My take on the Springtrap in dbd. (Don't let up Fnaf Fans :D)



  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Okay listen I'm tired okay, I don't want hear any negativity right now, I am stressed AF, I am not been in a great mood today. SO can you please leave me be. I just ahd a rpugh day, I just want Springtrap into the game period, end of discussion goodbye( Again I'm sorry I'm just tired, Its been very stressful today, I hate it when people think fnaf is childish in where I think its not, It holds a persoanl place in my heart and seeing hate hurts a lot

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    another one ok .

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    You have some compression issues. The FNaF community is toxic, childish and immature, but does that mean all of them are? No. THAT is what I was saying.

    These posts really show the need for better reading compression skills.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    You do realize pretty much every licensed character we have has powers different from what they generally do in their licensed content, right? You mention both Myers and Freddy. Myers didn't stalk people to build up his killing power. Hell, the majority of his victims were actually rather random with no real thought put into their killings. Freddy doesn't have any power that lets him pull people into a dream world and he's not known for using blood pool snares or illusionary pallets.

    While you're right that a killer's power should fit their character, I don't think anybody was suggesting anything otherwise. The problem is people who say Springtrap is only about jumpscares so he can't do anything else. That's a ridiculous statement for two reasons. First, that's what most slasher films highly utilize so it's a double standard to attack FNaF but not the rest of the licenses we have that use jumpscares. Second, anybody capable of actually thinking things through realizes that Springtrap doesn't actually kill or attack people with jumpscares; that's just how FNaF executes a game over. Springtrap's primary means of attack is by using the strength of the suit Afton has become one with which is significantly stronger than a human. I don't know if Springtrap itself has a signature kill style anymore, but Afton preferred killing by trapping his victims into animatronic suits and then puncturing the victim with all the suit's mechanical parts.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    holy christ, let this topic die!

    I'm am all for springtrap, but bringing it up every 2 seconds adds more people to the opposed category! it's annoying seeing these posts all the time. if we shut up about it, we'll have a better chance. so take that to heart and silence thyself

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    There have been countless threads suggesting powers for Springlock. While they're somewhat buried now, it really shouldn't be hard to find some to read. But if you don't want to do that, here's some power ideas.

    • Placing traps that cause jumpscares to pop up and cover a significant amount of the survivor's vision for a set amount of time so they can't see where they're running from the center of their screen as well as making them scream.
    • Have music boxes in the game that survivors occassionally need to wind. All music boxes refresh the same timer. If the music boxes goes too long without being wound, then the puppet attacks and downs the survivor who's gone the longest without winding the box and screams letting the killer know where they went down.
    • The ability to summon a random FNaF animatronic into the game for a set time that each require a unique interaction style or else they attack the survivors.
    • Afton can get in and out of his suit with a time consuming animation. While he's out of the suit, the suit itself wanders around on its own and attacks in the general area it was taken off in, but Afton outside of the suit is much slower.

    As for his weapon, it's quite obvious that the animatronic suit is the most logical choice.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited August 2020

    I'll try.

    The Springtrap

    Move Speed: 115%

    TR: 24m

    Height: Tall

    Weapon: Hands (Hes a giant robot, blunt force would hurt a lot I'd imagine)

    Power: Springlock suit

    He starts the trial with 4 Springlock suits. He can put one on a downed survivor, it functions as an alternate hook. Survivors will bleed out unless saved by someone else. They will bleed out slower than they would on hook. Upon being saved survivors will still have the suit on. Their aura will be hidden from other survivors and they will make more noise until the suit is removed, downing a survivor whilst they're wearing a suit will essentially hook them again. It can be removed by going to a new interactable "Terminal", they will play a small skillcheck minigame and throw it off. The ability as a whole somewhat functions like a mix between Pig and PH.

    Ability: Perception Altering Disc

    Springtrap can place 3 discs in any location he chooses. It will emit a 32 meter range in which all noise will be cut off from survivors, including terror radius. In this range Springtrap is undetectable and all survivors will look like Springtrap. Survivors can disable these discs by sabotaging them. After which Springtrap won't be able to place another for a moderate time.

    Addons can be based on how many suits he can hold at a time, what effects survivors are under while in a suit, how long his disc cooldown is, how many discs he can hold at a time, ect.

  • letsgomine25
    letsgomine25 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2020

    People: Fnaf is a kid game.

    Fnaf: a story of murdering kids, getting ur insides ripped out to have another possessed being crawl inside of you, being possessed, being impaled by metal pieces while showing the man bleeding out slowly and painfully. Death. Carnage. Kids game?

    I'm not in to fnaf but I know at least these parts. And as a parent I disagree that this is a kids game. Even if the cutscenes are pixelated it can still be traumatizing. Just seeing the blood or the little kids head getting crushed can still harm a child. That doesn't mean kids don't play it. Markiplier is not meant for kids but most of his subscribers are 8-10 yrs old. Sooooo....

    Post edited by letsgomine25 on
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I see this argument all the time, all that lore you're talking about is locked behind an 8-bit minigame that isn't graphic at all.

  • OkKiLLer
    OkKiLLer Member Posts: 118

    This Topic has been beat around enough JUST LET IT DIE.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    It's target audience is kids. They signed with Scholastic, a kids book only publisher, to publish the fnaf books instead of a publisher that doesnt focus on kids books and that's why fnaf is found in the kids section/elementary school book fairs.

    Harry Potter is a kids story about Voldemort trying for years to kill Harry, a kid, and multiple kids get maimed or killed in the series. There's Scary Stories which has multiple stories filled with gore and death. There's Watership Down which is just rabbits being killed in gruesome ways (YouTube carnage count). Oddly enough those three examples parents groups have complained about being targeted towards kids BUT they're all still found in kids section/elementary school book fairs. Parents groups haven't complained about fnaf being targeted toward kids, which seems to point to them being OK with kids being the target audience for fnaf.

    Anything where the target audience is kids, not just fnaf, should not be added to an adult targeted game like DBD. Even with kids playing the game now DBD can use the defense "it's an adult game with DLC from adult licenses, kids should not be playing it." They lose that defense the moment they add any kid targeted license and parents groups will demand DBD be more kid friendly.

  • joshuashep22
    joshuashep22 Member Posts: 236

    I just love it when the simple minded dbd community do a single google search and see a topic that says "fnaf is a cash grab and the community is awful" then use that as a simple excuse for him not to be in the game, and to prove how ignorant the dbd community can be some of the two common arguments against him are: "we have never seen him move" *fnaf 3 vr wants to know you location* "there is no survivor to base off of* in recent teases we see a female guard who seems to be the protagonist of a new fnaf game, TL;DR: don't make arguments that hold no weight and do your research.