Chapter: Transylvanian Harvest

55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54

Chapter: London’s Harvest

map: Transylvania castle

killer: The Leech

appearance: The Leech would look like a human except he would have no hair, pointy ears and pale skin almost like white clay with red eyes and a disgusting pinkish red around the pupils similar to pink eye but cleaner. The Leech would have dark clothing with a black robe and necklace with ruby in the middle.

weapon: crimson dagger

power: resurrection

all hooks will be replaced with grave stones with coffins in the ground in front of the graves and you will be able to put survivors in the coffins. If a survivor gets taken out the coffin will be reopened and closed crawling out and be free to escape however if the time runs out the entity will close over the coffin and pull it deeper into the ground as dirt collapses over the opening covering it with dirt and just leaving the grave. The main usage for this power is when a survivor has died you can go over to the grave and then use the power to resurrect the survivor by flicking your wrist which causes reanimated corpses to climb out of the ground within 15 seconds and then they will start searching for survivors. The zombie MPC will look like a reanimated version of the survivors original skin and be slower than the survivors. The zombie will be sluggish and survivors can easily avoid the zombie if they sneak behind the zombie then they will be able to move by unnoticed though the zombie can look back and notice them ready for attack. The zombie will have a green aura that is revealed to you at all times in order to be completely traceable. The zombie cannot break pallets and will attempt to go around them to get to the survivor though he can go through windows with a slow speed rate. The zombie is somewhat easily avoidable but if a player does in fact get caught then the zombie will grab onto the survivor and start biting at them which there will be a circulated bar that has a green middle line in the middle of the top and the MPC zombie will automatically attempt to get to that line before you and you have to get to it before the the zombie succeeds. The zombie will bite and scratch the survivor in the middle of this which will transform them into a zombie within 2 minutes if they are not healed. If the survivor completely fails the zombie will basically do a mori on the survivor by biting into them and ripping out organs and flesh. after the survivor is dead the zombie will enjoy feasting on that player for 30 seconds but will leave the corpse if interrupted by another survivor which the feasted survivor will also transform into a zombie. The survivor can be saved if another survivor moves behind the zombie that survivor can pull the zombie off the grabbed survivor and he or she as the zombie will fall back and get back up and if another survivor does it quick enough rate at the begging of the mori the other survivor can pull the zombie off having the same effect. The zombie has no actual terror radius but will still make groaning sounds and will not act that stealthy. Even if you are very close to the zombie you can still crouch behind objects also if you make a sound from the distance such as fail a skill check and hurt a survivor or explode a generator the zombie will go towards that area to explore also within a medium range the sound of fixing a generator can lead the zombie towards you. if more than one zombie traps you then you cannot break free and will be trampled down and eaten unless some survivors come to take the zombies off of you and give time to escape. Pallets and flash lights can stun the zombie however when it comes to pallets the zombie will still go around even if stunned. Once you have used this power once it requires a 60 second cooldown and you can also use this power on survivors you have done a mori on or if they have been killed from dying State.

secondary power: transformation

you are able to transform into a bat and gain the ability to fly within limits of the map and porch on the ceilings to look for survivors. Your eyes will glow red as a bat and your fangs will point out of your mouth which also gives you the ability to bite each survivor to give a much smaller version of the bleeding from from survivors that they get in dying state except it just gives off speed reduction and nausea rather than possible death. When you transform and unform a puff of fog will cover you allowing you to go switch forms quickly which it takes 5 seconds to form and unform. after leaving this power which is useable for 1 minute you are unable to use it for 50 seconds. Survivors that have the smaller version of the blood loss effect can just be healed very quickly.


thirst: the craving for the salty and sweet taste of blood inspires you to try harder to catch your next victim. Every time you hit a survivor your speed and hit speed get increased by 5% until 30% is reached.

stay in the darkness: when you are in darker places your true powers kick in while the sun does not burn your skin. When in any basement you become 10% faster than survivors and your flashlight stun recovery time is decreased by 40% for 17 seconds.

smell of death: any survivor who goes in dying state will have their aura revealed for 5 seconds and anytime a survivor in dying state gets healed both auras are revealed for 3 seconds.