Perfect mori rework

tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Hey guys,

Right now moris are obviously and unquestionably unbalanced. People just tunnel and mori off first hook, its extremely annoying as a survivor and just makes the games unfun. Its too easy to get a 4k as a killer and games often are over within minutes.

So heres a potentially perfect solution to fix all that.


Cypress Memento Mori - Cypress should just be base kit. You can only kill the last person anyway so it wont affect gameplay in the slightest

Ivory Memento Mori - Remove them, with this rework they are unnecessary.

Ebony Memento Mori - Ebony is the only mori now and it will work as the following:


The new mori rework runs off a token based system:

  • You start with 0 tokens.
  • Hooking a survivor gains a token.
  • Mori'ing a survivor consumes a token.
  • You need a minimum of 4 tokens to mori a survivor.
  • You can kill any survivor as long as you have the minimum tokens required.

For example:

  • If you mori someone while on 4 tokens, you will go back to 3 meaning you have to gain another token before being able to mori someone else.
  • if you have 5 tokens, you can mori 2 people before having to gain another and ect.
  • that also means once your at 3 tokens you can never get any lower then that.


Why this would be a better system:

  • With a system like this, a killer will no longer be able to camp, tunnel and mori off first hook. A killer will still have to play normally to start mori'ing people.
  • A system like this will now no longer mean a free win for the killer, a killer will still have to actually play and not be given a free win.
  • Games will last standard times, they will no longer be over in a minute and 23 seconds.
  • It will be alot more fun for both sides and will not affect normal gameplay.
  • And most importanty, it will be COMPLETEY BALANCED.


Also before you people get salty at me for suggesting this, keep in mind i have listed all the reasons on why it would be balanced, why it would be more fair and why the system should work like this So if you people disagree with me, be sure to tell me why. Dont just get all salty because you cant tunnel that one person you hate off first hook anymore.

Let me know what you people think :)

@Peanits @Almo

Post edited by tylxr_jay on


  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    For me (who a short while ago got mori'd by The Plague within a few minuts of the game starting), I wish the Ebony and Ivory mori so the killer can old Mori after the player was hooked twice (they are deadhook anyway so a kill instead of a sacrifice seems fair enough. The cypress mori could be left along as that is purely situational.

    However, this wouldn't stop the killer tunnelling; they 'll just do it twice instead of once, so a token system may be a good solution.

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76

    I agree, moris right now are atrocious and personally I believe the only way a mori system would still work the same but be balanced is like how I’ve suggested.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited August 2020

    As a killer and survivor main myself I dislike mori’s I don’t think anyone finds them fun.Except for the people who like to go out of their way with intent to ruin other people’s game experience for no reason.

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76

    No, 4 tokens means that you have to get atleast 4 hooks before being able to Mori someone. That means that if you wanna mori someone you pretty much can’t tunnel them. It forces the killer to have to hook multiple people and not just once. Not only that, it will pretty much no longer be possible to tunnel-mori people 1 min into the game either.

  • forst
    forst Member Posts: 40

    with 3 hooks i can kill one surv more fast than your idea

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76

    I’m the exact same Hence why I came up with this idea. What do you think of it?

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2020

    If you tunnel someone for 3 hooks then chances are most of the gens would have been done by then. So that wouldn’t be a very smart idea would it? Think before you say stuff

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited August 2020

    I like the idea of it myself.Others might disagree with it.But it’s probably because they are just downers their whole life.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    Idea itself is pretty interesting, but I don't see how it would prevent people from tunneling.

    They would just 3-hook tunnel one survivor, hook the second one and right away mori someone, who wasn't even hooked once yet.

  • forst
    forst Member Posts: 40

    i think is bad idea because is more fast kill a surv with tunnel than hooks all surv for times and after use mori

    for nerf mori you need only to delete the ebony

  • forst
    forst Member Posts: 40

    this idea suck for nerfing mori you need only delete the ebony

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76

    Yes but if you 3 hook tunnel someone then the gens most likely would have been completed by then so chances are unless you got lucky, you wouldn’t even be able to mori someone.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    As a killer main, if your rework became a thing, this is what I'd do

    1. Target the teams weakest links to gain tokens

    2. Mori the team's MVP without hooking them once

    So I don't think your mori is the best rework. Here was my rework

    Cypress Mori: 1 mori once exit gates are powered since last survivor is pretty useless

    Ivory Mori: leave as is

    Ebony Mori: One kill without hooking

    Survivors also don't depip when they get mori'ed

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76

    Yeah but if you constantly tunnel multiple people then no one else has pressure and they will just get gens done. You won’t be able to use it on the mvp if you play like that. Not to mention it’s definitely better then the chaotic system we have now for moris

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    I mean, you don't need to camp in order to tunnel. So it's not like you'll get free genrush time, when someone is hooked. And if their tunnel-target isn't a god in looping, there is a high probability of survivors not managing to finish enough gens in time (unless they are swf with discord of smth). The main point, though, is the fact that you can get moried without even having been hooked - it doesn't seem very fun and fair, if I'm being honest.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    I feel like your grammar got moried off the first hook, my dude.

  • tylxr_jay
    tylxr_jay Member Posts: 76

    i get what you mean man but in the end I’d rather get morid without being hooked endgame then be morid off first hook within the first minute of the game. Moris can never be perfectly balanced but personally I dare say this is the best you could make them. It’s not like Moro of death hook would be better either because then people will just 2hook tunnel or camp til second if you know what I mean

  • iwoDoge
    iwoDoge Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2020

    I'm killer main, but this is good

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    eventually there will be no more potato survivors for some whether the new MM works or doesn't , for obviously different reasons each, so don't touch the moris unless you like VPN killers and having long queues as survivor once server validated hits finally arrive. The entire point of the mori is it makes an otherwise unwinnable, or extremely difficult match actually winnable for the killer where otherwise the "best play" is to camp in the corner fatherest from gens and exits and look up into the sky facing the corner hoping the next matchup is better. If you touch moris, do something about swf, especially now that eventually there's no more possibility of a potato filling in the lobby of a 3 man swf once you MMR too much.

    Nerf survivors before killers any further since everybody that decides they're only playing survivor from that point on adds one more to survivor's queues (and also makes the rifts not worth purchasing any more since most won't realistically be able to complete them if they're not willing to touch killer with a ten foot pole I haven't bought the mino costume since idk if I'll even be able to enjoy using it for very long at such a price) while removing one killer that could get them into matches faster. Ignore that fact, and one day you'll find alot of regions having instant kilelr queues which people are still reluctant to play while their survivor queues take forever. And some of us are gonna lul hard when it happens and say we told you so. By that point, with modern games, a game quickly becomes unable to be salvaged if it isn't turned around asap since people rarely return to games they quit these days with too many other options available.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    Yeah, you're probably right, perfectly balancing this game isn't an easy task. Well, I guess we'll see what devs are going to do with it, when they finally get to this issue. In a meantime - props for throwing ideas out there, good job! 👍

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Wenn es stimmt, dass einen Überlebenden für 3 Hacken zu jagen das Spiel verliert, dann ist der Mori-Ansatz in sich schlecht, weil 3 Hacken von verschiedenen Überlebenden deutlich schwerer zu bekommen sind, als einfach einen Verletzten nochmal an den Hacken zu hängen.

    Die ganze Idee ist nur dann sinnvoll, wenn es eben doch funktioniert, und dann kann es halt viel zu leicht ausgenutzt werden.

    Note: Since i don´t want to offend the TO with non-perfect english, i replied in german, my native language, to make sure its unambiguous.

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    No reason to get salty at all. But I have to say that i don't like that rework idea.

    First game hook straight-mori would not happen, but there is a lot of ways players could abuse the system. Hook-tunneling for stacks and then straight killing the other players would be only one possibility.

    The biggest problems that involves the current Mori state are:

    1. It totally breaks the game balance, without any possible counter to it.
    2. It's way too easy to get ebony mories on the bloodweb, specially when you already own every perk that your killer can learn.
    3. His current mechanics encourage players to tunnel and camp from the first hook.
    4. Matches versing mori killers are annoying and unfun.

    I think in this case the best solution is the simple one: Instead of requering a hook, make the mori require death hook. This way:

    1. It will not be a game-breaking mechanic, but a situational instead. A quick way to not lose balance when you down a death hook surv. And you can also avoid DS, unbreakable, flashlight saves, body blocks while saving time. The only down would be hook perks, like BBQ.
    2. It would not be necessary to make changes about its rarity or remove variations from the game.
    3. Camp the second hook to tunnel means not only that it will not happen in early-game (at least not as much as currently happens), and will hurt a lot more, cause the killer would lack pressure on mid-late game. And camp until the survivor reaches second stage could cost multiple points and generators for the killer.
    4. And well, if you think that be killed instead of sacrificed on last hook is annoying and unfun, your problem is with the game, not the mechanic.

    I don't call that idea "perfect", but i think it would be better, and while it would be a huge nerf, at least it wouldn't turn the offering into trash while stopping the bs gameplay that currently happens around it.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Perfect Mori fix:

    remove them :)

    Let's try balancing the game first then adding dumb stuff like this to the game. Imagine if smash bros had a system where if you play a few games you get currency which you can buy items and just start with them. So you can just start with the hammer and KO people right at the start of the match. Do you think people would keep playing after that? lol. Then when everyone rages the response is "it's just a fun party game relax bro"

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Pretty good idea.