The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


Positive feedback:

The overheat seems fine now and it seem playable!!!

The new addon changes are a step into the right direction. Keep it up !!!

Old engravings are back! Glad you reverted them !!!

Improvement suggestions:

As a billy main i noticed a change for the chainsaw sensetivity. As soon as you started curving or just sawing trough the map I noticed a clear change. The sensetivity seems to be less now and its quite annoying!!

Maybe this is not supposed to be like this. Anyways. The old turning sensetivity was fine!!! Please revert this change its much harder to control the chainsaw now. Especialy with engravings addons.

One thing I'd like to mention about engravings:

Playing with both engraving addons stacked, the heat gained by the chainsaw is too much due to the longer charge time. Maybe its possible to add a faster coolrate or less heat to the engravings while charging the chainsaw.

My personal idea:

Doom engravings:

  • Moderately increases Chainsaw Sprint Movement speed.
  • Slightly increases Chainsaw Charge time.
  • Slightly increases the Chainsaw's rate of cooling (+12 %)

Death engravings:

  • Slightly increases Chainsaw Sprint Movement speed.
  • Slightly increases Chainsaw Charge time.
  • Slightly decreases the heat gained while charging the Chainsaw (-15%).

This chanages are just my personal ideas. The numbers can be adjusted if they seem to much. I would love to see those changes!!!

Love you devs <3