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How do you deal with toxic survivors?

I'm mostly asking killers main here, how do you deal with toxic survivors during a game ?

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a main survivor (rank 1) and I really do prefer this role. However, I started playing as the killer lately because I always loved to see people playing the pig or the plague so I wanted to try it myself. I'm a rank 16 though, so basically, I'm a baby killer. I'm not tunneling or camping and I refuse to play with NOED as I really want to learn how to be better as a killer.

The thing is, most of the time I'm facing a red rank team with the flashlight/toolbox combo. I would understand if I was actually camping or tunneling someone but I don't. They t-bag me whenever I miss a hit, they "click-click" me with their flashlights so I can chase them because they know how to loop and I still don't know how to handle it (even though I'm a main survivor, I'm still pretty average).

I literally stopped playing as the killer because of that. It's really discouraging when people realize that the killer is a yellow rank so they can do whatever they want. I absolutely hate this behavior and when this happens to me (when I play as a survivor and I notice that the killer is a baby killer) I'm just trying to end the game as fast as I can because I actually feel bad for him.

My question is, how do you deal with toxic survivors ? How do you still wanna play the killer side when this happens the whole day?


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  • Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2020

    So first of all take the flashlight clicking and t-bagging as a challenge if you do, you get so much more satisfaction when you down them. You can't really can't do much about survivor's items except maybe running Franklins or some #########, it's hilarious when you get a -rep for running Franklins. There are some short videos that are very informative on running loops correctly PainReliever made a great video on it a while ago it's missing some loops but it gives you the idea. If the survivors are being toxic in endgame chat there's a few options. Option one would be to ignore it and to not give them any satisfaction from you being pissed off. Option two would be to piss them off (not really a good one but hey I quite enjoy it ;).) and option three would be after being absolutely destroyed by a bunch of 1-2k hour survivors to run Bubba with insidious, noed and an ebony mori get one in the basement and camp him all game (that is of course if you wanna be an absolute dickwad). But otherwise just try to get better at looping and killer overall nothing can replace practice. gl in your games.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    you facing red ranks is mmr messing up but how deal with them is try your best no matter the out come and move on you'll get better over time.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Never give them a reason to talk, just say GG and move on, toxic people usually want to boost their ego so don't let them boost it, if they talk ######### to you, just say GG and leave.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I usually walk around bored and open the gate for them. Then they get too cocky and I down one and force the others out and secure the one kill. I recently started playing killer last week and made it to rank 12, now this new mmr system has me against ppl with over 1k hours who are so toxic. At red rank survivor I’ve never teabagged or clicked widely with a flashlight.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Kill 'em.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Run infectious fright and slug them all , slugging is the real counter to swf

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    dont ######### where you eat.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    Well, first I queue into the game, and then, I kill them.

    Because that's my objective, and it's a video game.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    When someone is intentionally following me around clicking the flashlight and teabagging I just turn my back on them and look for someone actually doing gens. The clicker obviously wants me to chase them so the appropriate play is to let them waste their own time following me around while I pressure someone else who's actually helping their team win. Not to mention the clickers are usually confident in their looping ability so why chase someone who is probably a good looper and ready for me to run after them when I can instead go after someone who is out of position or not a good runner? (Plus it has the added bonus of really frustrating the clicker, I've gotten really mad comments from people like that after the game sometimes calling me "trash" because I didn't chase them.😂)

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I just DC. Not gonna give them the satisfaction of me sticking around.

  • Member Posts: 677

    Focus on perks that synergize, especially with your killers power as well as together on their own. I see a lot of killers with garbage perk loadouts. Each killer is different in that regard.

    Stay calm, I always do better when I'm calm even when I'm getting BM from survivors.

    Try running discordance for a while and you'll develop an intuition for where the survivors spawn in each map.

    If you've played a lot of survivor then you should already have a good idea of how to counter a lot of survivors.

    Learn to take a step back when they're 360ing and then choose a moment to swing. Learn to follow scratches and blood trails AND use your eyes and ears. It's easy to lose lots of killers in corn etc unless you really learn to hone in on the scratch marks.

    Survivors learn to counter killer perks and usually anticipate the most commonly used ones. If you get really confident with tracking and chases and mind games start dropping one of your typical killer perks for something unexpected that throws the toxic crowd for a loop. That's why I like running either mad grit or lightborn or both. They never expect those perks and cocky survivors always end up paying for it.

    I'm mad good in a chase and with mind games so I usually tuck something unexpected alongside your typical arsenal.

    No matter how good you are you're still going to lose if it's a coordinated hardcore group of gen rushers. Just accept it and play your best.

  • Member Posts: 677

    I should also add that when survivors leave me toxic post game chat I use it as an opportunity to amuse myself.

    I like to get into character as the killer I'm playing and think of hilarious responses.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Not gonna lie, usually I just ignkre them. They're just being petty litte idiots. I don't think I've ever seen a survivor (besides myself) who t-bags and clicky-clicky's the killer after a massive screw up and self-sandbag. It's always only when they are in a superior position.

    That being said, I also stop playing nice. And if I'm playing one of my better killers with a solid build, I.E Hag or Ghostface, I will murder the everliving shite out of them if given half the chance. One of my favourite plays as Ghostface is to 99 a toxic douchebag, leave them, instadown them at my leasure, and watch them DC because I was being "unfair". Bonus points if I'm Hag and I get someone in the basement/in a defensive location. All the flashlights in the world won't save them.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    I slug them and let them bleed out.

    Sadly, it's quite common.

  • Member Posts: 150

    clicking flashlights is something you learn to tune out a lot. it happens so much, and by people who want your attention to loop you. you can run perks like franklin's demise to get rid of the flashlights and other stuff, but just tune it out. they WANT your attention, they want to make you chase them. instead, check generators, find other people, dont get lured into the trap they want you to.

    this leads to another pointer: staying calm. if someone dead hards away, instead of thinking '[BADWORD] dead hard, of course', think 'cool, i know they have dead hard'; if they teabag, ignore it. ive had a lot of survs drop a pallet, teabag, then run. oftentimes i just get rid of the pallet and move on to checking gens because they want you to chase them to a better loop and waste your time.

    assume that they are running sweaty builds ALL THE TIME. im talking dead hard, DS, borrowed time, etc. always assume its a 4man SWF with sweaty builds and play according to it. during the game, if someone has say calm spirit make a mental note that they have CS.

    in general? expect survivors to be horrible the higher the rank they are. i have met a few nice red ranks before, but its a drop in the ocean. they will wait for you at the gate to waste time, they will click flashlights, teabag, sit on hatch till you come close, everything.

    for killer perks discordinance is a godsend of a perk. 2 survivors working on a gen while a surv is trying to get you to loop? you know where to go to distrupt half the team. think of it like this: "theres one trying to loop me, and 2 on a gen, one MIA. lets deal with the two, and get hooks going".

    most important advice? disregard being 'toxic'. if they run sweat perks, teabag, click flashlights etc. you have every right to run 'toxic builds', to tunnel, and if the game has went poorly (5 gens done, gates open, 1 on hook) feel free to camp the hook for some points. entitled survs think that they can be scummy and get away with it. prove them wrong my friend, and drink their tears from the tallest chalice.

  • Member Posts: 1,289
    edited August 2020

    When a killer challenges me I see myself as Madea😂.

  • Member Posts: 1,201
    edited August 2020

    Observe and exploit a weakness there is always a weakness. 9/10 it's slugging.

    Post edited by whammigobambam on
  • Member Posts: 7,976
    edited August 2020

    Best thing is to not focus on strong survivors. Divide your attention untill you find a weaker looper

    If they follow you and click their flashlights that's just free pressure of gens for you, ignore them and focus on the ones who actually progress their escape

    If you don't have to lunge, don't lunge. That will prevent those misses

    Learning how to mindgame and chase will be important for you cause you're playing killers who rely on their m1 game

    It will be though at first but it's a skill that help alnost every killer so it's worth learning

    Most important of all babysteps. Don't focus on winning the game at first. Focus on winning chases as soon as possible.

    Some other small tips that helped me

    In general if bloodlust hits and you don't see a hit incoming soon it's time to pressure gens

    In most circumstances, especially early game, you don't want to rechase a person you just hit. The speedboost gives them massive distance. If they run in a straight line it takes 20+ seconds to catch up that's 25% of 3 gens. And that's best case scenario ussually they will be able to reach a safe spot and start the looping process again

    Exeption to the rule above is if you know they are running into a deathzone/unsafe zone or when you notice they got stuck somewhere in the speedboost

    Slugging is massive pressure and is vitally important imo. If you down a person and you see someone nearby it's almost always worth it to start chasing them. I know you want to be a nice killer but unlike camping and tunneling, slugging is in my eyes mandatory

  • Member Posts: 907

    If someone is toxic and trying to get attention, just ignore it. One less who is doing gens.

    Most toxic surv will get overconfident and that's the time where you strike. If you need to slug a lot, do it. Don't feel bad for playing dirty. By playing by the rules you are just handicapping yourself. You can even play with NOED. You say you are a babykiller, so NOED is fine for the beginning. But props to you, if you refuse to use it. Like DS, it's a perk which rewards failure, so relying on it, will hurt you in the long term.

    If you think you can handle them, feel free to tunnel give them extra attention.

    I usually ignore the toxic survivors. But if I play Nurse or someone else I'm good with, well they wanted attention, now they get it. Bonuspoints if they complain in endgamechat.

  • Member Posts: 618

    The best way to do it is to glorify their ego by not wasting time with them. As soon as you run to them and they start running you towards a completed gen or their predetermined loop- peel off. Try to find the weakest person on their team and use them as a pawn to snowball the game. It's always about gaining control over the situation. Put them into a position where they have to make a move that puts them at risk. Never play their game, make them play yours.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    usually when I get “toxic” survivors I play the same as before, if I get a message I just respond with GG rapidly until they shut up sometimes unless the excuse is funny enough

  • Member Posts: 649

    Don't play by their rules. The moment they start being toxic litle ######### stains they lose the right to complain about anything. Camp and especially tunnel the living crap out of them, no mercy.

    And this is coming from a guy who will gladly let them all escape if it was a fun game

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    Lol, deal with them like you would to random survivors

  • Member Posts: 5

    First of all, thank you all for your feedback.

    My last game as the killer was yesterday and it honestly made me rage quit it. I'm a person that gets easily triggered when it comes to video games, and I really hate the fact that some survivors are just treating you like crap the whole game.

    I really was playing nice, I wanted to try the doctor but I still don't have BBQ, Corrupt Intervention or Pop Goes The Weasel so I get gen-rushed easily. I'm literally playing with trash-thier perks atm because I don't have all the killers but I'm trying my best not to rely on the perks for now.

    There was a Dwight who was clik-clicking me the whole game, I was dumb enough to chase him because I knew that that's what he wanted but I still did go for it and lost 2 gens because of that. At some point, I downed a Claudette and I stayed near her because I wanted to secure my kill even though I really don't wanna play like a toxic killer, at the moment I really felt like I should do that. They obviously saved her with BT and they started t-bagging me so I just quit the game because I was really mad.

    One of them messaged me (I'm playing on console) "Imagine camping someone and still lose the kill? GG Ez"

    Yeah of course it's easy, you're a rank 1, probably with hours and hours of gameplay (I started the game 7 months ago) running DS, BT and Dead Hard and you're still crying about a rank 16 trying to secure one kill. (I still wasn't playing with NOED)

    Most of you are right about that, I think if you play the nice guy and play by their rules they're just gonna take advantage of it. It made me think of all the time where I was in a survivor game and the killer was tunneling someone in particular because he trolled the killer. Now I totally understand lmao

  • Member Posts: 275

    M O R I

  • Member Posts: 5

    It crossed my mind, but I hate being moried so I don't want to use that. I'm way too nice lol

    Or maybe I should use the green one, so I can mori the one survivor that was really annoying me the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Nemesis + Rancor + Slugging. I pick my obsession and slug it till it bleed to death or till Rancor activate. If survivors dont do generators or they do it too slow, I tank a pallet to activate a new obsession and continue to slug and cook Rancor.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Just try and ignore the type that wants your attention because chances are they are god loopers. Try to hit them once and leave them if you can and if you can't leave them immediately. Try to find the weeker players and focus them. Always try to face walls or suddenly change direction when picking survivors up to counter flashlight saves or just bait picking up to see if someone is around. And most importantly don't let them get the better of you. If you tilt you'll make mistakes. Laugh it off and focus the weaker ones.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Just laugh it off. You are encountering what people who mainly play Killers already know. There are LOTS of Toxic Survivors (way too many) but few Toxic Killers. That is why it is such a shock to you. When was the last time you had a Killer after game taunt, insult and bully you? I've NEVER had it happen to me. I don't know anyone who has. Do you see my point? So, just laugh it off. They are creeps and bad sports. Like mosquitoes, we will never be free of them. You just learn to swat or ignore them.

  • Member Posts: 621

    I kill them. If im ghost face i teabag, if I play as any other killer I just move on. Sometimes when im in the mood i let them bleed for a few minutes before hooking the last.

    If i sense a 4 stack i do this more often because im wasting not one persons time but 4 at once :)

  • Member Posts: 354

    I remember it's just a game, if they want to teabag me and flashlight me then I'll give them a love tap when I get them on hooks, or if you got a survivor cleary wanting your attention, completely ignore them, they came into the match wanting to being a poo, just ignore them and give them a crappy game 🤣 when I get a survivor clicking away at me I just act like they dont exist .

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    This is good advice right here. If people want you to chase them, dont. If they dont want you to chase them, do. It is hilarious how many survivors will try to get in the way if they realize that you are not interested. They will give easy hits and waste their own and their teams time.

  • Member Posts: 1,289

    I main both sides but what about if they weren’t bagging.I know when I play as a survivor sometimes the few killers who can also bag do it to none baggers.

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    I commit and when I down them, I walk right over their body and slug them to death. Toxocity is not a good way to play against a petty ######### like me.

  • Member Posts: 440

    If someone is toxic during the match to me and the game is over, I let them bleed out for almost the entire bleed out timer before picking them up and hooking them. If I know for a fact someone in the lobby is toxic, I straight d/c during the loading screen and send them back to the queue lol. I get a lobby as soon as i press triangle, that's definitely not true for survivors, SWF especially, on PS4

  • Member Posts: 266
  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Personally I briefly study all survivors I come across. If someone tbags at the start of the game clicking their flashlight I expect them to run Dead Hard and Decisive Strike since both perks are easy to use and very impactful.

    I wouldn't ignore them right off the bat as some of them are just acting like big shots when in reality they're quite average so don't give up immediately just because they make it to 1 window and tbag behind it.

    If they make multiple good reads and jukes drop the chase and look for the weak link. There's (almost) always a survivor or even two survivors who are clumzy and easy to catch. Once you get rid of them you got all the time in the world to chase the "toxic survivor".

    If you happen to come across an optimal team of 4 god loopers you will most likely lose, though. In that case just remember the game is not "controllable" as many things are completely out of your hands (map, map layout, rng, kobes, fps drops during a chase, survivor builds that happen to perfectly counter your build by coincidence, sound bugs etc.).

    The game is AND always will be luck based to some degree.

  • Member Posts: 827

    I play on PS4 in case anything differs on your platform.

    I look in the lobby and see if their gamertags have a theme (such as a name then (-) then numbers, all have xx or DD etc), I've found most toxic teams run thematic names. If so which ever killer I'm using I immediately equip NOED.

    If you happen to be Myers, hurry and equip these add-ons: scratched mirror and boyfriend's memo and an ebony Mori if you feel particularly evil lol.

    This gives you the ability to see their aura's when you hold the stalk button. It keeps you in evil within 1 so you have no terror radius and the bfs memo allows you to lunge attack (somewhat) . I've yet to have a toxic team have more than 1 survivor escape (usually through the hatch), but I've had an entire red rank gen rush group quit as soon as I Mori their looper after hooking him in about 25 seconds. (It feels GREAT after they click flashlights and t bag to hook them so quick lol)

    If they end up not being toxic, I usually hook them once then just use the build to jump-scare them til the end and let them go.

    This is the only build I have found to counter the really toxic teams.

    Using deathslinger with NOED and blood warden will usually get me 1 kill against them.

  • Member Posts: 6

    OMG I'm so glad to have run into this thread! I resonate with your situation so much @ClaudetteQLF! I'm quite a n00b to DbD since I only got it last Halloween. I main Survivor, so I only play as a Killer to do my dailies n tome challenges. So ofc my killer rank is 20 n most of my killers are still lv 1. Somehow I mostly got matchmade with higher rank survivors who apparently are also toxic AF! I thought a camping/tunneling killer was bad til I experienced these nu species of scum in the form of toxic survivors! I play nice as in I'm simply doing my challenges. If my daily is to destroy gens then that's what I do. I don't even bother chasing em. If my daily is to hit em then I hit em then let em run off. But even after all this I'm getting teabagged n clicky clicked. I try to ignore em ofc, but just like you I'm easily triggered with toxic f*cks in gaming too! I had to rage quit earlier cuz I'm uber pissed! Now I'm hellbent on trying to get toxic perks to counter em asap. I might've to hold off prestiging my survivor just to level up more killers for their teachable perks. I kinda wanna get Freddy for Blood Warden, too bad it's teachable at lv 40 which means 1 mil BP sighh..

  • Member Posts: 94

    most if not all survivor that click flashlights wants your attention. while chasing someone else, if they follow you, forget about them. franklin demise or lightborn is good against them. tracking and information are powerful abilities. bamboozle are powerful against shack and some other loops.

    avoid looper, hunt and tunnel the weaker. generators can be boring for flashlight survivor, so use them as an advantage. mori is an option if you are not comfortable.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Looks like everyone here gets bullied and have just caved in with clever excuses. Lol Respond to me if you still read this thread and I’ll hook you up! (No pun intended.)

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I try my best to ignore them and play normally.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    "My question is, how do you deal with toxic survivors ?"

    I play so scummy their mothers have to pick up the pieces afterwards. No but if I can I do let them bleed out, close hatch in face and that stuff. It's not much but you do what you can.

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