How do these Bubba's addons work exactly?

-What exactly is Chainsaw Sweep Movement Speed in knife scratches and Beast's Marks ?
-What exactly is a Chainsaw Dash Window in the Chilli addons
-With Carburettor Tuning Guide, does the bonus chainsaw dash duration affect all charges separately ? i.e. the wikia says it extends the duration by 0.5s, does it therefore extend it by 1.5 seconds when used with 3 charges ?
If that's the case, does this addon actually do anything besides giving you that 1.5 seconds at the cost of slowing you down and restricting your chainsaw usage ? Isn't Award Winning Chilli just objectively better (since it has no downsides and increases the duration by the same amount)?
Chainsaw Sweep Movement Speed is the max speed during the chainsaw sweep.
Chainsaw Dash Window is just the window where you can press M2 again and use the charge to reset the duration of the chainsaw sweep.
You are correct with Carburettor Tuning Guide . The point of this add-on is you get the max value out of all your charges at the cost of always committed to using all the charges at once.