Killer Concept: The Swashbuckler!

Mimir Member Posts: 4

                                 Picture Credits go to:

The Swashbuckler


William Davidson has been born and raised on a ship. The waves have always been his home, the salt of the ocean his companion. "The Dreaded Mistress", that's what they called the beauty which rode the seas for them. Who "they" were? A band of pirates, mostly targetting ships of wealthy traders but occasionally robbing and pillaging the villages along the shore. William had grown up as the son of the captain and has always been prestiged for being more brutal than the average, even for pirate standards. Whenever he wasn't seen on deck, he was lying in some woman's arms, drinking booze or pokering for his well-earned booty. Until one day, Captain Davidson died and William had to take his place instead. From that day on, the course of the "Dreaded Mistress" went south, literally. They began pillaging more than ever before, becoming more ruthless, more dangerous and also more risk-loving than ever. Until one day where the new Captain went onto a journey that nearly cost half of the crew their lives. After that, they didn't trust the captain anymore and decided, he had to go. After a long and bloody fight, they finally got him shackled and onto the plank. But as the captain walked the plank, he swore a deathly curse. And before he touched the waves he felt a dark, deep mist manteling him. The Crew members watching down into the ocean didn't see any body or anything, really, as if the captain had never existed.. Until this day, he is searching his revenge on unsuspecting survivors in the realms of the entity.


The Swashbuckler, in life and in death, wields the scimitar of his father, an old but sharpened blade.

Terror Radius:

32 Metres




4.6 m/s


The Swashbuckler always has his bottle of booze ready. In times of need, the Booze can be consumed by pressing the Power Button. The Swashbuckler's hip flask fills up every X (Thinking 40 / 45?) seconds. Drinking his booze grants the Swashbuckler the following bonuses:

• The Swashbucklers Speed is increased to 5.0 m/s.

• The Swashbuckler becomes resistant to Stuns by Pallets and Flashlights. (-50% Duration)

• The Swashbuckler vaults windows at an increased speed. (50% faster)

• The Swashbuckler's vision becomes slightly blurred and he starts wiggling slightly (Strafes left and right, nearly as strong as when carrying a wiggling survivor)

This effect lasts for 10 seconds.

When this effect ends, the Swashbuckler has to vomit, incapacitating him for 2 seconds, rendering him unable to move, attack or act otherwise. (Similar to Nurse's Blink Fatigue, with looking down)


Hex: Cursed Gold

A Hex that grants its controller wealth beyond recognition. The gained wealth comes at a prize, though. This Hex Totem starts with 4/5/6 Gold Coins (/Tokens) attached to it. The Killer can offer one Gold Coin to the entity to help them by pressing the Active Ability Button while within 5 metres of the object. The Effect of the Gold Coin depends on what the Killer's View has hovered over when pressing the button:

• The selected window gets blocked by the entity for 15 Seconds.

• The selected Generator instantly loses 10% of progression and starts regressing.

• The selected pallet (has to be dropped) gets destroyed by the entity after a one second delay. (Indicator for survivors would be a cannon shot sound when initiated that signals the pallet is getting shot by a cannon.)

X marks the spot!

After long years of hard work you learned how to protect your booty against thieves. The trial starts with 1 extra lootable chest but the content of 2/3/4 chests are haunted. Whenever a survivor finishes the search action, they scream, revealing their location and gaining the Exposed status effect for 15/20/25 seconds. Because you actually amassed a good amount of treasures during your time, the content of 1 chest chosen at random is guaranteed to be of Very Rare quality.

Siren's Call

The Game starts with one extra generator which is placed there as a bait by the entity and which looks exactly like any other generator. The Killer can identify this generator by its orange aura. Whenever a Survivor starts working on said generator, the Generator has its aura highlighted for 4 / 5 / 6 seconds. If this generator is actually repaired to full, one other generator chosen at random becomes blocked by the entity for the rest of the trial.

Map Idea:

The Map for the Swashbuckler would be some kind of harbor-y surrounding. There could be some landmark buildings like a rotting tavern, a stable for pigs, maybe a blacksmith's building. Some narrow alleys, some main streats, maybe even a small pier-like structure. A bit like the Deathslinger map as in "Haunted, abandoned town"-style but with pirate-flair.


  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    In my opinion...

    The Killers Power:

    Seams like a drunken Legion but has the downsides to counter its upsides and is quite original.

    The Killers Perks:

    - Hex: Cursed Gold - I don't believe this is broken enough to be a hex but will work as a regular perk.

    - X marks the spot! - Only change would be to make the untraped chest only spawn in the basement.

    - Siren's Call - Just give it a white to yellow aura and it will work.

    The Map:

    I would like a ship loop in the map. Like two docks have access to the ship which has a pallet and may have a gen.

    But this is all my opinion you can take or leave any part of it.

  • Tsair
    Tsair Member Posts: 49

    The killer idea is fairly interesting, and it's hard to tell how strong he would be. I'd be thinking around B tier, but it would be hard to say. At optimal play, I feel like he'd use his power just before landing a hit, or just after recovering from it, to follow up with another. I like the idea, it's hard to tell where it lies on the power scale without seeing it in play.

    As for the perks, the cursed gold one sounds very interesting. I feel that the targeting may be a bit difficult to enable on mechanics side, though if implemented perfectly it would be a very interesting and useful perk, while not being overly oppressive.

    X is very cool as a risk/reward gameplay idea. Honestly, I would suggest including a 'rare or better' item in every chest, to entice survivors into doing it even more after they know the threat.

    Siren's call feels a bit too problematic. It's basically a win-the-game instantly perk, as if someone is completes the gen, they have wasted 80 seconds of gen time somewhere else, blocked off another gen that may currently be getting worked up thus wasting another up-to-80-seconds, and you know where they are, meaning you will likely get a down. This would put the survivor team way too far behind for something with no indicator. Perhaps if the fake gen had no skill checks? It would be a very interesting mental game then.