Suggestion: Entity Conversion Feature

This feature is being suggested to get some in-game value for items, add-ons, and offerings that you will never use. Basically, you trade items to receive BP or 1 replacement item. The numbers can be easily tweaked, but here’s my original suggestion.
-8 items are placed up for Conversion, 4 survivor based and 4 killer based. Rewards change weekly.
-Each item you have with have point values that can contribute to the cost of converting.
-Survivors may only convert to receive items or bloodpoints, not add-ons or offerings
-Killers may only convert to receive offerings or bloodpoints, not add-ons
-Base values
PART 1: TRADE-IN VALUE (Universal table for both killers and survivors)
-All common items/addons/offerings have a trade value of 1 point
-All uncommon items/addons/offerings have a trade value of 2 points
-All rare items/addons/offerings have a trade value of 5 points
-Very rare and ultra-rare items cannot be discarded
-Note: Items being used for conversion have to ALL come from the same character. I.E., you cannot discard 3 items from Meg and 2 items from Dwight, the trade-ins must ALL come from the same survivor/killer character.
Reward 1: Random Very Rare item (cost: 30 points)
Reward 2: Random Rare item (cost: 20 points)
Reward 3: Random Uncommon item (cost: 10 points)
Reward 4: 2,500 BP (cost: 5 points)
Reward 1: Random Very Rare offering (cost: 30 points)
Reward 2: Random Rare Map Offering (cost: 20 points)
Reward 3: Random Uncommon Offering [(excludes Survivor Pudding), cost: 10 points)]
Reward 4: 2,500 Bloodpoints (cost: 5 points)
If you’re confused by the lack of visual, here’s some examples of what this Conversion feature allows.
-You can trade in 5 common items/addons/offerings to receive 2,500 BP, even though you paid 15,000 BP to get these from the bloodweb.
-A killer can receive a random map offering by trading in 2 other map offerings they believe they’ll never use
-If Shards were a possible reward here, I’ll leave those numbers to Devs.
-Should be a limit of 3 conversions per day (tweakable), count resets when new daily rituals are given.
Open to criticism and feedback about this idea. If there’s something you disagree with, please include WHY. What does everyone think?