toxic sfw

Just had a game on Haddonfield as Wraith and it was terrable.Like I couldnt do anything.Windows are so broken on this map and some really broken loops.So anyways they predrop every palet in my face and teabag at the other side and point at me.When I catch them I camped them becouse gates were open.In end game chat I got so many hate like bruh toxic players just spread toxic.I wouldnt have camped the nea and dwight if they werent so toxic.Plus ds,unbreakable abuse and windows abuse were so annoying.I hope this map gets reworked or deleted soon.And small pp survior build gets nerfed.
I don't play Wraith religiously so take this with a grain of salt, but the way i play him is basically a hit and run playstyle, with addons and perks to help that. I don't stay in chases for long, if most people stay injured they're more likely to pre drop the strong pallets, So maybe try Thana, Dying Light /Sloppy, Nurses and some other gen perk.
As for maps, it's not too bad, i find some farm maps worse in terms of strong loops, like the big ass tree with the pallet and wall vault.
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How do you know they were SWF?
Also what Rathoric said. Adjust your playstyle and perks. If you didn't catch Nea until the gates were open, you definitely did something wrong. There's no way it should take 5 gens to catch even the best players