Are bots live or is new mmr just so bad?
I‘m not sure but yesterday I had some solo survivor games with 2-3 survivors on rank 19-20 and I‘m rank 4 btw... I saw a lot of posts here on the forum where other player reported about the same experience. How is it possible that the new mmr match brand new players with player and killer with 2k hours?? It’s curious that there are so many „newbies“ since yesterday that so many good player have such games... No one can tell me „this is the same skilllevel“ or „the new mmr needs time to adjust“! New survivor have to go against new killer, that’s it!!! And how will be your rating if you play with newbies and die every game on the first hook?
In the past (during a ptb) we noticed that the devs were testing bots like in dbd mobile.
So now there are two options:
- the new mmr is unbelievable bad so that player who are new with only 1-10 hours were matched with survs and killer with more than 1k hours
- the devs are actually testing bots on the live servers
Fact is for me the game is actual unplayable, it’s just frustrating to get matched with „newbies“, most player die on first hook, 4-5 gens left every game and get destroyed by a good killer... btw I‘m mostly rank 1-3 with 2.5k hours and I played always against good killer.
What do you think about 1. or 2.? Or is there a third option?
there is a sale currently on steam I think.
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sigh I don't even know I'm rank 14 as surv and I been paired up with ranks 1 killers 90% of the time; But when I play killer (ranked 8) I get the same ranks. this new MMR system is broken and I don't know why they did it when the sale was up, because it put rank 20s vs rank 1s most of the time, and you ask me it would make me want to quit the game nor refund the game and give a bad review of the game. I really don't understand why rank 1 killers with many hrs. play vs less than 200hrs into the game. yes I understand that que times are bad later on, but for real why make a system based on MMR when you are just starting, then making a system near the hrs. played (witch I totally understand that near impossible to code, because of players AFKing with the game open, but it would make more sense to make that than this new MMR system witch is broken.)