Fix Plagues spit so its back to normal please and thank you...
And Title... Theres no reason for me to fire off in an arc when I'm aiming straight. The random ping from this new matchmaking makes it hard enough as is to land a clean shot, I don't need even more BS on top of whats already busted to deal with....
Yes, after playing plague yesterday, the aim seemed higher than it was back then, it has caused tlme to miss my vomit many times
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If you’re happy and you know it puke out your guts.
if you’re happy and you know it puke out your guts.
if you’re happy and you know it then your vomit will surely show, if you’re happy and you know puke out your guts.
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I'd prefer they fix her purge so that you don't get robbed hits before touching anything else
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I was upset when I played a match and found this was happening. I really hope they fix this soon, and that's it's not intentional
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I was upset when I played a match and found this was happening. I really hope they fix this soon, and that's it's not intentional