Iridescent head

Hey everyone!
(before you read this, I just want to tell you that I'm killer main, Billy main (what a shocker)).
I think that this add on on Huntress should just not exist.
Let me explain my point of view.
Not every killer has the ability to one-shot without perks, so let's name them.
-Myers (who actually needs time to charge his EW3 and will eventually stop without add ons)
-Leatherface (his chainsaw is not usable all the time (windows or pallets for example) and still dodgable)
-Billy (Everyone agrees that you need a lot of training to be good with his chainsaw, and still struggle against good players)
Now let's name killers who can one-shot with add ons.
I don't think that Redhead's Pinky Finger is abusive, because it doesn't effect you directly. The killer still have to hit you to get you down.
I also don't think that the honing stone is abusive, because it's situational: if someone who's on the other side of the map step in a trap, then his friends can still get him up while the killer is on his way.
So basically
The iridescent head allows to one shot simply by using your power.
It's like if Nurse had an add on which allows her to one-shot a survivor each time she blinks successfully.
It's like if Freddy could one shot a survivor each time he pulls him in the dream world.
It's like if wraith could one shot a survivor each time he uncloaks and hits successfully or like if Doc could one shot a survivor each time he shockes a survivor right before a hit.
It's like if Amanda could one shot everytime she makes a successful ambush.
It's like if Hag could one shot after she teleports to a trap.
I think I named everyone
What I propose:
I don't see why a killer should be more priviledged than the others (about their add ons of course. That's a good thing they reworked on Hag, which is one of my favourite killers).
So, either we should create add ons that allow the things I mentionned up there;
or it needs to disappear.
I'm open to any reaction.
@guest602 said:
Now let's name killers who can one-shot with add ons.
I don't think that Redhead's Pinky Finger is abusive, because it doesn't effect you directly. The killer still have to hit you to get you down.
I also don't think that the honing stone is abusive, because it's situational: if someone who's on the other side of the map step in a trap, then his friends can still get him up while the killer is on his way.>
What I propose:
I don't see why a killer should be more priviledged than the others (about their add ons of course. That's a good thing they reworked on Hag, which is one of my favourite killers).
So, either we should create add ons that allow the things I mentionned up there;
or it needs to disappear.
I'm open to any reaction.The only difference for clown is he needs to directly get up on the survivor while huntress can do it from any distance would be the main difference.
As for a suggestion I have an idea:
Similar to how mint rag can have a cooldown for 15 seconds make it so the huntress can have hatchets which can go through objects, but only as a cooldown and it would not be an insta down. I think it would make for real cool through the wall shots in some buildings and it wouldn't be overpowered because it would have a cooldown effect. Also the hatchet can't pass through more than one object. For example: The hatchet can go through one wall, but not two. Can go through one truck, but not two. As for the cooldown, I don't know how long it should be, but it should be between 20 - 40 seconds. The cooldown is up to the person thinking about the idea and their perspective on it.The issue with this idea^^:
The devs would have to go through every map and work out all the collisions with the hatchet which would take a very very long time..0 -
Yeah idk if you saw my edit that I made at the very bottom just as you posted, but the issue would be to long to implement imo, but I could be wrong.
Indeed the aspect of the one shot is gone and if you are getting looped if you predict where they are on the loop just chuck a hatchet through the object and hit them. It will make survivors have to dodge in the open more instead of relying on big circles..
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@Zanfer said:
Yeah idk if you saw my edit that I made at the very bottom just as you posted, but the issue would be to long to implement imo, but I could be wrong.
Indeed the aspect of the one shot is gone and if you are getting looped if you predict where they are on the loop just chuck a hatchet through the object and hit them. It will make survivors have to dodge in the open more instead of relying on big circles..
Sorry, I didn't saw your edit
There was a time when Huntress could hit survivors through the killer shack walls, so maybe they could use it?
But Idk after all, I'm not a game dev0 -
I think because Huntress has the range advantage it does make it slightly more powerful than the others.
What if they change it so instead of instant down it puts the survivor into borrowed time state?.
I think it's called the bleed out timer2 -
My idea if it were ever to be changed would be to have it trigger a bleedout timer like burrowed time instead of insta-downing and remove the inventory penalty.
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@DepravedKiller @Onandaga I also approve your ideas. I'm happy I'm not the only one having this opinion about iridescent heads
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It’s already had a nerf, and it’s an ULTRA RARE It’s supposed to be powerful0
Pink hatchets are super easy to dodge though. And when you use them you are FORCED to use a belt, else you only get 1 hatchet. Babushka/Braid is a far more powerful combo, heck just using one of them is better than pink hatchets in most cases. They aren't as good as you make them out to be, your say you play killer go ahead and try it at red ranks and see for yourself how weak they really are.