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Overall Concerns and Feedback

My Father and I Play this game, ALOT, and we are on opposite sides of the spectrum, he likes playing survivor, i like playing Killer, Overall, the game is pretty decently ran, but As ive noticed so far, and im pretty sure everyone else has.

That the Killer Side of things seem to be Babied alot more than the Survivors, and thats simply because

At the higher rankings

Survivors tend to kick Killer's Asses and At the lower rankings, Killers tend to kick the Survivors' asses.

Now when i say Higher Rankings i mean like 10 or up, 17 is when you start to see a shift in the Survivor Skill Curve, but anything below that and the Killers Will dominant the Rankings.

im personally a Lower ranked Killer (my highest so far has been rank 14) but even then, its noticably More difficult at the higher rankings for Killers and my dad and i have been thinking there should be some Killer Tweaks. 
(im a console player so alot of the issues on Console arent on PC)

For Starters, Make the Doctor Behave like he does on PC, instead of having him where he is now
(On PC he has to be in Treatment mode AND be looking at you for madness to increase, On Console you have to be within his terror radius for it to take effect)

Remove or Reduce 2 of the Pig's Powers, or adjust her hitbox for her attacks, wether it be the Traps, the Crouch or the dash.
(Currently The Pig Can crouch, And then dash at over sprint burst like speeds for a solid 1 and a half seconds)

Reduce the Range of Nurses Calling from 20/24/28 to 12/16/20
(I've had times, playing as the nurse where ive been chasing someone, only to watch them start healing at the edge of nurses calling's radius and ill blink to them instantly, downing them)

For the Trapper, if he steps in his own Bear Trap, Give him a debuff that reduces his Movement speed by 5% for 15 seconds
(Punishment for those who dont pay attention)

If the killer camps, they will start losing Pip Points based on the amount of time they were facecamping or camping,
1 Pip Point for 10 seconds
2 Pip Points for 20 Seconds
and etc
(keep in mind you need around 7 to "safety" at lower levels)
The Terms of camping is within the Average Killer's Terror Radius (which is roughly 20 or so meters)

For Survivors:

Allow Self Care to be a Ability Built Into every survivor.
Give chests a chance to get a "Knife" that Behaves like Decisive Strike But needs a 50% Filled Wiggle Bar to use it, and when you use the "knife" it decreases the speed at which a killer picks up a survivor.

Give Survivors who were just unhooked 1 second of Invinciblity(Like Dead Hard) and a 1 second sprint burst(behaves as if you got hit from the killer)
[This will give Survivors a chance to get away from Camping Killers]


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    So you said Killer's have a hard time at high rank, and you want to include ways for it to be even more difficult for them? Do me a favor and continue your high rank run of Killer and get to around Rank 4.

    AS far as your points, I disagree with all of them.

    Doc has to be looking at you to get madness up? What change is this? Last time I checked being in TR still builds madness. Doctor is a midtier Killer at best that can be overcome quite easily.

    Pig's lunge is completely nullified by Sprint Burst, is destroyed by pallets, and has a huge warning sound.

    Nurse's calling already has short enough range to give you enough reaction to stop healing if they get nearby. NC was already nerfed once.

    Trapper doesn't need a speed debuff. He already eats a stun and drops survivors if he steps in his own trap.

    If Killers lose points for camping, Survivors should lose points for looping. Two sides of the same coin.

    Self care being built into every survivor is insane, is this a troll?

    Absolutely not. The Survivors do not need more second chances.

    Borrowed Time already exists, as well as Kindred. Use them.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Mechkiller3425 said:
    For Starters, Make the Doctor Behave like he does on PC, instead of having him where he is now
    (On PC he has to be in Treatment mode AND be looking at you for madness to increase, On Console you have to be within his terror radius for it to take effect)

    Not sure where you got this info mate, but this is simply not true.

    About the rest... I won't say anything except that I'm not sure we play the same game atm.

  • Mechkiller3425
    Mechkiller3425 Member Posts: 55
    from what ive been told On the PC The doctor has to be LOOKING at you while in treatmode to increase the madness debuff, but i could have been told wrongly,

    Nurses Calling was Originally 32 meters at its highest point, (which is the same as deer stalker), now its 4 meters less, which goes past Normal Killer Terror Radiuses

    The Pig's Kit is overall the most Saturated of all the killers, she has 3 different abilities, Crouching Which effectively makes her Invisible, Reverse Bear Traps which with add ons can kill you before you even get through all the boxes, and a Sprint Burst-Like Dash, on top of her Already extreme Broad Hit boxes for her attacks. As for the warning sound, survivors who arent paying attention will hear the sound but as soon as the sound goes off she will already be running towards you, and if your sprint burst has already gone off youre basically screwed

    Im saying the trapper should get a debuff if he walks in his trap, because thats his fault for doing it, and his fault for not paying attention, not only that but its a bear trap, which if he steps on it while carrying a survivor, fine, but if he steps on it without one he should get punished for it.

    Looping Survivors are incredibly easy to counter, but you cant counter camping killers, and Borrowed Time doesn't effect anything, all it does is allow you to take a second hit while injured, but Survivors who dont have self care will eventually go down which allows Killers running deerstalker to find That survivor, and if they do have self care then killers with nurses calling can just track them again.
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I love one of your suggestion tho :

    @Mechkiller3425 said:
    If the killer camps, they will start losing Pip Points based on the amount of time they were facecamping or camping,
    1 Pip Point for 10 seconds

    So basically, if you hook someone in the basement, you gotta HURRY to get away. Like "QUICK, I NEED TO GTFO", and survivors could actually BLOCK you in the basement to make you to depip, as the hit to force them away would make you take more than 10seconds to get away from the hooked person.
    Now that sounds hilarious.
    I like it.

  • Mechkiller3425
    Mechkiller3425 Member Posts: 55
    Runiver said:

    I love one of your suggestion tho :

    @Mechkiller3425 said:
    If the killer camps, they will start losing Pip Points based on the amount of time they were facecamping or camping,
    1 Pip Point for 10 seconds

    So basically, if you hook someone in the basement, you gotta HURRY to get away. Like "QUICK, I NEED TO GTFO", and survivors could actually BLOCK you in the basement to make you to depip, as the hit to force them away would make you take more than 10seconds to get away from the hooked person.
    Now that sounds hilarious.
    I like it.

    The numbers could be changed but it was just an idea.