Stamina system

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I just put my idea here. In hope this can be used in the future. Or just to have some discussion.

Stamina system

Killers have speed of 110-115. No more blood lust.

Survivors now have Stamina bar:

  • Every 20sec of running, survivors drop 50% of Exhaustion bar, get (-5) speed. Running nonstop for 40sec will deplete Stamina bar. Once deplete, Survivors get Exhaustion status, keep their speed penalty (-10) until their Stamina bar recovered up to 50%.
  • Dying, Walk, Crouch gain Stamina bar, 40sec to fully filled.
  • If Survivors have Exhaustion status, they can not activate Exhaustion perk
  • Requires 30 Stamina to use Exhaustion perk


Healthy / 100 Stamina / Sprint: (105)*1.5 = 157.5

Healthy / 10 Stamina / Walk: (105-5)*0.6 = 60

Injured / 50 Stamina / Run: (105-5-5)*1= 95

Post edited by Rizzo on
