Perks i think should be added into the game.

zyrems Member Posts: 24
edited August 2020 in Creations
Post edited by Mandy on


  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    but hex object of obsession doesnt require you to focus on the... obsession? i mean the point of object of obsession on survivor is that the killer is focused on you so you both see each other, its only because it doesnt have a severe "not obsession" penalty is why its good for trolling i mean 10 metres less as non-obsession? kind of unnoticeable yet game crippling for the killer.

    rustle kind of sounds ok though you could bump that up to 40/60/80% and it would still only be somewhat useful on most killers but even 30% is game changing on spirit so im on the fence.

    fresh meat having either a 12 second duration but only for the un-hooker with no cooldown and im in.

    false trail is borderline broken and should not make it in the game ever, it sounds weak but the ability to not only hide your scratches but make them go another direction is borderline disgusting for the game, some chases with the sheer amount of second chances is bad enough without this on top.

    justice sounds fun, quite fun but strong to, maybe only 1 other closest hook rather than 2? would still be strong but not cancerous to deal with especially if the survivor has boil over.

    second chance is to much like DS so probably wouldnt be fun to deal with, but if DS got altered into this i'd be game but second chance+DS would be meta on every cancer group in trumps terror radius

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    I agree, there 3 survivor perks amount to be 3 more bloody second chance perks. I think this game needs less; I shouldn't have to play against 4 bloody small pp builds every game lmao.

    I think fresh meat is fine, it's very similar to BBQ, and any alternative would be nice to see. Rustle is like you said a spirit-only perk, and hex:OoO is... Strange