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Resident Evil? Fan made chapter

it would be amazing to have Resident Evil chapter.

when the first resident evil game came out it brought fear, horror, and violent fantasy's to life. so i think that it should be brought in dead by daylight.

New Survivor - Rebecca Chambers

a S.T.A.R.S bravo team rookie

Her first mission she managed to escape the train station and then manage to show up at the Spencer mansion to find none of her teammates in the unsettling mansion fulled with terrifying monster. Her attempt to survive. She will have to face the nightmares. Because of this unfortunate event, it's made an evil spirit also known as the Entity to take notice.

now Rebecca wakes up into a new never-ending nightmare by the entity realm, to an old place that she wish that she hope to never return.

New Map - The Spencer mansion

an nightmarish mansion that explode has came back in fog of the entity realm, now making sure the survivors see a new nightmare come to reality, With an dark fate lurking in every corner and a new sound coming from inside.

New Killer - Lisa Tevor / The experiment

Lisa father work with umbrella only to be used to create the mansion then was killed. after three days umbrella abducted lisa and her mother to be part of an sadistic human experiments at the mansion. Her mother made plans to escape from the mansion but she was captured and killed. Lisa went searching for her mother but instead she found her burial and her's father. This made her mutate with the virus umbrella injected her with. also made her a new form that made her went killing every employs and anybody she found in the mansion. For they are interrupting her parent peace. But missing her parents and being tournament by theirs death, she found the bodies of her mother and father. she took their faces and sew it on to her so she won't be alone again. When the mansion explode, she thought that she will finally be at peace with her family. but nothing will change her of what she had become. Now she will protect her family sew on face's in this new strange realm.

Thank you for reading.

sorry for the spelling and wording


  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    There ain't really much to critique here.

    I mean, RE would be cool, sure, but the issue isn't that the license is bad, the issue would be gameplay, and there's not much to go off of here.