Just a Humorous Covid Video... or is it?

RagtagVenom Member Posts: 5

My idea for the next chapter is set like a Cinematic;

We Open on Dwight’s eyes opening up, gasping out with a cough as he slowly sits up, the fog all around him while rubbing his head. The leader stands and looks around nervously before slowly stepping forward as the sounds of crows and snapping branches fills the air. As he steps forward, the theme music picks up softly as we see a montage, of Dwight performing various activities throughout the game, but being hindered by a mild cough; working on a generator and a cough causes him to bang it (and another survivor moves to the opposite end of the generator with a disgusted look), Dwight and a different survivor get into separate lockers as the killer stomps by, only for Dwight to cough out and alert the killer of which one he’s in, Then cut to Dwight sprinting away from another killer, frantically looking behind him to see he’s gaining on him, only for Dwight to slow down as he starts to cough again, and to be hit with the Killer’s attack and immediately cut to a bloody Dwight hanging on the hook groaning and sputtering in pain. Another Survivor comes up to unhook him, grabbing his torso and going to lift him up; only for Dwight to cough out again, directly into the survivor’s face, who lets out a “Bleh!!” Before releasing him and leaving him on the hook. The camera slowly pans out on the miserable Dwight, the music slowly picking up as text appears on the screen “Cover Your Mouth” after a few beats, the music starts to fade out, and the sound of bones breaking can be heard before more text appears beneath, “OR ELSE!” Suddenly Dwight screams out, and his chest explodes outwards, with a bloody chest burster screeching to life.

Fade to Black as the title of the next chapter comes into view, and the Hiss of a full grown Xenomorph echoes.

So it’s themed like an Ad about Social Distancing and covering up, but plays into the next Licensed Killer The Alien, which Ive put some thoughts into their kit as well...

The Alien’s Power: Prowl. When the ability button is activated, The Alien hunkers down onto all fours, in this state its terror radius becomes zero as it prowls for it’s prey. Also in this state, it can crawl up to and over any obstacle or surface, however doing so drains it’s ability meter, and once depleted, The Alien with fall back down to the floor below. While Prowling, The Alien can attack, using it’s tail to strike at its prey for increased range, while immediately taking it out of Prowl.

*The Alien’s basic attack is with it’s Claw.

When playing as The Alien, Half of the Hooks are replaced with Egg Clusters; an Alternate means to sacrifice a survivor, not to the Entity, but to the Hive. Egg Clusters operate similarly to hooks in the sense that the survivor must be brought to them to be put to use; only Egg Clusters have an additional effect. If a Survivor hangs around the proximity of an Egg Cluster for too long, an Egg can open on it’s own, giving an auditory warning, but not showing which has opened; it’s then that a Facehugger will spring free and attack the survivor. In the first “Hook Phase” of the Egg Cluster/Facehugger mechainic, the Survivor will be on their back, writhing around with the facehugger in their hands trying to get to them. They can press the action key to attempt to throw the Facehugger away, but the chance is equal to that of a Hook, and chances are limited. In the second “Hook Phase”, the Facehugger will have wrapped it’s tail around the survivor’s neck, squeezing tight as it tries to fit itself snuggly into place. During this time the Survivor will have to mash the action button to try their best to fend off the Facehugger, if they cannot be saved in time, it get’s free of their struggling grasp and wraps tightly around their head, “Killing them” by implanting it’s embryo.

The Survivor fending off the Facehugger Can be saved by another survivor, and once saved, that Cluster will no longer be usable by The Alien, without the use of an Add-On. Additionally an Egg Cluster can be sabotaged like a Hook, but every egg must be ‘cleansed’ before the Cluster is inoperable, so best not to delay.

The Alien’s Mori: With a Snarl it looms over the downed Survivor, thrusting it’s prehensile tail down into their back, stabbing just below their shoulder blade and piercing through their chest. The Alien then hoists them up so that they’re facing The Alien, who grab’s them firmly by the head with both hands, holding them steady as it belts out an evil hiss, opening it’s mouth as it’s second, tongue mouth slides forward, before plunging into the survivor’s forehead. It then retracts it’s second mouth and slumps the lifeless survivor onto the floor.

The Alien’s Unique Perks:

  • Xenobiology: You are a creature of the Night, you have adapted to the shadows. Your vision is darker than that of other killers, making you more susceptible to lit areas and Light Effects by X/X/X percent; but your Aura reading ability is clearer, and extended by a X/X/X meter range

“They Mostly Come at Night... Mostly...”

  • Fast Learner: Their Mistakes will be your greatest Opportunity. Whenever a skill check is failed, the source of the skill check receives a token. Once that source has accumulated X/X/X tokens, the next time a skill check is failed on that source, all those working on that source will have their auras illuminated to you for X/X/X seconds

“So... We’re a Fast Learner.”

  • Hiding In Plain Sight: Paranoia is the best Camouflage of all. All Ambient noise in the match is heightened slightly/moderately/considerably for survivors, and idle animations created by the map are increased slightly/moderately/considerably. In addition, when not in a chase, your red stain is significantly more difficult to see, and the noises you make are diluted by the ambient noise.

“Jonesy? Jooooonesy? Here Kitty Kitty.”

The Alien’s Survivor: Sebastian de Rosa

Sebastian’s Perks:

  • Sacrificial Offering: You give yourself willingly to save others. Increases the chances of becoming the Obsession. While the Obsession, whenever you are picked up and carried by the Killer, all survivors within X/X/X meters of the killer during his carry gain the Haste status for X/X/X seconds, as long as they are running away from the Killer

“Run Lex... RUN!!!”

  • Archeological Survey: Terrain and Treasure are your Bread and Butter. Cleanse Totems X/X/X percent faster. Additionally, any time a map based aura would be revealed to you, the aura dimly persists for X/X/X seconds

“This pyramid contains features from all three cultures.”

  • Souvenirs From Scrap: You can make the best out of any bad situation. Add-Ons do not consume on your Item if you survive the match with your item. Items effectiveness are increased slightly/slightly/moderately, stacks with other add-ons/perks

“Oh this? This is a rare archeological find.”

The Alien’s Level: Either Weyland Antarctic Dig Site or Gunnison Town Center

(I choose either of these because these are the only instances that have Alien in Modern times, however if future settings arent an issue, then any locale from either movie would be fine for The Alien’s Home; however in choosing one of the Modern Maps, it opens the door to include The Predator, either alongside it, or at a later date...)

  • Weyland Antarctic Dig-site: After the destruction of the Pyramid, after the Queen had been banished to the depths of the frozen ocean, after the victors had claimed their dead and vacated; all thats left on this frozen tundra, is the remnants of a bloody battlefield. Frozen guards strong up, frosted over blood stains, a shanty village fossilized in ice from a century of time passed. The carved tunnel covered from the blast, broken whale bones from the altercation with the queen, all on a moonlit night casting shadows on the frozen wastes. If you search for them, you can even find three drop pods on the outskirts, and treads from Lex’s evacuation, towards the freighter and salvation.
  • Gunnison Town Center: An entire town decimated, the contingencies to protect the rest of the United States from this unseen threat, an outbreak of hyper intelligent, diabolical creatures, a powerful warrior here to stop them; and the demonic hybrid of the two. In the heart of this begotten town, you can find tunnels leading to the infested sewers below, streets that lead to the school pool, where blood stains the halls and an otherworldly force has drained the water and all things inside. Streets that lead to the hunting store, and local diner, bodies and resources scattered across both to tell tale of the vicious assault. You can also hide amongst the dead, be it in the town cemetery with the lucky ones who had passed long before this disaster, on along the mainstreet, where truck after truck of armed protectors lie abandoned; stopped by a force they were woefully unprepared for.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Gonna start off by mentioning the video idea you have. It's a fairly good idea, and although I'd like to see it happen, I doubt it will happen. It's always a possibility, and one I hope they take up, but with how long it could take to make it, I don't see it happening. Maybe if it wasn't a cinematic and instead was Dwight being infected by Plague it could have a bigger chance.

    Let's move onto The Alien. His power, although seems fun, and extremely cool, would be useless on certain maps. On other maps, he could completely deny loops. If it was balanced right, maybe it could work, but it would be hard to do so.

    As for his eggs, they sound good. Maybe change it to a 25% egg to 75% hook ratio, other than that I like the concept.

    The mori seems great, I might be missing something from the film though.

    Now for The Aliens perks.

    Xenobioligy is a decent perk, but I'd remove the debuff. X for the auras could be something like 8/12/16 meters, which personally wouldn't make it too strong.

    Fast Learner seems extremely weak. Very rarely will survivors miss multiple skill checks, let alone one, and the aura reading would have to be for a fairly long time to be even worth it.

    Hiding in plain sight seems good, but maybe have a cooldown on the red stain of about 30 seconds, or then certain tactics would become extremely strong.

    As for Sebastians perks...

    Sacrificial offering seems mostly useless. It would be a tad bit better if the haste effect was any direction, but even then it wouldn't be that useful.

    Archeological Surveys first effect is great. X could be 10%/20%/30%. And be balanced. However, I'm not a big fan if the second effect, possibly make it related to totems, like a counter for how many totems remain in the trial possibly?

    Souvenirs from scrap seems fine. Does it's job and isn't too weak nor too strong.

    Finally, I would judge the maps, but I've never watched the films 😅

  • RagtagVenom
    RagtagVenom Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the Input!

    the idea I had for the Alien with the Prowl and climbing is not just for ceilings but for vertical walls; every map has some kind of wall it could climb up for a vantage point, and it’s crawling could make going through windows a bit faster; at the expense of some of it’s power gauge. and while its kit shouldnt depend on the prowl, the egg clusters would be a big part of it’s play style, similar to Pyramid Head’s cages.

    for the Perks, I like all of that Criticism! some may seem useless, but I was trying to think of things that didnt already exist but that also work from where the character(s) come from. All of which can be tweaked for sure or changed completely depending on what people think.

    for the maps, While the movies theyre from are standalone, one of my favorite things about The Game, is how much Saw easter eggs they have scattered about, so thats something I would want with either map if one were to be picked