New Matchmaking System is officially worse

Playing in Red Ranks in solo queue is never fun for me, but I'm not one of those people that will lose a match on purpose to derank myself. Every match I play as a Survivor I used to be teamed up with maybe 1 person who rage quits via disconnect or suicide on first-hook, 1 person who doesn't know how BBQ and Chili works, a few people that run to the center of the map the moment the match starts and end up dying under 30 seconds, etc.

Now I get paired with people that don't know how to hide, loop, search for totems, heal, block a hit for a team mate, etc. Minimum is 1 rage quit a game so game description should be updated to a 3 v 1 asymmetric horror game. Team mates don't know how each Killer's power works (just had a match where 2 people died to The Pig's reverse bear trap because they didn't know what it did or how to take off the headset.)

On the other hand, almost all Killers I've played against ONLY tunnel and face camp. Normally you could punish the face-camping Killer by having everyone do gens and leave (keeping casualties to a minimum), now EVERYONE tries to go in for the save (90% of the time runs in front of the Killer and expects nothing to happen).

So until this is F-I-X-E-D, I'm running my "You have to do everything because your team is garbage" loadout.

-Inner Strength (because team mates won't check for HEX:Ruin at the start of the match by tapping a generator, team mates won't break totems, and team mates won't heal me)

-Babysitter (*very fitting perk name* self-explanatory)

-Spine Chill (Know when Killer is coming and promptly hide BEFORE the Killer gets to the gen *pro tip that not a lot of people understand: if the Killer can't find you, you won't die*)

-Resilience (After taking a hit and losing the Killer, use the 9% bonus on gens because I'm the only one working on the objective).
