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The New MMR is a high price to pay for a "possible" better future

(Rank 1 Killer/Survivor here (But hey, rank doesn't mean anything anymore, right *hard laugh*)

Since the new Matchmaking took place, I have been playing the game both as a survivor and killer, more on the killer side, many hours each and every single day. I must say, my experience has been far from enjoyable and anyone who has gone against me when I play killer, their experience has been worse than mine, I assure you.

For each game I play, I am able to end the games before a single gen is even done. This is not just some random good luck that happens with some matches here and there but EVERY SINGLE ONE that I play as a killer.

I want you to picture this, really think about being in my shoes right now. You enter queue as a killer to play a match, you wait 10-20 minutes for a match, you enter the match and start playing, the survivors are nothing but beginners who just barely have had any time to grasp the basic nature of DBD, and they are up against someone like me who has thousands of hours experience. Do you think any of us is going to have a fun time in the match?

I am able to down everyone without any effort before a single gen is done. No chase lasts even for 10 seconds (if I have insta down killer like Leather Face). This is my experience every single match now with the new MMR. Needless to say, I am bored out of my mind now. There's no excitement in any match anymore.

But this is not about me, really, it's about the new players who have just bought Dead by Daylight and are looking to have some fun. If I was a new player buying this game today and I get matched against killers like myself who obliderate my team within minutes from the start of the match, I would soon uninstall.

Say that Rank does not matter, say that we should give it time and let the new system sort itself out and that things will get better soon. That's not how a sensible company runs their online game. Every single day equals lost new players and existing playerbase frustrating further. This is not the way to build a working Matchmaking. How long do I have to keep playing these redicilous boring and unfair matches before I can start enjoying the game like I did before the new system was implemented.


  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    I think that the Devs stated on Twitter that the matchmaking is going bonkers for a few days before it gets better...

    I agree with you and in the past few days I've either faced rank 20 (RanK dOeSN't mAtTer aNyMoRE comments incomming for sure) babies or rank 1 sweaty squads (some were SWF, some were just VERY GOOD 3K+ hours survivors) there were no in between, it was either a easy 4k or a sweated and shaking 2k with a depip anyway.

    All we have is to hope that when the MMR calculations are properly done it would be at least more "fair" to play. I feel bad for babies (killer or survivors) who get sucked in a match against a veteran and it can (and probably will) hurt the new playerbase...

  • KittyGirl586
    KittyGirl586 Member Posts: 14

    I have not had one fun match since this MMR update came out, the closest I've come was AFK'ing through a few matches to make this magic invisible number go down so I'd stop being thrown against 4 rank 1 sweat squads playing a killer I've never tried before. Believe me if I wasn't over the number of hours already I'd be asking for a refund until this gets sorted out. And if I was a brand new player I'd just write this game off as an unfair broken multiplayer game and refund immediately. Nobody has any fun in these matches, it's either a brand new killer being bullied by rank 1 people with thousands of hours, or a brand new team of survivors who get destroyed in just a few minutes. Fix your ######### BHVR

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The devs also said that they have been tracking matches in the background for weeks now. Why should the matchmaking now magically get better in the next days? If it does, then only because the devs make changes to the system.

    And I'm also worried about new players getting driven away.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Yeah, Almo said here that the MMR calcs. has been running in the background but now some devs are telling a diffrent story.

    Unfortunately all we have to do is hope that this will get better.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    It continually baffles me that this game has a system that keeps track of your in-game time (devotion / XP) but doesn't use that to match players. Imagine getting placed against a CSGO pro when you're trying out the game for the first time. And that's a game where FPS skill generally transfers over to other games. The vast majority of skill in this game is a time sink - getting the right perks, knowing the maps and killers, guessing the other players perks, knowing how to loop and hide, etc.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    The new MMR was sorely needed as grouping by ranks literally meant nothing as anyone could stop playing for a few months and go all the way back to rank 20 despite not being a legit 20.

    That being said, I completely agree with you that matches are very unbalanced right now. New players are being teamed up with very experienced players more than they ever were before, which goes to show just how badly DBD needs a practice mode like its mobile counterpart already has. Everybody - especially new players - needs a way to test out the mechanics without having to worry about competing.

    Getting to rank 1 as killer requires more experience than it does getting to rank 1 as a survivor, and right now it's sad to see rank 1 Killers going up against rank 20 survivors with nothing more than two level 1 perks to their name.

    I'm sure matches will be adjusted better the longer this new MMR is up and running, but regardless we need that practice mode sooner rather than later.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I'm not a very good player as it is lol going against top tier killers omg - it's like a complete massacre for us all.

    One nice thing that happened is several people in the lobby are starting to ask what level we are. I suspect they are in communication with the killer as if they find out they have way more hours than we do in game, they've been very good at toning it down to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

    I think that's pretty special.

    It's not happened a lot - but when it does you remember how kind people can be.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570
    edited August 2020

    Sure, the amount of playtime does not necessarily equal the player's skill level, but in general it would be a way better tool to match players than the chaos that we currently have.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I've had a very opposite experience. Most games since the new MMR have been really balanced and just generally fun. I have neither gone against sweat squads who either meltdown after a loss or abuse you after a win or complete beginners who can barely play.

    There is a fun and adequate level of challenge and I'm mostly just having a great time not needing to sweat or play dirty for the kills. You do get some rainbow games where clearly there is one guy who is carrying the team and I'm not sure how fun the game is for them. But as a generally mid tier killer who hovered around the purps pre MMR, I'd say I've been well matched so far resulting varied games ranging from 0-1k to 4k.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Yep, totally agree. Of course it needs fine tuning, but that should be the baseline. After however many levels you don't get matched with players of that caliber again.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    I don’t know about playtime. I think we just need to accept this game for what it is. I’d rather effort go into rebuilding code to remove all the damn bugs then anything else.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    "Accept this game for what it is." That's true.

    Nobody should play this game just for the hope that it will maybe get better in the future. Most likely it won't.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    The system doesn't work, I still get stomped by red rank survivor teams on my lesser played killers. Where are these grey rank survivors when you need them?

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    So far, its been a nightmare for me. Playing Killer (Only Bubba) since the MMR came out has been awful, I've played at least 10 hours worth of games and still get 1 red rank on the other team, with 3 rank 19's, and its a complete massacre at 5 gens.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The story just keeps changing, either they’re lying or their mods are woefully I’m misinformed...

    I said the same thing to someone, the only people who can be enjoying this or defending it are the players who enjoy getting matched up against total newbies for boosting their ego.

    ive tried checking hours played so if it’s a “hopeless killer,” I can maybe spend more time screwing around to give them more time in game. But lots of people are private in steam

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Try 10x that number and you get where I am. I also play mostly just bubba as he is my main, and no, it's not getting any better by the hour.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Yeah mine is on private too. I learned that hard lesson the second week I played this game when I ran into some pretty seriously unbalanced people.

    I think that's why they were asking in chat but it's hard to say to the killer "Hey you over there. Are you new, or are you old school crush 'em?"

    I'm really hoping they get it worked out reasonably fast as many people are frustrated. I mean sure a few games of crazy difference can be hilarious - but it soon turns into lots of sighs and people not wanting to play.

    I feel worse for the killers as their wait times are so much longer to play.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    On PS4 (as killer) I try to check the achievements of survivors (that aren’t private) while in the lobby to get some idea of how it’s matchmaking. If it appears the survivors are babies I don’t go all full throttle try-hard and kind of goof off on killer.

    though I’m not sure taking it easy on the baby surv is the best thing in the long run as they won’t go down as much as they should when the match is over. It kind of sucks that behavior is leaving it up to killers and survivors to try and protect the new players. It’s like they don’t give a $#!7 if they get demolished.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    I play on PS4 too. 90% of games I play I just try to get 2 hooks on each survivor and then let them pallet stun me. For me it’s just farming (even though all my killers are maxed I’m just P3’ing all my survivors). Every once in awhile I might play normally if it seems the survivors are pretty strong (even then, eh). I’d rather everyone have a fun time (even if that means letting survivors flashlight save a survivor, DS me, etc. It’s extra cute when someone messages me how bad I am when I’m intentionally goofing around and letting them live lol)

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I'm similar. So long as I can get my rituals/challenges done and get my Barbecue stacks, I'm fine to let people go. If it looks like I've got baby survivors I might chase them or hassle them a little. Treat it like a chance to show them what does and doesn't work.

    That said, I will do things like slug off hook and go after the rescuer of they try to unhook next to me without BT, or if they spend so long in a locker it gets crows alerting me, it's to the hook with them.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    This new ranking system isn't ideal. It really should start everyone out at LEVEL 1 being the lowest rank and not base it just upon 20 tiers of experience.

    After seeing countless rip-offs of this game that other companies try to make of this game. its not such a bad game afterall, but re-patching this game repeatedly comes with the consequences of unbalancing gameplay. Because eventually someone will make a knock-off of this game in it's original state and players will gravitate towards The original idea (Lolz it happens). cough.. friday the 13th.


    Nerfing exhaustion status perks, hatch closing and nerfing items has completely re-changed the game multiple times and the fallout from this isn't helping the community. When a game creator has an idea and launches it. It actually seams to be generally a GOOD design. I mean sure, we had some nice Quality of Life Changes that were really nice. Some engine updates that make for better plays and getting away from GENERIC cosmetics makes for a fresh look. But ultimately MAP RELEASES seams to feel like "content". I know that some people feel different on this. that is okay by me. New killers are nice to have as well.

    I cannot wait until they come up with something cool like Medussa. But one can only become so bored with the same maps repeatedly.

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178
    edited August 2020

    I just played a game where I am a rank 1 1,200 hour killer ..... i kill this Bill and notice he is rank 20 with no perks equipped. I asked how long he has been playing....

    Forty-Five Minutes.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    I mean they easily could've solved that by making it so you can't go below a certain rank from monthly resets, even and especially if you haven't played for a long while (say somewhere between Rank 15-10) you could still possibly depip AFTER you start playing again, but it'd keep the real noobs from the people who just haven't played the game in a long time separated. Like yeah, a person who hasn't played in a long time is gonna be rusty af, but they're not at the same skill level as real rank 20s and should never be treated as such.