NOED needs to go or be reworked

NOED needs a serious change for the fact that it rewards poor playstyle and behavior.It is a perk that guarantees a kill if not a automatic win for some killers.
I would like to see a rework for it being
Tier 1 inflict the broken status and deep wound on all injured survivors. This will counter adrenaline and force them to mend
Tier 2 all survivors suffers from oblivious and hindered status exhausted survivors stay exhausted
Tier 3 survivors injured Auras are revealed and you are allowed to mori one survivor
This will require work on both survivors and killers if they want to escape or get a 2nd chance
As it stands Noed on high mobility killers with doors spawning on the same wall wins them the game
If hatch is closed it wins them the game without the last survivor having a chance to open the gates