I love the new matchmaking! No more stress as killer anymore :)

Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I usually like to walk to the other side of the map as survivors are on hook (and watching their teammates let them go to stage 2 of the sacrifice).

Also enjoy the ez chases, where survivors run * at* the killer instead of away and drop the shack pallets super early


  • MidniteWolfy
    MidniteWolfy Member Posts: 28

    Solo survivor is just 99 losses 1 win now. Especially with the hag? Whaaat, hags are like birthday celebrations now.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Hang in there, it does get better. A lot of loops have very specific counters that you only learn by watching other killers on youtube or through experience. I'd recommend playing survivor for a bit if you get tired of killer. Being a good survivor makes you a better killer and vice versa.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    My plan is/was to play as one until Rank up, then switch to the other. Figure that's the way I can be the best player I can.

    Problem is, Survivor, all I do is get pitted against Rank 1-4 killers who 75% of the time go on to get perfect games... at least as Killer, I'm fairly certain the Survivors had fun schooling my potato ass.

    As Survivor? I screw up the game for the other 3 and not only don't have fun, I feel bad.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    My plan was the rank up 1 for 1 as Killer and Survivor - unfortunately, it's even worse on Survivor. I get thrown into games vs. Rank 1-4 Killers with 3 other Rank 1-5 survivors. Killer goes on to dominate 75% of the time.

    At least as Killer, the 4 survivors mostly seem to have a good time regardless. Dominating a potato is still fun in its own way - speaking from experience in other games. As a Survivor, I make the other 3 players on my team have a miserable time... and not only don't have fun but feel bad after.

    I might just stick to watching this game rather than playing it, at least until they fix whatever is going on.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Honestly if they were smart they'd do what Overwatch does. 10 placement matches and then it would assign you to a 'league' (bronze, silver, gold, platinum, etc) Right now with everything being invisible nobody knows how or why they're placing and that's not gonna help them in the long run. They have data on their side - cool - but what does that mean to a player, new or vet? Not a whole lot.

    This is a grind game, and everything resets on the 13th of each month. (rank) So unless you play a ton there's no real way to keep survivor and killer at a high rank. You'll play one role a lot and drop rank on the other.

    I highly recommend approaching this game like you have shiny object syndrome. Does it feel fun to do in the moment? Just go ahead and do it. Planning can lead to frustration when the other players don't cooperate. I'm just a tad experienced and I do my rifts killer side first because god forbid I bring a key into the match, that killer will be giving me the kissy face all match.

    Obviously don't stress yourself out over the game. What I do is I have youtube open and Dead by Daylight as an icon on my hotbar and sit my mouse cursor on it and relax until I see the lobby fill in the minimized window. When you just focus hard on this game it can be a bit salt inducing.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I feel that pain. I ran a Wraith for 5 gens yesterday and was the only one sacrificed. I went in for Relic Veneration, I didn't even have time to find a chest. At least everyone else got out relatively unscathed. There really should be a rule. 15 second chase? Go after someone else that's out of position. D: I'm good, but I have my limits.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    Completely fair and reasonable. Honestly, I was having a lot of fun at first - who cares if you lose, it's pretty damn exciting. But now around my 20th game with basically no end of impossible games vs. 10x better players (most Rank 1-5, lowest I saw tonight was 8), it stops being fun because you start getting frustrated which makes you play even worse... and your already so far behind everyone skill-wise, if you aren't 100% sweaty and focused, you are a complete joke. I'll watch some vids, try again in a few weeks, hopefully after they fix the bugs in their system.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    I wonder how many new players will never ever touch DbD again due to the new MMR system. Things like this shouldn't happen.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    There's a lot of luck in this game, you can be really skilled and have the map stacked/pallet generation/etc stacked against you. As survivor you can have a nooblet throw down all the pallets instantly and there won't be any pallets when you get into a chase, or the game will decide survivors need the strongest protections when you're rolling in as killer. To my understanding they're working on a fix already.

    I casually float between low red and high purple so you're in my play range, which means I can 1,000% guarantee you that even though you think survivors and killers are good at that level, they're not. We're all complete scrubs. Honestly I'd just focus on getting as many bloodpoints as you can. Self Care grants you skill checks that gives you points btw. There's all sorts of little boosters in different perks too.

    Take your time with it.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Yes, matchmaking is certainly in need of optimization but I don't know.....something tells me you went really, really, REALLY hard on them too.

    After 1394 hours played I know one thing for certain, there is no way for any killer to keep all 4 playing survivors below 6K bloodpoints without some insane tunneling, slugging, passive camping and every other questionable trick in the book.

    You getting only 17,371 points in a 4K win tells the additional story and how this match most likely went down.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited August 2020

    My mmr seems to sort its self out after 5 games with a new killer

    I get 2 to 3 games with rank 20s as a r1 killer, then it shoves me with some 4 man red rank swf and just floats between purples and reds after.

    Perhaps it is the lower playerbase here?

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Am i the only rank 1 survivor that is now getting baby killers. And I feel so bad for like winning against them. I feel like we’re exes and we belong together but we don’t really like each other but we know we should be together.

    *cough cough* nancy and steve

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    same, almost every match. Same problem, when I play killer. Boring games 😕

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940

    Yeah, let's stomp Rank 20's. That's so fair as well and new Survivors will definitely keep their Motivation.

    We are in the excact same Situation as before just the other Way around.

  • TheLegionMain
    TheLegionMain Member Posts: 7

    Everybody saying the MMR system doesn't work... that's like my second or third match after the MMR was in the game