Please be nice to "new" killers in endgame chat!!!

I mean this shouldn't need said, but more so than ever let's not alienate newer or really casual killers. This matchmaking is a mess, at least for the moment, so take that into consideration. I'm not saying you have to let them kill you or have free hooks, but maybe lay back on the clicking and tea-bagging mid chase. Give them a word of encouragement in endgame chat if you'd like.
Only a few games this morning as survivor and I felt so bad for all the killers, last game was an Oni who hit someone early but didn't activate his power til halfway through the game. He ended up with a total of I think 3 hooks, but to his credit he didn't camp. In endgame we see two perks, I can't even remember what but he is clearly new to the game, new to the killer, or at least new to Oni. And I know ranks don't matter anymore but it was all red/purple against him at 16 so clearly not fair.
I told him matchmaking seems worse than ever to which he replied, "I feel that, I do'n't even have good perks." So I just told him to keep at it and hopefully it would work out soon. Not a big deal, but it took 10 seconds of my day and if it has even a 1 in 1000 chance of encouraging him then it's worth it to me.
Unfortunately there will always be bad apples on any online platform.The best thing to do is just ignore them.Don’t feed them with attention most likely they are children who need to go back to school.And or the person is a full grown adult still living in his moms basement.
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How about being respectful to all players unless they are disrespectful to you? I think that's a good rule to live by against all skill levels.
Unless they obviously played like an ass or said nasty things to me, I'm gonna give a positive comment, a simple gg or say nothing at all.
If they obviously played like a douchebag or said nasty things to you without provocation, all bets are off. Say whatever you like keeping in mind you can be reported for what you said. I have no problem telling someone to go F themselves. If you aren't an "adult", you shouldn't legally be playing this mature rated game.
I'm definitely not for being rude to new players. But I think we need to not be rude to any of the players unless it was well earned. It's unfortunate that we have those people in the community, but it is what it is.
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I agree, I guess just a little extra nice to new baby killers? But yeah I try to just say GG and a quick compliment to everyone most games. As killer I'll toss out, "dang Meg you looped me hard I was so confused," or as a survivor I'll thank the killers and make extra note if they played "fair."