People moaning about hook suicides? Why? Aren't the devs looking to somewhat address the issue?

They have released these questionnaires and mention changing the struggle stage to skill checks (assuming like in cages)
Yes, I know. This will not prevent people purposely failing the skill checks, but if its like in cages then at least it will take longer for them to die.
Also that player may just decide to sit and wait under the hook to be hooked again (at least that waste a lil bit of the killers time) If the report system at the end of the game felt like it made any impact at all and if you were notified if action was taken on that player, then this might reduce the amount of times someone "throws" a game. (I do believe the devs were looking to improve this too, think they asked a question about if we felt it has an impact)
So overall, I'm sure the devs are aware of an issue and hopefully something will be done about it.
Waiting for the survivor mains "what if i don't want to stay in the game?!" Well you went in the game knowing what you could possibly face. Im a genji main in overwatch and if i get a team with all my counters and are obviously way better than us should i just dc lose 50 sr screw my team and get banned? No its selfish and dumb. I adapt accept i won't win every game and try my best till the very end to help my team. You should help your team till the end i understand if survivors dc because they have to go or bugs but when im getting people admiting to doing it just because i brought a secret offering (its funny when its a shroud of separation) it just makes ya a sore player.
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no worries it was just people to get out of their way to not get a timeout for dcing but thats gone again so except more dcs now
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Next people will just AFK, you can't really fix this.. If someone does not want to play a certain trial he won't play.
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To be fair, the devs are notoriously slow and rarely make grand statements about whats coming or what they would like to include and patches are fairly slow compared to a lot of games.
But with that said, people are always bitching about anything and everything. People were still Bitching about the old Billy overheat despite it already being changed to a new much less punishing one. Or complaining about cosmetic sets despite it being 2 months later and its 100% not getting changed. Or even complaining about auras despite the devs saying 20+ times that they are working on a fix.
Some people will always look to complain about something. Doesnt matter if its not important, if it has been acknowledge by the devs that they are fixing it, or if it has already been fixed. Its their hobby to complain.