Improvements to pip system for Killers

I think the "Chaser" category should recieve some changes in order to make it more logic. Right now, you loose points if someone gets unhooked while you are close to the hook. I understand this is made to encourage non camping strats but...on "red ranks/high mmr" games a lot of survivors just rush the hook.
I think the killer should not be punished for hook rushing, so I think this category should be as it is but as long as the survivor is on the hook at least 15 seconds, so the killer has time to get to other zone.
The other thing I would change is the hook count system, if the survivor kills himself on the hook, the Killer gets punished because he doesn't get 12 hooks so...change that to be equal as if you hooked 3 times.
Those changes might help the really weird fact off getting black pip after 4k, which basically punishes Killers for being extremely efficient.
pips dont matter anymore.