This is not fun

New killer here, rank 14. Trying to learn Nurse. Almost every game I get red rank survivors who destroy me. They're nice about it and I'm definitely getting better slowly, but it's still not fun at all. I shouldn't have to work this hard to convince myself it'll be fun eventually.

I get that the old rank system is not the most accurate for player skill, but it's still PRETTY accurate, right? I've been playing survivor for a long time and honestly can't say I've ever experienced too much disconnect between a player's rank and their skill in-game.

Wouldn't it have been easier to start players off at an MMR value that corresponds to their rank and use that as a starting point, instead of starting everyone at 0 and letting it sort itself out? Because I definitely wasn't feeling this way about match imbalance before the MMR update.


  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    I feel you. They should not allowed new players/low rank killers to ever play with red ranks/vets.

    Most likely those players never play killer again. Or at least for a while.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I personally am pretty decent nurse despite having least experience playing her out of all killers. No matter who I get paired against, if they understand the basic nature of nurse, they can outplay me pretty easily until I quickly learn their mind game patterns before all the gens get done. I think playing a nurse is more about predicting your opponent's next move when you begin the blink charge because that's when everyone tends to make their "move" to throw you off.

    I like that Nurse has this unique playstyle compared to other killers, but what I don't like about her is exactly what you said. Mastering this killer, unlike any other killer in the game, is simply not fun. I persoanlly don't like the constant fatique of looking down on the ground after blink, it frustrates me, especially when missing too many times in a row. I wish there was a better way to play her that did not force me to spend most of my time in a fatique state in a match, looking at the ground all time. That's not fun.