Can someone explain...

...what are the winning conditions in this game? Because ranks and emblems are very much confusing. 3 kills - brutal killer. 2 kills and a dc - entity displeased. 1 kill isn't even worth talking about. So do i just judge by the amount of kills? Amount of points? When do i win? I have almost 500 hours in this game, almost exclusively as killer. But whatever I do it seems like the game is never satisfied unless i hook everyone 3 times, AND kill everyone at the end. But that, however, is impossible against good survivors.
Well, you are kinda touching a hot topic there. According to the emblem system you win if you pip. To pip you have to achieve a certain amount of points in the Emblem categories. These will determine whether you rank up. The higher your rank, the better you have to do in order to achieve this.
Many people consider Rank meaningless though, so you will find quite the variety of opionions on what is considered a "win" in DBD. For some its strictly about kills, others go with Bloodpoints.
Personally I consider it a win if I did well and had fun. So find what you define as winning :)
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I find it like this
0k- You got stomped
1k- You loss but it wasn’t as bad of a loss
2k- Draw
3k- Win
4k- You stomped them
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Yeah I still don't know how the emblem system works exactly. I sometimes don't pip even if I've played well (eg. did objectives/escaped, 3k, etc.). And other times I do. They need to rework the emblem system.
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Sounds fair at a first glance, but, what if they all escape on their last hook? what if i had an insanely long game but they brought a key and 3 escaped through hatch? These things make it harder for me to tell if i lost or what
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Just play doctor for 32k Points. Its free
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That's the reason why rank is considered meaningless. If your using Billy or bubba. Killers with a built in one shot. You will be winning chases very fast but because you have a one shot the game thinks your not landing enough hits. So even though you are downing people very quick your not causing enough brutality so one category rises while the other falls. Then you got killers like Legion and Doc who have a super easy time building deviousness from using their powers. But they struggle to secure those kills during chases so their sacrifice category goes down.
Some games as trapper if I put someone in the basement and trap the place. All 4 of them ended up in the basement due to over altruism and stupidity. 4k yet the game didn't even give me a safety pip because I rarely got to chase anybody, didn't need to hit them because they stepped in traps, only hooked everyone once. That's why the emblems aren't very good at telling you if you played well or not.
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Well yeah actual games are weirder to know as the rank system is wonky I’m more of determining it by tournament style rules where crap things like ds keys etc aren’t allowed and no small pp builds it’s more simpler and a determine of actual skill