General Discussions

General Discussions

We need a pallet drop perk

Member Posts: 2,533
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

You know something that allows Survivors to drop pallets quicker. The animation lock for dropping pallets is becoming a problem against the newer Killers like Pyramid Head and Deathslinger. Seems logical to introduce some counterplay. The perk would be something like this:

Drop and Roll

The Pallet Dropping Animation is reduced by 10/15/20%

"Stop, drop and lets roll the hell out of here!"

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  • Member Posts: 139

    It has to be false , that's what I have to deal every day in dbd

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    I think that the only exhaustion perk left is a sprint burst after a pallet drop.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I dont know if it is ballanced or not, but i definitly like the idea.

    Would be also not a bad idea as a killer perk (drop animation slower)

  • Member Posts: 235

    Or like brutal strength where if you stun a killer with a pallet it stuns they for 20/30/40 longer, just a idea

  • Member Posts: 192

    No... just no.

  • Member Posts: 32

    Yeah lets make loops even safer for survivors. That sounds like a super great idea.

  • Member Posts: 158

    Entitled killer main forum not gonna support this. Just go to the facebook pages. Yesterday i saw please nerf spinechill title and %70 of people in this forum think looping is exploit so please discuss your argument another place

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Sincere question: Does Spine Chill affect speed of Pallet drops?

  • Member Posts: 146

    No it doesn't, but affects Vaulting, something i find even better to be honest!

    By the way, full list of perks:

    So if you need to search something fast, CONTROL + F and search a keyword to look for it, i find it pretty useful when i need to search a perk and i don't remember the name but yes what it does!

    Have a nice day!

  • Member Posts: 723

    It would be an interesting and useful perk... but I feel like it would inspire the waste of pallets from low level players LOOOOL (fine trade off if it is a legitimately good and useful perk)

    It's funny because I don't think half of them know what they want. They complain about loopers and players who are in their face not respecting them, and they also complain about immersive Urban Evasion stealth players who prefer that playstyle because they're not good in chases and are more scared of encountering the killer.

  • Member Posts: 651

    If you understand the killer's mecahnics, you know when to drop the pallet earlier or later comapred to other killers. This perk would be just another garbage perk to fill the bloodweb. No thank you.

    I have had no issue dropping pallets against Pyramid head or the Deathslinger, nor should you if you understand how to play them.

  • Member Posts: 473

    Interesting BUT...add exhaustion to it and a cooldown, just to make it fair for both sides

  • Member Posts: 871

    Also give Killers a perk that lets them drop and break an unused pallet after x cooldown. Make conserving pallets apart of the meta again.

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