago and the 3 i forgot to see the perks. But for the first i remember that i checked and he had NOTHING. So it's very strange that he found the survivor that i described as very well hidden. In that case, is it possible to do some types of cheating that help them to find survivors?

  • funkymonkey
    funkymonkey Member Posts: 32

    I think there is a bug that sometimes pops up and no perks are shown on that end screen. They have perks etc but nothing is shown. Possibly that has happened there? I have seen it lots if times

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    There's also an issue with lag that can result in what looks like teleports.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    For the 2nd and 3rd one it is just BBQ the perk. The 1st one definitely needs more context.